Love story (Day 10)

in blurtindia •  4 years ago 

Who could have imagined that Sadananda Sadhu himself would be expelled from the ashram of Sadananda Sadhu. Seeing the expression on everyone's face, it was clear that no one could really imagine the word, just looking at Mahesh's expression, it did not seem that he was particularly surprised. He seemed to be expecting something like that. Instead of expressing surprise, he showed anger!

But! Bipinbabu's competition is not less!

Then he knelt down in front of Sadananda, folded his hands, looked up at Sadananda's face and said in a gurgling voice, "Will you stay here with me, Lord?" I would be so lucky, I could not even dream. Today my life is successful. This house is yours, the men and women of this house are your slaves.

What happened, why Bipin suddenly expelled Sadananda from the ashram, where did Bipin get this power, how many such questions arose in everyone's mind cannot be calculated. But no one has the courage to ask Sadananda anything. Whether it was for lack of trust or for any other reason, Mahesh Chowdhury was also completely silent on the issue.

Madhavilata waited for a while thinking that someone else would speak, then hesitated for a while and said, why did Bipinbabu chase you away?

Before Sadananda says anything, Mahesh Chowdhury says, what do you say Madhu? Who will drive away the Lord again? He left angry, do not understand?

Sadananda says, no Mahesh, Bipin has chased me away.

Mahesh says, so what is the Lord! No one has the power to chase you.

Sadananda says, it is there. The ashram is Bipin's property. I was a teacher in the ashram, I can't claim anything other than a year's salary. No sense in telling you now - I don't wanna ruin the suprise.

Bipinbabu subject matter to your intellect! Mahesh Chowdhury smiles, Bipinbabu has written Kavigha Metho Zami in his own name, you have conquered the people. Ashram can ever be the property of Bipinbabu Lord? Ashram with you. Wherever you are. That will be the ashram. When you have left, the ashram has also left with you.

With a deep sigh, Mahesh says again, at first he was angry, now he is falling in love for Bipinbabu again. Is it the fault of the intellect that man makes the destruction his own?

Mahesh Chowdhury arranged for Sadananda to rest. Mahesh Chowdhury's house is always clean and tidy, Bibhuti's mother is always busy with rubbing and wiping. Sadananda was soon accommodated in the best house. In the huge bed of the grandfather's time, a new mattress was made - the mattress became a little smaller. However, the mattress used by the people can no longer be given to Sadananda. The mattress was covered with a mugar sheet. The pillows were replaced by fringed pillows, which are useful only for special occasions. In one corner of the room fell a carpeted seat, incense burning on both sides, and a huge ghee lamp burning in the corner. How many more small and big arrangements of the reception that Mahesh Chowdhury did! Some time ago, Mahesh Chowdhury's house was quiet, Mahesh and his nephew Shashadhar and their two wives used to spend their days and nights in this house in silence, as if no one was alive. Then Madhavilata has come, Bibhuti has come, today Asil Sadananda - after the entry of Madhabilata, the little life that was awakened in the house, today it seems to have risen to the extreme in a special festival.

There is excitement in everyone, words are bursting in their mouths. One is just as silent as before, still as silent as ever. She is the veil-drawn wife of Shashadhar. It is doubtful whether anyone noticed when he came from behind a house in a gap, bowed his head on the ground in front of Sadananda and went behind him again. Most of the time, the house where Shashadhar's wife lives is not even noticed.

Mahesh grabbed her from behind in the corner of the yard when he was going to the backyard pond with only a handful of utensils and said, "Mama, you cook for the Lord." If you want

Do not cook the food of the gods just as you are clean and tidy.

Shashadhar's wife does not talk to her mother-in-law. When he heard the call, he turned his back on Mahesh Chowdhury and stood still. At that moment, he bowed his head in the veil and nodded silently. When Mahesh Chowdhury moved away, knowing that he had nothing more to say, he started walking again towards the backyard pond.

Then Mahesh went to ask, did Sadananda not mind if Shasdhar's wife took a bath and cooked food?

Sadananda said, don't overdo it Mahesh, don't overdo it.

Mahesh said, no Lord.

I will eat whatever is cooked for everyone. You know I don't have that?

If you allow me to cook a little specially, Lord. The ashram is different, here -

Sadananda laughed and said, you will not let me stay Mahesh.

Mahesh also laughed and said, I will not leave you, Lord, from today you have become mine.

Someone else might have joked in response to this, saying, today I have become your property Mahesh? But all those jokes do not come to Sadananda. Sadananda did not like the fact that Mahesh had started a huge arrangement to keep him here permanently. Sadananda remembers how Bipin got angry and left the ashram for a day without saying a word, when he brought the mango orchard next to the ashram to Bagaiya. Today, even though he came away angry, how is his mind doing? Just as Seba only thought that Bipin would come back, today it is hoped that Bipin may come to call, take him by the hand and take him back.

Mahesh Chowdhury says, Lord, have you brought all your belongings from the ashram?

Sadananda forbade and said, no, no, now tha. What's up soon!

Leaving the ashram like birth.
Sadananda has left the ashram like he was born, saying that he will never set foot in Bipin's zamindari again in his life. What is the relationship with the ashram? However, as long as he has his own belongings in the ashram, as long as he maintains some contact with the ashram, Sadananda does not want to get rid of that contact. Moreover, Sadananda is also a little scared. If Bipin gets more angry when he brings the things, even if he tries to call her back, he changes his mind.

Maybe Mahesh Chowdhury can guess these things too. At least that seems to be his interest in creating a little more obstacle on the way back to Sadananda's ashram. He insisted on getting permission to bring things. Anaileo will continue later, but now anailei or what's wrong? Why would Sadananda suffer a little bit for a moment or so. Mahesh will not tolerate it.

But Sadananda does not allow anything. Say, stay today Mahesh. Whatever can be done tomorrow.

Bipin will come to take him back holding hands and feet, expecting Sadananda to do so. There was a little reason. Bipin really chased him away. In plain language, he said clearly, leave my ashram.

Sadananda has left in anger. Bipin's mind to chase him like this. It's not surprising to be bad, it's not surprising to come back.

That morning Bipin came to Madhavilata's ashram without permission and bowed to Bibhuti at Sadananda's feet.

Many nights Bipin came to Sadananda's house and said, always, I came to ask you a question. Will you listen to me like before or not?

Am I the servant you bought for free, to obey all your commands?

Keep talking nonsense. I have never treated you like that, my relationship with you is not mine. Listening to me does not mean obeying my commands. Think for yourself, I will make arrangements for the improvement of the ashram by using my intellect, you will obey one word of mine, you will not obey one word, then will the ashram work? You need Tok for the Ashram, but you don't have the ability to run the Ashram, if you will

Yes, yes, I know. Hear the real thing?

Bipin was a little quiet. He has come to Sadananda now not to get angry and not to argue, but nowadays he wants to argue with Sadananda in words. Yes, the urge to quarrel arises.

This is the real thing. If you don't listen to me like you used to, I won't work with you.

If not, what should I do?

I will say goodbye to you.

Goodbye! You are not less competitive. It is not clear who married you.

Who will bid me farewell from my ashram? - Bipin laughed.

Sadananda proudly said, if I say a word, everyone will cut you and bury you in the ground, you know that?

Bipin said indifferently, do not see the word of mouth?

The implication is very clear. Even if Sadananda gives the order, no one in the ashram will go against Bipin. Sadananda also has a problem in his mind in this regard. Everyone worships him, but Sadananda suspects that there is a deception in the devotion of all, just as there is a deception in righteousness.

Bipin grabbed a bidi and said, you are always a big fool. Everyone bows down, and you think everyone is struggling to give their lives for you. Ray is not so easy to find life! I have taught you a trick, you have created a fear in people's minds by that trick. You are hidden behind a smoke, no one knows anything about you, you are like a great man in front of everyone, that's why everyone thinks you are a great man. You have to make my great man stand by showing unrealistic evidence of the fantasy world. You have to keep me hidden so that no one can find even a real proof of the great man you know. Everyone. What kind of fear do you know? If I tell you tomorrow that Madhu had to leave the ashram due to your oppression, everyone will believe so. The few nonsense I have done with Madhu will be the real proof of that. You are such a great saint, but whether there is no real proof of your piety, so your piety will be trapped in that trivial proof of your stupidity about Madhur.

Did I make a fool of Madhu?

Don't you know? I don't know! How do you know a thief, more and more saints are in the forest when they are not needed, and no one knows the way to steal. However, the thief was caught and went to jail. This morning I cried in front of everyone and said, once Madhu will not come to my house? Ah, what a pitiful request to a girl, the great man Sadananda! Madhu turned her face away and left. No one remembers that, but once someone makes a melody, no one has to think twice about what it means.

This time Sadananda was angry. Said, Bipin's mind is nasty. He also explained how far the nasty, appropriate analogy was. Whatever Bipin thinks, no one will think so. Not everyone is Bipin, not everyone has an ugly mind like Bipin, Bipin is like a rich man's foot-licking, cunning, lowly, treacherous man -

In three days you will leave my ashram. Whatever I am, remember me as far as the ashram hut is concerned. You are really my servant - I have given you quarters to stay, I have given you food and clothes, if you want I will get some money for my salary, that's all You have no right to anything else.

Well, he will come to terms with Rajasayeb.

Rajasayeb? What will Rajasayeb do? What Rajasayeb had the ability to please two days ago is no more. Now I own everything. Do you think that I just brought the mango orchard to the service? I have taken possession of everything. I was the owner of money from the beginning, this time I also became the owner of land. Tell me what to do Rajasayeb, you can't send your son to jail for Kabigha land.

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