Tales about animals: How the wolf, goat, goose and pig stopped being friends

in blurtimals •  11 months ago 


Once upon a time in the nice little forest there were four friends - a pig, a goose, a goat and a wolf. Yes, I agree, strange company. But we have already said many times that a lot of strange things happen in relationships and you never know who will find friends where.


The winter season was approaching and the friends decided that each of them needed a house for the winter. Only each of them had his own understanding of what this house would be like.


The pig did what any pig would do. He dug a hole (it’s no secret that piglets love to dig), laid hay there, which he brought from a nearby meadow, lay down on top and was very pleased.


The goose did what most birds do. He brought a lot of small branches and built himself a nest. This is quite strange for a goose; geese do not usually build nests. But this is a fairy tale. Our goose watched a lot of other birds doing this and decided to do the same. Only his nest was on the ground, and not on a tree, because the goose is a fairly large and heavy bird. Then he plucked warm fluff and insulated the nest. Goose was very pleased with his work.


The goat did a great job too. She was the most practical of all four friends, so she took building the house seriously. Tree trunks, stones, three whole months of work! But in the end she became the mistress of a strong and warm house.


What about the wolf? We are all different and, despite hardworking friends, the wolf was a rather lazy guy. All summer he just walked and had fun, quietly planning to spend the cold winter in the houses of his friends, living there in turns. But that would be nothing, unfortunately, the wolf always refused all requests from his friends to help them with construction.


Finally, the warm summer ended, the golden autumn leaves faded, and cold and rainy November arrived. The wolf walked around wet and chattered his teeth from the cold. Then he came to the pig and began to ask to live with him. But the pig reminded the wolf how he asked him to help with the construction, but he refused. And now the house has turned out to be so tiny that it is impossible for two animals to fit in there.


The wolf was offended and angry. He started to force his way into the pig's tiny house and completely broke it. The poor pig barely managed to escape.


Unhappy and frozen, the pig came to the goose. With great difficulty they settled into the nest. But then the wolf appeared again and the whole story repeated itself from the beginning. It was some kind of nightmare!


The unfortunate pig and goose ran to the goat and told her what had happened. The goat immediately let them into the house, sat them down near the fireplace and gave them hot cocoa to keep them warm and calm. As soon as the pig and the goose stopped shaking from cold and fear, the wolf appeared in front of the house.


But this time it didn’t work out for him. Firstly, the goat's house was strong and could not be broken. And secondly, the goat itself had sharp horns and was not as helpless as a pig or goose.


Unfortunately, this is where the friendship of the wolf with the pig, goose and goat ended. The wolf felt undeservedly offended, and the pig and goose could not forgive him for destroying their homes. As for the goat, she would let the wolf live in her house, but if he came with a request, and not with threats.

Pics created by WOMBO

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