Love story (Day 11)

in blurtindia •  4 years ago 

The day goes by, Bipin does not come from the ashram, no disciple comes. Sadananda Akashpal is upset. The reason why the disciples did not come was not that Sadananda could not have guessed at all. Bipin must have some manipulation. But does he not have a devotee in the ashram who does not listen to any of Bipin's words and feels the need to come and meet him? The face shows his big sadness. Some people think it is serious, some people think it is an impression of deep thought. One who understands that the face of Sadhu Sadananda is looking sad, in that way, why do sadhu-sannyasi people get upset again? Madhavilata shook her head in grief and said, no, the man has no strength of mind.

One day at about eight o'clock in the night, Ratnavali came without any news. There is no one with. Car has walked so far alone with a thick bamboo stick in his hand.

Madhavilata raised her eyes to her forehead and said, how Eli!

Ratnabali laughed and said, I have come.

Madhavilata scoffed and said that she would have come during the day, or with someone—

Hiding that came quietly.

Why, why hide?

Bipinbabu will not drive away from the ashram?

Give it away, you will come here.

Ah, you need to know that first? Without knowing whether I will be able to stay here or not, I can't get rid of the shelter there beforehand.

Ratnabali was smiling from the beginning, this time looking at Hasil Shashadhar.

Many people in the house, a while ago, due to the efforts of Mahesh Chowdhury, a private meeting of everyone in the house has been held in this house. Mahesh has dragged Sadananda to the meeting holding hands and feet. Everyone else is sitting on the huge stool with satranchi, Sadananda is sitting on a lovely seat woven at home in another small stool at some distance. In Sadananda's hut in the ashram, Sadananda used to attend meetings of disciples and devotees from time to time, to discuss among themselves, to ask questions to Sadananda, the devotees had some of these rights, but he was with them. There are many differences in the Majlis. Everyone was given the freedom to be normal, no one would have the courage to exercise that freedom in front of Sadananda, everyone was afraid to speak. Here Mahesh himself had started a bad story, when Ratnabali enters the house, he is telling the story of the jail with Bibhuti Ras, everyone is listening to him with his mind, no one is looking at Sadananda! In order to keep his uniqueness hidden behind Bipin Sadananda intact, Mahesh's entire system seems to be reversed, as if he wants to remove the veil of artificial extraordinaryness of Aniya Sadananda in front of everyone. This is what Sadananda was thinking while listening to Bibhuti's story. Bibhuti's Mao came home, his eyes twinkling as he listened to the juicy story of the boy's plight. Only the veil-drawn wife of Shashadhar did not come home. But it is doubtful whether anyone noticed his absence. Bouti has almost succeeded in the hard pursuit of surviving without responding to her own existence in the consciousness of anyone in the house.

In response to Ratnabali's words, Mahesh Chowdhury said, you are my daughter, mother? You should not doubt whether I will be able to stay here, mother!

Ratnabali did not get it this time. - No, no, I was saying that by joking with Madhu. I can stay here.

We will be very happy if you come here, mother.

I can come whenever I want, only for my aunt and uncle, the gems are a little better.

Mahesh said, "When the Lord is here, if you tell him, he will come and stay here." No?

I don't think so. He is very angry.

Ratnabali did not come and bow to Sadananda. Sadananda sat in silence for so long, this time asked, why is Uma angry?

Ajne, saying you gave up monasticism.

I gave up monasticism? You mean, like, saltines and their ilk, eh?

Didn't you leave the monastery?

Do you understand what Bipin said?

Ratnabali nodded and said, "Besides, if you don't leave the monastery, how can you stay at Gerast's house for more than three nights?"

Ratnabali bows her head at Sadananda's sharp gaze, everyone is stunned. Mahesh closed his eyes and put his hands on his knees. Madhavilata looks at everyone's face.

Suddenly Sadananda said, so I understand you did not bow to me today?

Ratnabali kept her head down and said, not by command. I don't have to bow to anyone today.

Oops! Sadananda remained silent for a long time. What else did Bipin say in my name?

Mahesh Chowdhury folded his hands and said, Lord?

Sadananda said anxiously, no Mahesh, let me hear. Ball Ratan, ball and what did Bipin say?

Ratnabali said, what else can I say, he knows everyone.

Yet you do not listen.

Ratnabali raised her face and asked in astonishment, "You don't know anything?"

Sadananda said, no. Don't know what?
But it is not true! It is very possible that the amazement of the gems increases, but it is not captured well in the face, nothing but a smile is expressed in the face of the gems. No. Oma, I ran to find out if it was true! Not true, however! What a mother, ah! Bipinbabu can say that!

What are you doing, Ratan? Isn't that true? What did Bipin say?

At Sadananda's rebuke, Ratnavali became confused, mumbled and said, and I can't pronounce it! Not really.

But what if you do not pronounce now? Sadananda's head has become hot after thinking about the ashram and Bipin for a few days now. Sadananda sat up straight and called out, Ratan! - And when he heard the call, everyone in the house trembled.

Kiss me face to face.

Ratnabali sat facing Sadananda.

Look me in the eye.

Ratnabali looks into Sadananda's eyes.

Tell me this time.

Ratnabali says, but lowers her eyes before speaking. Sadananda first roamed the ashram. The monk has left. Then a few days ago it was rumored that Sadananda or Madhavilata would get married and become worldly. So is the purpose of leaving the monastery. Ratnabali, however, did not hear the news directly from Bipin. But who will spread this news except Bipin in the ashram?

Why no one came to the ashram? One day Bipin gathered all the people of the ashram and told them that for whatever reason, when Sadananda left the ashram without saying goodbye to anyone, he should not go to meet him against his will. In any case, Sadananda has been their revered Gurudev for so long. No matter the reason, no one dared to come against Bipin's order. Bipin orders in this way. Besides, I think everyone has been hit hard. Some cried a lot.

Sadananda sits upright but feels very weak and helpless. Apart from him, everyone else in this world can understand and understand the situation and save himself and get his work done, he is the only one who is always cheated, he can't do any work in a hurry, he can't save himself from danger - when Bipin is there in his name After talking about various things, he tied the eight ghats. What Bipin said has no value in the real world is not a lie. By calculating how much Bipin works, how he uses every opportunity, he just sits and thinks. The fact that the householder stays at home for more than three nights is a great proof of the renunciation of the common man, and in this case, the reason for the renunciation is to marry Madhavilata. No matter how strong the argument, Bipin has nothing left to think about. And after coming here, he only realized once that Bipin will get a chance to gossip by associating his name with Madhavilata.

Now Sadananda can understand that it was better to spread slander than this. Some people just have a little trouble. In Mahesh Chowdhury's house, a family life has been going on for a long time, there is a housewife in the house, there is a wife, girls come and go from time to time, living here of Madhavilata and Sadhu Sadananda cannot be condemned. Sadananda also came to Mahesh Chowdhury's house behind Madhavilata, this is the only argument in favor of slander. But his argument would have been rejected in two days, when Sadananda would have announced that he had left the ashram, a way to earn money for Bipin, who was full of lawlessness and adultery. But Bipin did not condemn him, he did not speak against him. No, only such a great saint Sadananda has given up his sannyas and sighed for the desire to become a sansari. This rumor will also be proved to be false, but it will leave an impression in the minds of the people. How many words will people think. One would think, for some reason the marriage broke up. One would think that marriage was not necessary, without marriage

Madhavilata is the property of Sadananda, for any thrilling secret pursuit of Sadananda. Madhavilata is needed, I don't know the news that these fantasies have already appeared in the minds of many in the surrounding villages. Sadananda does not have a clear idea of ​​what the general public thinks about a saint-monk being a saint himself. Even if he is with his wife, the saint-nun does not come, even if the wife is dressed as a nun. Then people called him Mataji and bowed down at his feet. There is no such thing as slander about women in the name of saints and monks. Saints are not social beings, not ordinary people. Their words are different. In addition to the woman, their pursuit goes on, the woman also goes on the pursuit. The one who has achieved, the free man, what is his adultery again? How many bad-tempered saints are there, they get angry with their words and swear in vulgar language, they get killed, but who thinks that this saint is angry with Ripu, when Ripui could not control it, what is the point of this saint again? People's fear grows even more because of angry insults. Kam is also a trivial thing.

However, there is a lot of skepticism in the minds of the people about the idealistic saints who preach against the common superstitions and customs. Whether these saints do anything miraculous, do not give medicine, do not cure disease, do not save the dead, do not predict the future, do not send rain, do not tell the story of living in the remote caves of the Himalayas, do not come alive after a few days of living burial under the ground. It doesn't do anything. Just say, don't do this, don't do that.

However, people do not place Sadananda at the level of such a saint. Some of Sadananda's miraculous powers and wisdom of activity.

Sadananda distorted his face a little and stood up. He started walking outside and said, "I went home, Mahesh." Listen once in an hour.

After sitting for two minutes, Bibhuti also got up.

Bibhuti's mother then said, you did not get a girl?

Why, Madhu is quite a girl.

My son, the girl picked up for him!

If your son marries another girl. You see, maybe not in the end. Agreed to think about it, that's all there is to it. I thought, sitting on the top of his face, Mahesh closed his eyes and took a breath. After a while, his eyes met and he was shocked. He put his right hand on his chest and said, look, his chest is still shaking.

Shashadhar went to the Ratnabali to reach the boundary of the ashram. So far, I can understand the reason why Madhabilata came here alone to hide the gems for so many nights. Didn't Ratnavali know that even if he came alone, anyone would reach him and go? And what will go with it, what is the obstacle from his sasadhara?

At other times, Madhavi used to think about it, but today she did not have the ability to think about such a thing. What a strange man Mahesh Chowdhury! How effortlessly his marriage with Basil Bibhuti has been fixed! He didn't even feel the need to ask anyone once. Did anyone imagine such a possibility a moment ago?

Or has everyone talked about it before, he doesn't know anything? Did everyone fix her marriage with Bibhuti without informing her? But is that even possible?

What will happen this time? Mahesh Chowdhury was acquitted for what came in his mouth, will the result stand? What will Sadananda do? What will Sadananda do? Sadananda's words of that day kept coming back and floating in Madhavilata's mind, there is no way for you not to think of me as a great man, then you have to be a double-minded woman!

Sadananda's fear became the biggest in Madhavilata's mind. He never thought of marrying Bibhuti, such a possibility never occurred to him. He should have thought about it today and it was normal for him to do so, but it is important to consider that he also has to make a decision in his mind these days, as if he did not even notice it. She agrees to be Bibhuti's life partner. What is not, he himself does not know it yet. However, imagining what Sadananda will think, what Sadananda will say, what Sadananda will do, everyone will start feeling the drizzle of criminal fear.

Lying on the bed in her room, Madhavilata was thinking, as if someone had come and sat beside her, like a thief. Turning her face, Madhavilata saw that Shasdhar's wife had lowered her veil, but her forehead was almost covered.


Today, he lowered his veil for the first time and spoke to Madhavilata. Even after trying so many times, Madhavilata could not talk to him. The color of the bouti is very beautiful, the color of the face is more tuktuk.

Will you marry Thakurpo?

What is so happy about such a beautiful face that it sounds awkward, not to mention. Bouti Fokla!

Sadananda says, but do you mean, there was no talk between them, between Bibhuti and Madhur?

Mahesh says, not on orders. However, it is understood that the two have a lot of feelings.

Sadananda says, Mahesh is no longer a thought. The two are always socializing, what is the surprise of their feelings. But marriage is a different matter. You should have asked them once before speaking in front of everyone? Once you can consult with me?

Didn't have time, Lord? Hearing such an ugly word spread in your name, it seems that when they get married, it is better to tell the girl about it without delay. There will be no more words in your name about Madhur.

What does it mean when they get married?

By your blessing, the marriage will be smooth for them, Lord. The boy's head will be a little cold, the girl will be happy.

It does not seem that Mahesh Chowdhury has any doubts about the marriage of Bibhuti and Madhavilata. No one was asked, no one was consulted, even those who were married two hours ago were not informed about the matter, but Mahesh Chowdhury knows that this marriage will take place. Sadananda's body seemed to burn with anger. There is also a little fear. He has got some recognition of Mahesh Chowdhury's stubbornness.

Jan Mahesh, I don't understand you well. You want to give a marriage to Bibhuti, good thing. But how to get married to Madhur? Madhu has come to the ashram, she likes the family. Ni says he wants to spend his life with service and spiritual pursuits. I will initiate him, I will lead him on my path. The question of her marriage cannot arise.


You don't understand Mahesh, there is something authentic in that girl? Am I okay? Chosen! One day it will rise much higher, one day it will bring happiness in the lives of thousands of people. Such an authentic thing can be ruined!


Don't say, what do you mean? I called you to discuss!

If the girl does not get married, the mind will not be calm, Lord. The girl is scrambling for marriage.

Sadananda said sarcastically, "Did he tell you to marry me soon, Maheshbabu, I am scrambling for marriage?"

Mahesh folded his hands and said, you have nothing unknown, Lord! Why bother. None of my daughters can say that, they can't. But the girl's mind is not understood? Rajasayeb's son showed him the greed of marriage and brought him out!

What did the boy suddenly forget one day?

Yes, I say so. Otherwise I wanted to marry my son? Marriage. The desire to be worldly is strong in the mind of the girl.

But Mahesh -

Yes. Let the marriage take place, you will give shelter to both of them by initiation. The two will build as you want.

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