About the baby goose and its rearing

in blurtimals •  4 years ago 

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Rajhas rearing and care
Swan species
There are different species of swans. The following species are commonly seen in it.
(1) Toulouse - Heavy species of birds. Birds of the French country. Among the heavy birds, they lay more eggs. However, not all Toulouse birds lay eggs. Lips, legs are orange. White throat, abdomen and tail. Male weight - 14 kg, female - 9 kg.
(2) Emden: This bird is more common in Hanover, Germany. Heavy species of birds. The number of eggs is good. Quite colder than other species of swans. The lips are bright orange. The legs are full of white feathers. Males weigh 14 kg and females 9 kg.
(3) China: The swan of China. Small in size without Toulouse and Emden. Lays more eggs in number. About 60 a year. Eggs are accustomed to give it. Chinese swans of two colors can be seen. Brown and white. Brown Chinese swan's legs are orange. The color of the lips and feathers is also brown. The white swan's lips and legs are bright orange. The feathers are pale white.
The skin at the base of the upper lip is round like a flower. Males weigh 9 kg and females 6 kg. The Chinese swan has a reputation as a guard.
There are also some more species of swans. Such as African. It is believed that they were originally Indian. Some say they were bred between China and Toulouse.Swan habitat
Rajhas's house is open-air, ventilated but the sun and rain will not bother them. Floors can be of various types- hard, hard but raw; Thick wire mesh and bedding (litter). If the bed is deeper, the depth will be 15 sec. Mr. Or 6 inches. The bed should always be dry.
I want the house to be well maintained. That is, so that the thief does not enter. They are not harmed by foxes or any other wildlife.
It is better to enclose some space in front of or behind the house with wire mesh. This place will be useful for their wandering. Such a place should be given 4 square meters per duck.
One laying box should be provided for each of the three ducks inside and outside the swan house. The size of the box will be 50 square cm. Separate containers for water and food should be provided.
If you want to breed swans, you have to proceed systematically. For example, 3/4 female ducks of heavy breed should have one dead duck. In China, one male duck should be kept for every 4/5 females.
It is better not to use swans for breeding if they are not one year old. It is best if they can be used for breeding at the age of two years.
They usually start laying eggs in spring. The Chinese swan starts in the winter. They lay eggs in the morning. They lay more eggs in the second and third years than in the first year, and are much larger in size in the 2nd and 3rd year. .

Give it to the egg
The swan lays its eggs. And when it lays eggs, it stops laying eggs. If you have the advantage, you can boil goose eggs well with turkey, or muscodi duck.
Fresh eggs (very strong seven days old), clean, no cracks and weighing 140 - 200 grams per egg can be considered suitable for laying.
In many places swan eggs are also hatched with chickens. If swan eggs with chicken
Raising swan cubs
If the eggs are hatched with chicken or swan eggs, then that palika will take care of the hatched chicks. There will be no need for artificial heat. However, the place where the mother and child will walk around with the baby must be dry.
However, up to the age of ten days, the mother with the baby should be kept in a soft grassy backyard. The size of the lawn will be 4 square meters with the baby for 10 children. If the child is not 15 days old, it is not a good idea to go into the water.
If the eggs are hatched in an incubator machine, the babies must be artificially heated by placing them under a rudder.
30d below the brooder in the first week. She should have heat. 5 d per week. To reduce the heat to room temperature, that is, to bring it to the ambient temperature.
The first three days the children should be fed. From then on, they will be able to eat on their own. Kids can easily climb on the grass and eat. As a result, the prepared food takes less. One group should not have more than 100 children at a time.

Swan baby food
Swan food

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