Macro Photography | Bug's Life

in blurtimals •  2 years ago  (edited)


Lady Beetle


My own definition, explanation, and tips while capturing these bugs is based in my experience.

Tips: Always ready when you see one, get your gear and shoot it, do it slowly because the hard movement can alert their senses, know your gear, mine is listed below, know the distance, never too far away or too close, you can shoot multiple rapid shots if you have plenty of space for storage.


Orange Beetle

Shooting this small creature needs patience, a lot because if they see you or sense you coming they will run or fly away, but patience is a virtue, you can make it by first trying and a lot of practice, if by chance you can spot a friendly one.

You need a steady hand, you know macro lenses are sensitive to movement, and small movement can make a picture blur unless you have a tripod. but you can improvise you can lean to a tree or something steady.


Tortoise Beetle

If you have yes you can use also a tripod, why not? use the gear whatever is necessary and of course, if you have the budget, have a great day. Thanks and Stay Safe.


"The SMALLEST things are just as important as the MACRO, So are the smallest acts of goodness from the HEART"

CameraXiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro + Lensbong Sony 25mm

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by: @dashand
Allrights Reserved

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love the muted colours and spot saturation classily done

these macro photos of insects are very beautiful

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It does not seem an easy task, but the result is extraordinary. You have to be very observant and patient to capture an image like this, with the sharpness and colors it has. Thanks for sharing your work with us.

No parece una tarea fácil, pero el resultado es extraordinario. Hay que ser muy observador y paciente para lograr capturar una imagen como esta, con la nitidez y los colores que tiene. Gracias por compartir tu trabajo con nosotros.

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