"Tree frog".

**Galaxy M20**
Tree frog
It is a kind of animal. There are many species of these animals. They also have different colors depending on the species. These animals are called frogs.
However, frogs are of different temperaments and are named according to their nature, as some species of frogs live on land and some frogs live in water.
However, there are some species of frogs that climb trees, leaves or jump. There are also species of frogs that live in holes in the ground. There is also a species of frog that is domesticated, roams in different earthen houses and feeds on a variety of insects.
In fact, the main food of all species of frogs is insects. However, these frogs are very poisonous. As a result, snakes try harder to catch or eat these types of frogs.
There are also some species of frogs that have a shiny body and in many places eat the flesh of their legs. Frogs are a subject in zoology. They are identified in the Zoological Practical Lab and today I have identified this tree frog.
These frogs are basically an amphibian belonging to the genus Anura. These animals have complete spines. These frogs have survived on earth for a long time.
Frogs are usually famous for their jumps and their croaking in the rainy season. During the rainy season, they call continuously.
Frogs are cold-blooded. The legs and feet are important for the adaptation of these frogs and they have to look for special structures that allow them to move fast, catch their prey easily, jump on different trees and so on.
These frogs have many glands of the same type. They also use the skin of the body to allow air to enter the body so that they can complete the work of breathing. Moreover, their skin acts as a body temperature and protective.
These frogs also have an important good aspect in human life that they help us a lot in maintaining the balance of the environment, just as frogs feed on various insects and provide crop protection.
This eliminates the need to apply more pesticides on the land and also increases the fertility of the land. Another important aspect of these frogs is that they have a close relationship with nature because when there is a possibility of a natural disaster, they get a hint of it long in advance and are alerted by frequent calls.
Congratulations on sharing such a comprehensive post, with beautiful images. It would be very interesting to know if she used any written reference source to compile this information. Welcome to the blurtimals community.
Good vibes.