in blurtife •  4 years ago 

Life is the existence of things (living and non living) in it's active state. Life is the greatest gift from God because it cannot be bought with money.
Life is beautiful, it has it's goals and principles which are meant to be accomplished by each and everyone of us.
For you to succeed, you must live a good life.

  What exactly do you mean by living a good life

. Be simple, humble, respectful,kind hearted.
. Treat people the way you treat yourself
. Affect people's lives positively
. Have good reputations
. Be hard-working
Life has it's own ways of dealing with people which could be positively or negatively. One needs understanding and perseverance to cope with life in order to survive all it's problems and tribulations. At some point, life can be so frustrating and can also be amazing.
Individuals should manage their lives well especially in their youthful age by being hardworking and fighting for a bright future. Lazy people waste life and they become automatically useless.
Life is a mystery that can be unveiled by the wise and not the fools, wisdom is necessary but knowledge helps in the proper application of wisdom. Everyone has his or her life to live but live it wisely.
Live an examplaly life that will speak for who and not a fake life to please to people. Build your dear life by reading books that'll add value to your life aside from school books, communicate with friends that are more exposed than you, watch good movies that'll affect your life positively and also do more of research work.
Finally,life is beautiful value it, understand it, treasure it and love it.
I love my life and I'm urging you all to love yours.

Thank you


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