Signs to show that you are with the wrong lady

in blurtife •  4 years ago 


Some ladies claim to be in love simply because of the benefits they get while in the relationship but can be easily taken to bed by another man because of the following :

  • When a Lady pickpocket from her man without him knowing then she is cheap because as a responsible lady she is to ask politely for it or rather tell him if not then that is called stealing.

  • When a Lady keeps borrowing money from her guy without refunding it then any day she doesn't get from him to settle her bills then she would look for another guy who she feels will be fit and she is likely to continue that way.

  • Some women never call back but rather flash the guy with the airtime been sent to her guy which is wrong because no matter how little it's, showing appreciation will make him happy and wanting to do more next time.

  • When She is never satisfied in bed she will turn her guy into a sex machine and if she is still not OK, She will use the remaining sexual urge to turn another man on in order for her to get the satisfaction which is not good.

  • When a Lady is dependent then I see her as a cheap person who is also lazy and wants things for free or for a giveaway because no matter how little it's she can engage in a little business or job to support him not that she should always be at the receiving end.

Those are the few points I can talk about for now but as time goes on I will discuss the rest. Guys, I hope I have spoken your mind? feel free to air your own opinion in the comment box.

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