Mi mascota tiene fiebre | my pet has a fever [ESP-ENG]

in blurtimals •  3 years ago 

Luna tiene Fiebre


Conocer a nuestras mascotas en ocasiones no resulta fácil, porque al no hablar debemos entender por sus acciones y cambios de humor que algo debe estar pasando.

Hoy aprendí a tomarle la temperatura a mi mascota, tengo casi 14 años con Luna y nunca se ha enfermado de nada, ella es una pequeña perra muy sana y alegre, sin embargo, en estos días ha estado con malestar, ahora duerme mucho y está siempre cansada.

¿Cómo saber que tu mascota tiene fiebre?

Para los perros adultos como Luna tener la temperatura en 38 ºC se considera como normal, pero si supera este número entonces podemos decir que nuestra mascota tiene fiebre, así me lo explicó su veterinario.

La temperatura de Luna, llego a casi 40 ºC, ella estaba muy caliente y tenía sus ojos muy tristes, por ello con la ayuda de un termómetro digital me dispuse a tomarle la temperatura y de esta manera llevar el control.

Entonces podemos decir que una mascota tiene fiebre cuando supera los 39 ºC, pero esto siempre debe ser consultado con su médico.

Remedios naturales para la fiebre

Como les había comentado antes, mi mascota Luna no se había enfermado antes y mucho menos le había dado fiebre, sin embargo, si tengo la experiencia de cuidar a mis hermanos y de como le bajamos la fiebre cuando estos enfermaban. Recordé que mi madre solía usar un recipiente pequeño con agua, le colocaba un hielo y luego con un pañuelo ella lo humedecía y colocaba en la cabeza, en nuestras axilas, en la ingle y terminaba pasándolo por los pies y repetía este proceso hasta que con mucha paciencia lograba bajar la temperatura, pero si no funcionaba terminábamos debajo de la regadera.

Toda esta experiencia me sirvió para aplicársela a luna, por ello me dispuse manos a la obra, busqué un trozo de tela, un recipiente, el hielo y comencé con la cabeza, y luego con cada una de las patas de Luna, pasado 20 minutos puedo decir que mi mascota había bajado de 40 ºC a 39 ºC lo que resultó un alivio porque en horas de la noche, no puedo llamar al médico para consultarle sobre algún medicamento.

Entonces puedo decir que la práctica de mi mamá resultó de forma positiva, sin embargo, mañana será otro día y espero que no vuelva a subir la fiebre por ello estará en observación.

Mantener la observación y cuidado de tu mascota

Si la fiebre continúa es importante llevar al médico a nuestras mascotas, por ello Luna estará en observación desde hoy y dormirá muy cerca de mí para poder estar atenta a cualquier cambio, espero que todo pase y que pronto se recupere.

Otro aspecto fundamental es que tome sufuciente agua para que no se deshidrate, por ello la animo a que tome agua y así, se pueda sentir mejor. No le doy ningún medicamento porque no he hablado con el médico, y los remedios para bajar la fiebre a humanos no son recomendados usarlos en nuestras mascotas.

El amor mueve montañas

Mi amor por Luna es muy grande, ella es mi amor perruno y compañera desde hace 14 años, ha estado presente en muchas celebraciones, logros, experiencias y en todo lo que se me ha ocurrido hacer, es mi aventurera, por ello me preocupo por su salud, y espero que mi amor le ayude a sanarse pronto.


Esta publicación está dedicada a todas los usuarios dueños de mascotas que saben del inmenso amor que podemos compartir por nuestro hijo canino. Gracias a todo por leer y espero que puedan compartir conmigo, su experiencia de cómo sanan a sus mascotas cuando están enfermas.

Thanks Blurt, I love you all.
Good vibes.

English Version

Luna has a Fever


Getting to know our pets is sometimes not easy, because by not talking, we must understand from their actions and mood swings that something must be happening.

Today I learned how to take my pet's temperature, I am almost 14 years old with Luna, and she has never gotten sick at all, she is a very healthy and happy little dog, however, these days she has been feeling unwell, now she sleeps a lot and is always tired.

How do you know if your pet has a fever?

For adult dogs like Luna, having a temperature of 38ºC is considered normal, but if it exceeds this number, then we can say that our pet has a fever, as his veterinarian explained it to me.

Luna's temperature reached almost 40 ºC, she was very hot and her eyes were very sad, so with the help of a digital thermometer I set out to take her temperature and thus keep control.

So we can say that a pet has a fever when it exceeds 39 ºC, but this should always be consulted with your doctor.

Natural remedies for fever

As I had told you before, my pet Luna had not gotten sick before, much less had she had a fever, however, I do have the experience of taking care of my brothers and how we lowered their fever when they got sick. I remembered that my mother used to use a small container with water, she would put some ice in it and then with a handkerchief she would moisten it and place it on the head, in our armpits, in the groin and ended up passing it over the feet and repeating this process until with a lot of patience managed to lower the temperature, but if it didn't work we ended up under the shower.

All this experience helped me to apply it to Luna, so I got down to work, I looked for a piece of cloth, a container, the ice and I started with the head, and then with each of Luna's legs, after 20 minutes I can say that my pet had dropped from 40 ºC to 39 ºC, which was a relief because at night, I cannot call the doctor to ask about any medication.

So I can say that my mother's practice was positive, however, tomorrow will be another day and I hope that she does not raise the fever again, so she will be under observation.

Keep the observation and care of your pet

If the fever continues, it is important to take our pets to the doctor, so Luna will be under observation from today and will sleep very close to me so that she can be attentive to any changes. I hope that everything passes and that she recovers soon.

Another fundamental aspect is that you drink water so you don't get dehydrated, so I encourage you to drink water so you can feel better. I don't give him any medication because I haven't talked to the doctor, and fever-reducing remedies for humans are not recommended for use on our pets.

Love moves mountains

My love for Luna is very great, she is my dog ​​love and companion for 14 years, she has been present in many celebrations, achievements, experiences and in everything that has occurred to me to do, she is my adventurer, that is why I worry about your health, and I hope that my love helps you get well soon.


This post is dedicated to all pet owners who know the immense love we can share for our canine child. Thank you all for reading, and I hope you can share with me your experience of how you heal your pets when they are sick.

Thanks Blurt, I love you all.
Good vibes.

Fotografía: propia Diseño: APP Canva - Historia original // Original story

Blurt eres tú, soy yo, blurt somos todos // Blurt is you, it is me, blurt we are all

Que nadie apague tu luz interior // Let no one turn off your inner light

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Disturbing how pets are developing very similar diseases to humans.
Didn't happen much before.
Toxins everywhere affecting all domesticated species.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Never before, Luna had fallen ill, it has always been very healthy.
But she, development a sarcoma in one of her breasts recently and I must operate it soon, I am organizing everything to do it.
He recently made blood tests and she is taking antibiotics, that's why I do not understand, why, yesterday to Luna gave him a fever.
Sincerely, I hope it improves, because Luna is very dear and she arrived at a very special moment, when my doctor had given me the news of my fertilization had not been successful and it was a very hard day for me, I remember being almost silent for For a day until I arrived very small, so much that it was smaller than my husband's hand, who was the one who gave it to me.
Thank you for commenting and sharing your energy.
Good vibes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Antibiotics are not so innocent - one of them ruined my life - your timeline suggests a bad reaction to the poison med.
And a sarcoma is precisely the kind of thing a stressed organism can produce.
Lots of info and a total lack of real causes.
Hope it goes well - maybe need a naturopathic vet ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I didn't want to give her antibiotics, because since she has always been healthy, I almost never gave her anything, but since she was going to have an operation soon, the vet prescribed antibiotics.
I would love to find a naturopathic vet.
My dad used to give her relaxation therapies and laying on of hands, she also gave her remedies with olive oil and natural things to help her go to the bathroom. They did him a lot of good, my dad has blessed hands, but he doesn't know how to operate.
I am in the hands of the doctor and with great hope that everything will turn out well.
Thank you for caring, I sincerely appreciate it, all energy that is positive is well received.
A hug and good vibes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah, is possible - we got a cat recently and I've been practising on his chakras! Well, how does anybody know where cat chakras are? I think some diagrams are just fantasy. Anyway, is interesting - and works - energy work on little animals is easier than humans - the animals don't talk, so they can't bullshit! lmao. Humans can be so draining ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Both dogs and cats have very sensitive paw pads - they can easily pick up toxic shit that shoe-wearing humans don't even think about.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That's what I've always thought, that through their paw, they absorb and collect everything, and also lick it with their tongue, taking it to their stomach. Today she woke up vomiting, she's weak, I think I'll make my mom's remedy, a vegetable soup, to try to revive her a little.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Dear Angelica,

I hope that Luna will be well soon and that she will be your faithful companion for many years to come.

Good Vibes!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hello my dear friend.
My beautiful Luna, she has not yet improved, today she is weaker, I am waiting to be able to operate on her, it is necessary to remove the tumor that she has from her because she is taking her away, and it makes her feel very bad.
Thank you for your concern, today more than ever I require that good energy, a hug.
Good vibes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am very sorry about that!
You've already had enough bad news lately...
This year has not started well here either.
My girlfriend is in the hospital,
my mother fractured her spine
and I had a lumbago (but I'm fine now).

In my family we always light a candle when someone is sick.
I light one for your Luna now too.

All the best and Big Hug from Germany

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh God! You made me cry, but with joy, my mom also has a candle lit and everyone is worried about Luna.
Certainly, this in the last months of the year 2021 and this beginning of the year 2022 has been somewhat complicated, but it is part of life, I have to strengthen myself and organize my thoughts to find balance.
I'm sorry to hear what you're going through and I greatly appreciate the trust of sharing it with me. I hope that your relatives get better in the name of God, I will also light a candle for them, and thus we spread a universal energy of light for all our patients.
I'm glad to know that you're better, maybe all your discomfort is part of the concern you've had, I hope everything gets better.
I will be attentive to the evolution of your evolution, your girlfriend and your mother.
I hope to God they get better soon.
Good vibes, dear friend of that energy that makes us shine.

Sorry to hear that your dog has a fever. I hope they get better soon.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you, I hope so too, because my dear Luna is my adoration and knowing that she is sick worries me.
Thank you for your visit, it's nice to welcome you with a cup of tea or coffee I don't know what you like and to be able to share comments, which is ultimately what makes everyone here friends.
Good vibes. ;)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sorry to hear your dog is not feeling well... I hope she is well again, as soon as possible. You are taking very good care of her!


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Being able to receive good energy from cat-loving friends will always be well received. I also hope that she improves, until now she is still asleep and under observation. It's already 1 in the morning here, and I can't sleep, and I appreciate the support. A hug and
Good vibes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

hope your pet will recover very soon. Take care of its and Give its healthy food.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I hope so too, thanks for the comment.
Good vibes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I hope so too, thanks for the comment.
Good vibes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Quick recovery to your pet.
I am sure we will fight off these microbiological agents reducing his health.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

In my area there have been incidents of some people catching Dogs and after that the dog died. The dog's name is Canon. Canon's story went viral in Indonesia and the case went to court.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I was very sad to read this news your dog is suffering from some disease . I want you to take care of him so that he comes back in good condition.
may God protect you.
God bless you!

Sad to hear that your dog Luna has fever! Hope she will be well and fine very soon! And thanks for such nice information!

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Our precious babies ...i feed them special food i cook myself and i give them plants
They are all super healthy 🙂
I hope Luna will feel better , unfortunatly , processed food and all the crap from the veterinary kills them really fast .
I send her big kisses and much love