The kakori conspiracy

in blurtindia •  4 years ago 

Kakori Conspiracy - The Train Heist at Kakori.jpg

As we know about our Indian independence in 1947, but did we know about 09 August 1925.

The Kakori conspiracy.

It was the biggest conspiracy ever which had been done by Hindustan Republican Association (HRA).

Members of HRA:- Pandit Ram Prasad bismil ji, Rajendra nath lahiri ji, Ashfaqullah Khan sahab,
Sachindra Bakshi Ji, Manmathnath Gupta Ji, Mukundi Lal Ji, Keshab Chakravarty Ji, Thakur Roshan Singh Ji, and many more members who belonged to HRA.

The name of HRA had been changed later to Hindustan Socialist Republican Association(HSRA).

The organization needed money that is why they robbed the train.

On 09 August 1925 at night the train was traveling from Saharanpur to Lucknow and it was approaching Kakori town.

The one revolutionary whose name was Rajendra Nath Lahiri pulled the emergency chain of the train to stop the train. they used just four german mausers. their intention wasn't to kill anyone else, they didn't want to kill anyone. They looted only those money bags which were being transferred to the British. Those bags allegedly belonged to the Indians. They looted 8000 rupees which are equal to approximately 3.5 lakh rupees of today.

But one passenger was killed whose name was Ali unintentionally. But Britishers made it a manslaughter case. Then the Britishers arrested several members of HRA one by one.

Pandit Ram prasad bismil Ji was arrested in Saharanpur on 26th September 1925, And then Ashfaqullah Khan Sahab was arrested in Delhi on 17th July 1926, And Manmathnath Gupta ji, Mukundi Lal ji and many members arrested in Banaras. Sachindra Nath Sanyal Ji, Rajendra Nath Lahiri Ji and many members arrested in Bengal. Ram Dulare Trivedi Ji, Gopi Mohan Ji and many members arrested in Kanpur. Mohan Lal Ji from Lahore, Sachindra Nath Bakshi from Pratap Garh and several freedom fighters were arrested.

Then Britithers sent them to jail, Most of them kept hunger strike.

Most of them were hanged to death and some members had been given the punishment of Kala pani.

Ram prasad bismil Ji, Ashfaqullah khan Sahab and Thakur Roshan Singh were hanged on 19th December 1927.

That conspiracy was a slap on Britishers, that conspiracy was our revenge

They fought against the British rule, they fought against their worst constitution, they fought for freedom, they fought for us.

They did meritorious work. the freedom snatched from Britishers.

So this is about the Kakori conspiracy and hope you liked it.

I will post more things about the History

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