A large number of cows are reared in Bangladesh. But there are many people in Bangladesh who do not know how to take care of cows. If you take care of them, cows will get fat very fast. That is something every farm should know. If every farmer knew, they would be able to fatten cows at a very low cost. This will show that they are able to earn a lot of money at low cost. And whenever the people of Bangladesh do not know this, they usually raise cows and it is seen that they cannot earn the same amount of money by selling cows. As a result, he faced a variety of challenges.
There are some rules for fattening cows that everyone should follow on the farm. Among those rules, if we want to say in general, we can say that cows need to be given enough nutritious food. This is because if the cow is given nutritious food, it will grow very fast and there will be plenty of meat in her body and the cow will have to be given some food which is available in our country at a very low price. But you have to make it at home. As many of you may know, we can use the shell produced from mustard for cow feed. Maize is also made on our land and we can use it for cattle feed but you have to do that. That is to say, these foods have to be neatly machine-made to make a good high quality food.
The food that the cow has to give inside her delicious food is Chitagur. This food helps to enhance the taste of the cow's mouth. And cows can eat a lot with this food. If you use this Chitagur, you will see that the food you throw away is wasted, but if you try Chitagur one day, you will see that the cows are not spoiling your food anymore. And whenever a meal is not wasted, your expenses will be greatly reduced and you will be able to earn a lot of money from it.
And now due to the winter, various diseases and germs of cows are appearing. You must raise a cow with the advice of a good doctor because if the cow is infected with any disease, it will be seen that the growth rate of the cow is greatly reduced. No buyer wants to buy more healthy cows, so the price of cows goes down very quickly. The most common diseases we see in the cows of our country are cold sores and if you keep your cows well from these three diseases, you will see that your cows are able to give you the expected results very quickly. And the foods you need to eat with it are corn broken chitagur wheat bran raw grass and dry grass because these foods are on the list of very favorite foods.
And the thing we need to keep in mind is to keep the cows in a dry place at all times. This is because if cows are kept in the Setset place, then the diseases of the cows increase, so the growth of the cows also decreases and if we can keep the cows in a dry place. Then we can benefit from cows very easily.
If we calculate the amount of cows produced in our country, it is seen that more cows are eaten by the people of our country. Because every year there are two Eids in our country and especially on the Eid of Korbani, the people of Bangladesh sacrifice a lot of cows. That is why we have to bring in cows from outside to meet our needs. If the farmers of Bangladesh can cultivate cows according to the right rules, then it will be seen that the people of our country are no longer having to meet their needs by importing cows. We can meet our needs from the cows of our own country.