Time is running so Fast ⏳

in blurtindia •  7 months ago 

Assalamualaikum... Hey my Family... How r you all...again here to talk about the most precious thing, that is time...🕛 These days,Time is running so fast, that no time can be found for any other work, especially for one's own work. After all, how long will this time play tricks with Human, Human is seen running behind the time, but he/she is not able to catch the time.... Will life end in this race? The body and mind are so tired now a days that the heart wants to run away to a place where there is no responsibilities, duties and Work....😐
This life is dancing to Human or Human is dancing to life, can't understand anything. Every moment of life is ending but work and responsibilities do not end...The world outside the home is also running so fast that it is difficult to find peace in the outside world also.. Restless Human body forced everyday to done their duties... promptly but...feeling very tired and helpless...
Now a days Humans are restless souls, can't escape from the duties & responsibilities... I think Only GOD's door is left where we can find peace, but don't know when that day and time will come in my life again....Hope it will come soon... inshaALLAH....
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