My white cat

in blurtimals •  4 years ago 

I tried to fit five months of my kitten's life into 11 photos taken as it grew up.
The first one was taken on the day of his appearance in our house - June 10.
The last one is November 12, and the intermediate ones correspond to the past months.
I have long wanted a white cat and now I have one. I will chronicle her life here.

Пять месяцев жизни своего котёнка попыталась уместить в 11 фотографий, сделанных по мере его взросления. Первая снята в день появления его в нашем доме - 10 июня. Последняя - 12 ноября, а промежуточные соответствуют прошедшим месяцам. Давно хотелось белую кошку и вот она теперь у нас есть. Буду вести здесь хронику и её жизни.


We did not ask for this kitten from anyone, did not look for it, did not wait for it,
and suddenly it was brought to us by a completely strange black cat.
She went into the house with the kitten in her mouth, put it on the carpet,
and left for good. Then we saw her with two black kittens.
A mysterious case, because cats-the mother of his children is not so easy to give.
And it turned out that this is the most important event of this year.

Мы этого котёнка ни у кого не просили, не искали, не ждали и вдруг нам его принесла совершенно чужая чёрная кошка. Она зашла в дом, с котёнком в зубах, посадила на ковёр и ушла навсегда. Потом мы её видели с двумя чёрными котятами. Загадочный случай, потому что кошки-матери своих детей так просто не отдают. И получилось, что это - самое важное событие нынешнего года.

After about a week of living with us.


Here he is, already a bit grown up for the first time out of the house.


Here, for the second time, he climbed to the roof of the old barn. The first time was at night, when I spent two hours trying to get it off.


The day he caught the first and only little mouse.


Helps with corn harvesting. He liked to play with the leaves from the cobs.


I have already started to seriously help with the housework.


He picked apples with us in the garden.



Checks the seedlings of winter oats.


Says goodbye to the trees on the last day before leaving for the city.


Now the cat has started a home life and it seems that she is quite happy with it, because winter has come.

Original Content by @lllll1ll
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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

A wonderful white cat. This is destiny, you can't get away from it :-)

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Interesting story, but the cat is just amazing!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thanks. Her story is just beginning )

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Мне захотелось его чмокнуть в носик :-) Такая прелесть!

I wanted to give him a peck on the nose :-)
Such a charm!