Life of the Ants 🐜 and Some surprising information.

in blurtimals •  4 years ago  (edited)


Ants or ants or ants are social insects belonging to the family Formicidae. Ants belong to the same class Hymenoptera as their close species wasps and bees. They evolved from wasps 11 to 130 million years ago in the mid-Cretaceous stage and developed multifaceted development after the emergence of flowering plants. Of the approximately 22,000 species of ants known to date, 12,500 have been classified.


Lifestyle and behave of Ants

Ants live in colonies that can range from dozens of naturally occurring predatory ants to millions of ants living over vast areas. Large groups are mainly made up of infertile female ants who are divided into cadres, soldiers and other specialized forces. Almost all anthill colonies have some reproductive male ants (drones) and one or more fertile female ants, called queen ants.This colony of ants is sometimes called a super-organism, because they all behave like an animal and struggle in unison to survive.


Lives and hard-working Ants,


The benefit of the human race,

Ant society has a division of labor, communication at the individual level and the ability to solve complex problems. These similarities with humans have made them very attractive animals for research. In many human societies, ants are used in food, medicine, and religious ceremonies. Some species of ants are also important as organic pesticides.


Harmful to the human race,

However, ants can sometimes cause harm to humans. Ants damage crops and destroy buildings. Some species, such as the Red imported fire ant, are considered aggressive species. Because even if they accidentally move to a new environment, they can easily establish themselves there.


Surprising information of ants,

Even though ants are small, they teach us to be workers. Ants also teach us to think about the future. The name of a surah in the Holy Qur'an is Namal which means ant. The Bible also tells ants to go to work! One has to wonder how important even a really small animal is.

There is no end to the knowledge of the world. Ants do not have ears. The knees and legs of ants have a special kind of sensing vibration through which the ants can understand the surrounding situation. The largest brain ant among insects.


Nature of Ants,

You will be really surprised to know. Because the fight of ants continues till death! The ants always follow the same line. On the way, each ant emits a type of fluid (pheromone). As a result, the ants in the back can follow the ones in the front. The queen ants grow wings.


Physical structure of ants

Ants do not have lungs. There are many tiny pores in the body through which oxygen circulates inside and outside the body! The average lifespan of ants is 28 years. However, queen ants can live for more than 30 years. When an ant dies, a chemical is released from its body. As a result, other ants can easily get information about dead ants.

Chemical released,

If this chemical is released into the body of another ant, then that ant can also die! There is a similarity between humans and ants! Both store food. The body structure of an ant is such that even if it is dropped from a flying plane, it will not cause the slightest pain. Ants never sleep. They can live underwater for up to 24 hours. The ants have two stomachs. One stores food for oneself, the other for others!


Ants are very small insects. We have a lot to learn from ants. How ants manage their lives. It is discussed below.

Ants like to be grouped all the time. The sense of unity of ants is very high. Gather food or move around in groups during any work. The team leader is the queen ant. Everyone obeys the queen ant. Moves along the line. They share their sorrows with each other. Everyone decides together how much food they have to store for the winter, and how much they have to spend.

Ants are very far-sighted. Working hard all year round to get winter food. It provides food all year round as it will be difficult to collect food for winter cold. Move in groups to avoid danger. When he hears about any danger, he spreads the information among everyone in a moment. If we save as much as we can for our day of danger, we will benefit. And to win life, you don't just have to use your intellect. We will also need the advice of others.

Two stomachs of ants. In one stomach he stores his food for himself, in another he stores food for others. Unconditionally ants give them to other ants in the food family. So if we give the leftover food to the helpless people without throwing away old clothes or locking it in the cupboard, then at least some people will benefit.

Ants are ready to benefit the next. Somewhere, if a human or animal hits someone or receives a danger signal, they alert other ants within moments. They are always ready to benefit other ants. When a person receives a warning signal, it spreads to everyone within a moment. Then they broke up and ran away. When one fell ill, the others carried him to the shelter. Service-care. So we must have the mentality to benefit others. Ants have a strong family love. We should also have patriotism. Love of art, literature and culture of one's own country will take us a few steps forward.

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Me. Jahangir Alam
Assistant teacher of high school.
E-mail: [email protected]

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

This is a very interesting article about the world of ants.
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