To help or not to help?

in blurtimals •  4 years ago 


Now is a strange time. Due to climate change, many birds that used to leave our region for the winter now stay with us. And people start to help them ...

I decided to write this post because of the situation that arose with the heron (photo below).

At the moment, the beautiful adult bird, unfortunately, has died. Despite the warnings, people insisted on "helping" it, caught it and brought it to the vet clinic. Could this have been avoided?


The rule is always the same: if a bird can fly and it is not exhausted, then there is no need to try to help it. Most likely, it does not need your help. The best thing to do is offer her food and water and leave it alone.

What happens when we try to help.
First, the bird gets stressed. The heron I'm talking about died of heart failure. The bird had no injuries and was able to survive in nature, but people decided to "help" it and caught it. The bird was under severe stress.

Secondly, wild birds have a "rich inner world". I mean helminths. But if under normal circumstances the bird's body copes with them, then in a stressful situation the helminths are activated and weaken the bird's body. And now, even if at the moment when you caught it, the bird could survive on its own, it cannot do it now.

In addition, due to stress, the bird often refuses or regurgitates food.

Thus, if the bird is not injured or exhausted, it does not need to be touched!

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Very good info. That is exactly how I have felt.