Mi pequeña Mascota // My little pet [ESP][ENG]

in blurtimals •  4 years ago 


Mi pequeña mascota


¿Quién de ustedes piensa que los perros pueden presentir enfermedades?

El mundo de las mascotas es maravilloso, para los que disfrutamos de la compañía de una mascota en casa sabemos que son como niños pequeños que nunca crecen, pero su amor es incondicional.

Este es un tema bastante especial para mi porque he podido experimentar de cerca la energía que pueden transmitir los animales, en este caso de los perros pequeños que tengo en casa.

En mi búsqueda de información pude encontrarme con algunos artículos y páginas de noticias que comparten información interesante sobre algunos pacientes que han recibido aviso de síntomas de enfermedad de alguno de sus dueños, en toda mi lectura pude extraer la siguiente cita:

“Los perros poseen un avanzado olfato que les permite identificar los compuestos orgánicos volátiles asociados a ciertos tipos de cáncer cuando se les expone a muestras de aliento, sudor u orina. Uno de los cánceres que se ha demostrado que son capaces de detectar con más exactitud es el de próstata.” Si deseas leer un poco más puedes leer aquí.

Puedo compartir desde mi experiencia que mi pequeña mascota, “Lucero” es maravillosa, además ella tiene una alegría natural que me hace feliz, además cuando yo siento malestar en mi vientre o espalda ella se acuesta sobre mi vientre y me comparte su calor ella se queda muy quieta tanto que yo me puedo quedar dormida, es como que bajara mis niveles de estrés o si tengo alguna preocupación también me ayuda a disiparla.

Dentro de las noticias que pude leer, encontré también que los perros y los gatos pueden presentir cuando alguna persona está por fallecer, quizás puede resultar increíble este tema, pero para mí cada vez es más interesante y me apasiona.

Ahora me gustaría conocer un poco sobre tu experiencia como papá humano de un perro o gato.



Who among you thinks that dogs can sense diseases?

The world of pets is wonderful, for those of us who enjoy the company of a pet at home, we know that they are like small children who never grow up, but their love is unconditional.

This is a very special topic for me because I have been able to experience up close the energy that animals can transmit, in this case of the small dogs that I have at home.

In my search for information, I was able to find some articles and news pages that share interesting information about some patients who have received notice of disease symptoms from one of their owners, in all my reading I was able to extract the following quote:

“Dogs have an advanced sense of smell that allows them to identify volatile organic compounds associated with certain types of cancer when exposed to samples of breath, sweat or urine. One of the cancers that they have been shown to be able to detect more accurately is prostate. " If you want to read a little more you can read here.

I can share from my experience that my little pet, "Lucero" is wonderful, also she has a natural joy that makes me happy, also when I feel discomfort in my belly or back she lies on my belly and shares her warmth with me. It remains very still so much that I can fall asleep, it is like lowering my stress levels or if I have any concern it also helps me to dissipate it.

Within the news that I was able to read, I also found that dogs and cats can sense when someone is about to die, perhaps this topic may be incredible, but for me it is becoming more and more interesting and I am passionate about it.

Now I would like to know a little about your experience as a human father of a dog or cat.


Que nadie apague tu luz interior // Let no one turn off your inner light

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I don't have any personal anecdotes to share on the sensing of dis-ease. I do wish to mention a topic I've been procrastinating writing about. I do believe that animals (dogs definitely) access a connection via the energy frequencies life emits. I believe that what is happening is more their connection (we might categorize it as intuition ourselves) understand what the energy is showing.

I believe that because we limit ourselves to science that is limited to the tools/understandings we apply, that we often may be forcing ourselves to assigning a process to what we have categorized. In this instance solely to smell in the article you mention above.

It seems obvious to me that there is much more at play between life, energetically with water as the base component that acts as transmitter/receiver. I wish I could be more specific but it would entail me writing a post larger than this to barely skim the surface.

A thought provoking post I hope everyone reading decides to seek understanding on. It not only offers a doorway into our relationships with the rest of life here (and dogs specifically), but opens another into researching our own capabilities in what we have been trained to view as supernatural.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I share this comment with you and I thank you for this participation.
Certainly for scientists it may cost a bit to give a scientific explanation to this that I share here, in fact, I was looking a bit and I only found a published article that made reference to dogs and their relationship with therapies to lower stress levels in people. Sure, I did not intensify my search any more, there must be others, but I did find many videos of programs with valuable content on the subject, as well as some news.
In fact, after making this publication I was able to read one, where it indicated that cats in a nursing home could predict hours in advance when one of these older adults was going to die, which is why the cat earned the name of "the cat of death ", but they only share it as inexplicable facts, because scientifically they do not give an explanation.
This is a topic that I love because every day I learn something new.
Thank you for your visit, I am pleased to read you here at my house to share opinions and chocolate cookies.
Good vibes

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

hi Angelica,

you know what, i feel sad about the story am gonna tell but it seems true for us me and my family
like 3 of our dogs namely , diego, choco and Tolpu died just recently , and we believe that they get the virus or sickness that was supposedly for us humans , because you know they are so well, they are so energetic, but come this covid pandemic, it was just an immediate happening , they diddn't die all together in one day , but like month after month..

and yeah i do believe in that strong sense they got, coz you know whenever my parents' car are approaching near the gate , actually even from afar our dogs are like crazily barking like out of excitement, then am gonna talk to them, are our parents coming now? they'll just continue barking and i cant see my parents' car yet on the gate,, the following minutes yeah they are arriving , i am so amazed about that attitude of them

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Dogs are like angels on this earth, that's how I see them. and not only dogs, but also cats and other animals that when you bond with them their energy is an inexplicable sensation. I'm sorry about what happened to your dogs, but as you say, maybe they were the filter so that the disease did not enter your home and affect your human family.
I send you a hug from a distance and thank you for sharing a little bit about yourself through this publication.
Good vibes.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Wow, great... Thank you