Tales about animals: The selfish fox and the naive good wolf

in blurtimals •  9 months ago 


Once upon a time, in a deep green forest not far from the cozy village there lived a strange tailed friends: a clever but not very sincere fox and a kind-hearted but very naive wolf.


You may ask what could hold such different characters together, but look at the world of people! Is it rare that we can observe exactly such a situation while being surprised at someone’s friendship or relationship? But after all, I must say honestly that this difference in their nature has its own consequences and so their friendship and trust were often tested by the fox's sly and selfish behavior. And at last... Oh, you know how it happened: any patience and trust can be broken at last. But let me tell you everything in order.


It was a bright and sunny summer day. The wolf was walking around the fields. He enjoyed the warm and gentle rays of the sun, the summer wind pleasantly moved his fur and life seemed wonderful. Besides he was in a great mood because he managed to steal a delicious fish pie from the peasants and now he was very happy carrying it home for his foxy friend. The kindhearted wolf guy was dreaming about a cup of tea in the evening with his friend and knew that they both will have a lot of joy by tasting this wonderful treat. But what he didn’t know - their life with his foxy friend would change soon because the fate had other plans.


Despite his fatigue, he could not allow such an annoying little thing to spoil the wonderful evening he had been dreaming about all the way home. Having placed the pie on the shelf in the kitchen and carefully covered it with a clean kitchen towel, the wolf went into the forest to get firewood. The dream of the upcoming wonderful evening gave him strength.


At this time the fox returned home. The cheat immediately smelled the delicious smell of fish pie and had no difficulty finding it. Quickly figuring that the pie was not big enough for the two of them to eat their fill, she ate every single crumb. To be honest, we must say that the fox was thinking only about her own belly and she didn’t care about a quiet and cozy family evening. She thought only about her own desires and acted selfishly … as usual... But it wasn't all! She didn't only eat the all pie, but she also replaced it with a stone, hoping to deceive her trusting and naive friend.


When evening came the wolf made tea, put beautiful cups on the table and went for the pie. And he found nothing! Oh, to be exact - he discovered a stone! He asked the fox, hoping for an honest answer if it was her who did it. However, instead of telling the truth and saying sorry, the cunning fox denied everything. Even more - she went so far in her lie as to mock the wolf's apparent inability to differentiate between a pie and a stone. “You are old and blind!” - she laughed at him cruelly.


The wolf was shocked! At one moment he realized that he could no longer trust his foxy friend. It was clear that a true friend would never trick and mock him in a such cruel way. But he decided to check his eyes and seek the advice of the wise forest doctor, an owl.


Having examined the wolf's eyes, the owl stated that he had excellent vision. Listen, wolf, she said. Your eyes are fine. But there is still something that you don’t see or don’t want to see. Perhaps you should think about whether it is worth living with someone who not only deceives you, but also mocks you evilly at the same time.


The wolf's heart was heavy. So many years of friendship... But was it really friendship? This thought lit up his head like lightning. Indeed... all this time he took care of the house, brought firewood, and got food. He got used to not noticing that the fox did not share its prey with him. In fact, if it weren't for that wicked and rude joke with the pie, he probably wouldn't have paid attention to it again. But something had to be the last straw.


We don't know what happened to the fox next. But the wolf was a really great guy. It didn't take long for him to find new friends. You won’t believe it, but these were two hares who found it very difficult and scary in the forest themselves. The wolf's kind heart needed to take care of someone and he was able to fulfill this need, and the hares were happy and really appreciated the wolf for his kindness and care.

Pics made by WOMBO

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