Love story ( Day 8)

in blurtindia •  4 years ago 

Bipin thought that he would bring Madhavilata back to the ashram first, then he would think and decide whether he would ask Mahesh to come and live in the ashram. I spent the day thinking. Bipin has more time to bring Madhavilata within the reach of Sadananda. No. He himself could not understand why he had left the girl in Mahesh's place even though he had decided to bring Madhavilata back. This time, of course, he will make special arrangements for Madhavilata, he himself will be careful, but still be afraid.

Sadananda is a big terrible man (according to Bipin). Sadananda's ability to subdue people. Bipin has been using the ashram for so long, thinking it is an outstanding quality. Today, Bipin does not hesitate to consider that power as something terrible. In the same way that the beneficiaries of science curse science, Bipin has thrown Sadananda into the ranks of the pajis who have finished their work in the same way nowadays. Not only is this disgust for Madhavilata, Sadananda's work is not really done, it seemed that the ashram could be run without Sadananda, but in the name of turning the imagination into action, various fears arise in his mind. .

Any intelligent enthusiastic person can build such an ashram by putting Sadananda in front of him. This is the biggest obstacle now to bid farewell to Sadananda. If Sadananda just leaves, he will be able to run the ashram with more waistband, but he will not be able to start a competition for revenge. Maybe, Bipin can't think of himself as incompetent in any matter, but Bipin doesn't have the courage to create a commotion.

Is Bipin less courageous? Is Bipin a coward?

Madhavilata says so. Say, Bipinbabu? He is a useless coward.

Says Mahesh. Bipin can openly condemn. His annoyance with Mahesh Chowdhury has increased so much that when he sees the man, his fever seems to come on his face nowadays. A few days ago, Madhavilata told Bipin that Mahesh Chowdhury is not a good person. Then he could not bear the company of Bipin. Nowadays, Mahesh Chowdhury's monotonous monotony is monotonous. Bipin suddenly discovers some variation in the jingles. Bipin doesn't comment on Mahesh Chowdhury anymore, he congratulates Bipin on adjectives after adjectives to Mahesh Chowdhury.

Mahesh but five-faced in praise of Bipin. Mahesh never changes his mind about anyone for any reason, at least he does not admit that his perception of someone has changed a bit in praise and condemnation. He does not condemn anyone in the world, once he has praised someone, he always praises him with equal enthusiasm.

After hearing Bipin's adjectives in Madhavilata's face, he analyzed them one by one and proved that Madhavilata had made a mistake. Bipin is a great, generous, self-sacrificing great man Bipin has no rice, he never lies, he is not greedy, he has no comparison to restraint. Mahesh also protested against Bipin's cowardice.

Shaking his head and laughing, Bipinbabu is a coward? What do you say mom! How many people have a chest like him?

Madhavilata says angrily, what have you seen in Bipinbabu! If he is not a coward, then who is a coward? Listen, I say. He is not confident to take you to the ashram for fear of damaging the ashram.

Madhabilata stared at Mahesh Chowdhury's face in a look of deep remorse, as if he had leaked the big words inside his head in anger. Mahesh Chowdhury suddenly became serious. I think, knowing the real word inside, I realized it was gone! But it is clear that he is not the one to lose his temper so easily.

Fear is not a lie Bipinbabu mother! If you give me a place in the ashram, there is a risk of damage to the ashram! I am a great sinner, in contact with me -

Evidence of Bipin's cowardice goes to Fasi. The idea that Bipin runs on rice has become ingrained in my mind, but to give an example, Madhavilata could not remember an example of Bipin's Chalji even after trying so hard. Some of the strongest examples of Bipin's cowardice he can't remember today. There is no doubt that Bipin is a coward, but when and where was he identified as a coward?

It is really a big surprise to think. Bipin, but there is nothing to blame? Lack only of its quality? Does the man's behavior seem so reprehensible that he does not have good qualities at all? In the world, people do not mix good and evil, there is more good in some, less in others, but there is no smell of good in Bipin. So does Bipin feel like a bad guy, even though he can't find the bad part in him? As if the word stands, there is neither good nor bad in the riddle, but is there anything in Bipin? By what standards will people judge him as a human being? Should he be taken as the great man of condemnation and praise?

Bipin is a great man. Even when I think about it, Madhavilata's smile comes. But if Bipin is not judged by the ideas that have arisen in his mind, Bipin's faults and virtues are told to be weighed impartially, Bipin becomes true. Your Excellency.

Bipin is spending his days very embarrassed about his problems, he is not getting much time to get the news of Madhavilata, at a time when Bibhuti came home one day. He has been allowed to return home on the occasion of Mahesh's illness. You can't leave the village without saying no, you will stay at home from sunset to sunrise.

Seeing the boy's face, Bibhuti's mother cried anxiously. Mahesh said, why are you crying? If you sin, you have to make atonement

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