Days passing like a Setting Sun....Oops

in blurtindia •  8 months ago 

Assalamualaikum...Hey my Family...
What's up...hope all r good and fine...but I am not...🙁 bcs my days are passing like a Setting Sun....busy in daily routine any new work which can boost me in a different way.... Always busy in a routine tasks nd works...even I didn't get any time for myself....Time seems to be running so fast, catching it , has become an impossible task...Days are going like a setting sun, as the days go by I realized What I've done today that I can remember and feel proud of myself tomorrow...
Indeed, the days have become like clay in the hand that cannot be handled and tied with us, I always think...that,in these fast paced days and passing time, what should I do the present day, so that when I remember this time in a future time, I can feel proud of myself... by the days passing... doing routine works, I am not getting that satisfaction which I am badly looking for....
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