Naturally four types of grasshoppers.

in blurtimals •  3 years ago 



The grasshopper belongs to the genus Epiprocata, which belongs to the genus Odonata, more precisely an insect of the infraorder anisoptera. The grasshopper is characterized by large compound eyes, two pairs of strong and transparent wings and elongated body. When sitting, their wings are horizontal and at right angles to the body.


My opinions:

We see many kinds of animals in nature. Those who depend on each other in one way or another. Today I captured four different types of grasshoppers on camera. Those who looked nice and have a lot of beauty.


Scientific name: Anisoptera



Grasshopper's food,

Grasshoppers and other small insects such as flies, bees, ants, butterflies, etc. are one of the important predators. They are commonly found in the vicinity of ponds, lakes, springs and wetlands, as their larvae, also known as nymphs, are aquatic.



According to researchers, there are about 5,600 species of grasshoppers in the world. At one time there were more than a hundred species of grasshoppers in our country but due to the unfavorable environment it is gradually decreasing. Eco-friendly small creatures like grasshoppers and their young pond insects, spiders and mosquito larvae feed on mosquitoes and help keep our environment healthy. Adult moths prey on flying birds.


Grasshoppers also play a role in controlling various species of harmful mosquitoes and insects that are harmful to crops and public health. There are rumors that the more grasshoppers in the area, the better the environment. Grasshoppers are conserved in different countries considering the benefits. Grasshoppers have become a popular subject in Japanese art because of their beauty.



Grasshoppers are basically one of the most beneficial insects for our environment. So we need to take care of our environment so that these grasshoppers can live freely.

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