R.I.P. My Dear Lucky

in blurtimals •  4 years ago 


Actually, I am not a cat lover, and since childhood I have never touched, let alone carry a cat. But everything changed when Balo, a female cat that my wife has kept since she was a kitten, gave birth to cute kittens a few months ago.

It was Balo's first time giving birth. At that time, I saw her painstakingly giving birth to 5 kittens. My wife and two sons welcomed the Balo kittens with great joy. Shortly after giving birth, Balo and the babies were moved to an empty room in our house.


Balo is Lucky's mother. The photo was taken by me.

A few days later, a kitten died, and two days later another one followed. So that is left, only 3 kittens. But unfortunately, another baby kitten with yellow stripes also died a few days later. So that leaves two kittens.

The remaining two kittens. The other was a female, she was well grown, fat, and agile enough to climb trees at her age. Meanwhile, the other kitten is a male. He was thin, had a distended abdomen, and limped his left paw. I don't know, maybe his paw was hit by some hard object or he fell from a higher place.


Luna is Lucky's big sister. The photo was taken by me

I suspect that the thin kitten has a worm problem. At that time I decided to take him to the nearest veterinary clinic. After the vet examined him, the vet told me that the thin kitten had growing problems because he had worms, and why he was limping, it was because his left paw had a fracture. After giving deworming medicine and an injection of appetite-enhancing vitamins, I brought the kitten home.

But the next day, the skinny kitten vomited. From his mouth a yellow liquid. I was worried about whether it was due to the effects of the worm medicine he was taking. I didn't want to take the risk, so I decided to take him back to the veterinary clinic. Hearing what I said, the vet told me that the skinny kitten had the Feline panleukopenia virus. In many cases, there are not many cats exposed to the virus who survive, let alone the patient is a kitten. Maher, my son who accompanied me to the clinic, after hearing the narrative from the doctor, was immediately shocked. He looked at me with a sad face.


Lucky, my poor kitten. The photo was taken by me.

The thin kitten was given intravenous fluids for a while because his condition was so weak, he was not given any injections. Then I took him home. At home, I fed him Wishkas (sachet food for cats) which I had previously bought at the veterinary clinic. I purposely gave Wishkas so that he would have no trouble chewing them. Despite his weak condition, the skinny kitten ate heartily with nothing left.


Lucky, my poor kitten. The photo was taken by me.

Two days passed, the skinny kitten finally recovered. He can trot and looks agile. At that time I saw several worms hanging from his buttocks. I pulled the worms and threw them away. After that incident, the skinny kitten's abdomen was no longer distended, and slowly his body was filled, his left paw was no longer limping. I am grateful that he survived the Panleu virus, the worms problem has been resolved, and the paw of his left foot has healed. So since then, I named him Lucky.

A month passed, Lucky's growth is getting better, he has become a handsome kitten. When he was eating, he was very fierce and did not want his food to be touched by his mother and big sister. Oh yeah, his big sister's name is Luna. Luna is a loving big sister. I often see Luna licking Lucky's mouth and feet. She takes over the duties of a mother to clean Lucky's body from food scraps or dust. When both of them are sleeping, I often see Luna hugging Lucky with great love.



A touching moment, when Lucky slept in the arms of his big sis, Luna. The photo was taken by me.

Some time ago, an incident occurred at night. I saw Lucky's left paw crushed and bleeding profusely. Most likely, something hard had crushed his left paw. Without thinking, I immediately rushed Lucky to the veterinary clinic in Keude Cunda. Thankfully, the veterinary clinic wasn't closed at the time.

Poor Lucky! By the vet before cleaning the wound with intravenous fluids, first gave Lucky an anesthetic injection. After smearing the medicine, then Luki's left paw is bandaged. The vet told me there was a bad chance if the wound on Luki's paw didn't get better in the next few days, his left leg had to be amputated so that the infection wouldn't spread to other organs.

Three days later, I took Lucky back to the veterinary clinic to change medicines and bandages. The wound on his paw hasn't gotten better, but there haven't been any bad signs in Lucky. Because he is still strong enough to walk, and he still eats well.





Lucky, when the bandage on his left paw is changed at the veterinary clinic. He behaved very well when handled by the vet. The photo was taken by me.

But the next day, Lucky's body became weak and he didn't have the desire to eat. He slept all day on the porch of the house, and the odd thing was, at night he separated himself from his mother and big sister by sleeping on the grass in my yard. When I saw him, I thought he was dead. I shook Lucky's body, he woke up and meowed. I took him to where he used to sleep and covered him with a cloth.


My son Maher, and Lucky, at the O Pet Shops and Clinics, Lhokseumawe City. The photo was taken by me.

A day later, Lucky's condition got worse. She has a fever and still won't eat. I took him again to the veterinary clinic. Lucky was given an IV, and the vet changed the bandage on Luki's paw, by then the wound had started to dry. The vet injected an anti-biotic drug and an appetite-enhancing vitamin into Lucky's body. I hope that after that, Lucky can get better. I didn't let Lucky sleep outside, that night I took him to the living room and placed him in a box with a thick cloth.

But not as expected, because the next day, Lucky's condition continued to deteriorate. That day I planned to take him again to the veterinary clinic. I thought I had to make the worst decision that his left leg had to be amputated.


Lucky, my poor kitten. The photo was taken by me.

At midday, after picking up my youngest son from school, I didn't see Lucky in the living room. I looked out of the house, while my son Maher went to the kitchen room. Suddenly, Maher let out a loud roar. I rushed into the kitchen. I found Lucky with his body already lying stiff with small ants swarming his mouth.



Under the mound of my yard, Lucky rested in peace forever. Photos was taken by me.

At midday that Thursday, our sweet Lucky was gone forever. I still remember Lucky's face in the morning before I went to take my sons to school. At that moment, his eyes filled with tears, he looked at me sadly, as if he wanted to say goodbye. Now my Lucky has been freed from suffering and pain. Rest in peace dear, sleep soundly. We all love you!

CameraXiaomi Poco X3 NFC
LocationLhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia
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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Ohh, my sincere condolences! I feel you since I also have pets: a cat and dogs. It hurts that they will be gone too soon, but it hurts to see them suffer in pain, too. I hope you'll be okay soon.

Run free in the rainbow bridge, Lucky!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

So sorry , I feel your pain. I love animals and it makes me so sad to see them hurting or when they die.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I'm sorry for your loss, because I know how it hurts to say goodbye to a pet, it seems incredible how we can come to love animals, we managed to make an inexplicable connection but one that is definitely present.
Thank you for sharing all your story from the birth of your cats to the farewell, it allows us who we read to know a little more about the people who publish in the community.
I send you good wishes and good vibes to you and your family.