Tales about animals: The Goat and the Ram

in blurtimals •  9 months ago 


Once upon a time, in a small village nestled amongst green meadows and towering mountains, there lived a peasant and his two mischievous companions - a goat and a ram.


These two animals, though charming to look at, were notorious for their misbehavior and bullying ways. day, the goat and ram would wreak havoc in the village, terrorizing the other animals and causing trouble wherever they went. They would snatch food from the farmers' baskets, knock over pots and pans, and even chase after the children, leaving chaos in their wake.


The peasant, weary and fed up with their antics, finally decided he had had enough. He declared that the goat and ram were no longer welcome in his home. With heavy hearts, the two animals bid farewell to their former guardian and set off on a journey through fields and forests, uncertain of what lay ahead.


As they traveled, the goat and ram stumbled upon a peculiar sight - a wolf's head lying by the side of the road. Intrigued by this discovery, they decided to take the wolf's head with them on their journey, unaware of the role it would soon play.


One night, while seeking shelter in the deep woods, they found themselves face to face with a pack of hungry wolves. Fear gripped their hearts, and it seemed as though their misdeeds were about to catch up with them. Thinking quickly, the goat and ram climbed up a tall tree to escape the predators.


But fate played a cruel trick on them. The ram, being larger and heavier, struggled to keep his balance and suddenly tumbled down along with the wolf's head. Panic surged through the goat's veins as he witnessed his companion's peril.


Thinking fast, the goat hatched a plan. With all his might, he called out to the ram, urging him to toss down the wolf's head, but not the one that had fallen - a much larger one. The wolves caught wind of the commotion and listened in horror as the goat's voice echoed through the forest.


Their imagination ran wild, picturing the goat possessing an even larger and more ferocious wolf's head. Overwhelmed by fear, the wolves scattered, leaving the goat and ram unharmed.


Grateful for the goat's quick thinking, the ram climbed back up the tree, the weight of the wolf's head now gone from his shoulders. The two comrades sat together, their hearts filled with relief and admiration for one another.


From that day on, the goat and ram learned a valuable lesson. They realized that true strength lies not in being bullies, but in loyalty, quick thinking, and standing up for one another when in need. And with this newfound wisdom, the goat and ram continued on their journey, determined to make amends and find a way to use their mischievous spirit for good.


And so, they traveled the lands, using their skills to help others, their adventures turning into tales of bravery and kindness, spreading far and wide across the countryside. And as the years went by, the villagers came to know them as heroes, forever thankful for the day the goat and ram's misbehavior was transformed into a force for good.

Pics created by WOMBO

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