ALLAH Swt is the Best Healer, & Superb Companion

in blurtindia •  7 months ago 

Assalamualaikum...How r you all...?
Hope all good and fine... back again here, Today will talk about the Best Healer, Superb pain killer, True Friend and Amazing Companion of Humans...yes ofcourse talking about ALLAH swt...HE ☝🏻 is the Best Friend, Superb Companion and Amazing healer who is removing the pains and worries of Humans in a second, we have to remember HIM in the days of suffering as well as in the days of Happiness, in all the situation we should express our feelings, sufferings,& Problems in front of that PAAK ZAAT, bowing down and tell our troubles and problems in front of someone else will not reduce our sufferings and Problems, bcz the world and the people living in this will not solve our problems, but they will definitely make fun of us behind our back... So Guys instead of saying our worries in front of the people have to tell our problems and worries in front of ALLAH swt...He is the Best Remover of worries and Problems....indeed superb Healer...👌🏻
Make ALLAH swt your best Friend, if a person sincerely wants to make his/her GOD his friend with pure Taqwa,then He will definitely find GOD. We know this better, that this world is mortal and one day it is going to end, & the relationships here will also end one day,but ALLAH swt is the only Entity who lives in the world and will remain after it, Each realation connected with him remains forever...
Fall in Love with ALLAH swt...Every Human being should connect with his Lord from the true depth of their Heart ❤️ and try to strengthen his relationship with Him...tell your silent pains and worries in front of him... Bcz He is the Best Healer....👌🏻👍🏻 Guys, pls vote, like comment and share my blogs with everyone... jazakALLAH hu khairan kaseera... A...Sharaf

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Beshak Allah swt is the best of all the affairs , Alhamdulillah for all the rewards a Allah swt has blessed with

Yes... Alhamdulillah... ShukranALLAH for everything... jazakALLAH for your lovely comment ❤️