Blurt Humanity Report for 2021

in blurthumanity •  3 years ago 

Blurt Humanity Report

Bahasa Indonesia

Saat ini kita sudah memasuki tahun 2022. Semoga kita semua diberikan kesuksesan di 2022. Selain itu, semoga apa yang menjadi harapan dan belum kesampaian di 2021, bisa terlaksana di tahun 2022.

Dalam kesempatan ini, ijinkan kami melaporkan kondisi Blurt Humanity untuk masa perjalanan tahun 2021:

Lahirnya Blurt Humanity

Blurt Humanity lahir pada tanggal 22 November 2021. Blurt Humanity diinisiasi oleh @maskuncoro dan @dsatria.

Postingan selengkapnya terkait hal ini silakan dibaca disini: Introducing: Blurt Humanity

Pencapaian Blurt Humanity di Tahun 2021

Tahun 2021 kami lalui selama 38 hari. Selama itu, berikut ini beberapa pencapaian yang bisa kami dapatkan:

Token Blurt

Dari target yang kami canangkan, selama November - Desember 2021, kami menargetkan mendapatkan 20,000 Blurt, tapi kami hanya berhasil mengumpulkan 467,4 Blurt.


Selama tahun 2021, delegator yang mendelegasikan Blurt Powernya ke Blurt Humanity ada 9 orang, yaitu:

@hornet-on-tour => 10,000 BP
@maskuncoro => 15,000 BP
@dsatria => 5,000 BP
@zainalbakri => 2,000 BP
@ayjoe => 500 BP
@hafizz => 258 BP
@boimaziz => 1,000 BP
@ekads => 300 BP
@swarna01 => 500 BP

Total delegasi = 34,617. Kini total Blurt Power yang dimiliki oleh @blurthumanity adalah 34,617 BP (delegasi) + 2139 BP = 36,756 Blurt Power.


Untuk tahun 2021, kami belum melaksanakan program penyaluran untuk kegiatan humanity. Kami masih fikus ke pengumpulan dana (fund raising).

Program Kerja Blurt Humanity Tahun 2022

Untuk program kerja di tahun 2022, kami akan mulai melaksanakan program fund raising dan penyaluran bantuan kemanusiaan. Program dijalankan sesuai dengan kamampuan finansial yang kami miliki.

Selengkapnya, nantikan postingan kami mendatang.

English Language

We are currently entering the year 2022. May we all be given success in 2022. In addition, hopefully what has been hoped for and has not been realized in 2021, can be realized in 2022

On this occasion, allow us to report on the condition of Blurt Humanity for the 2021 travel period:

Birth of Blurt Humanity

Blurt Humanity was born on November 22, 2021. Blurt Humanity was initiated by @maskuncoro and @dsatria.

Please read the full post regarding this matter here: Introducing: Blurt Humanity

Blurt Humanity Achievements in 2021

We have passed the year 2021 for 38 days. During that time, here are some of the achievements we can get:

Token Blurt

From our target, during November - December 2021, we targeted to get 20,000 Blurts, but we only managed to collect 467.4 Blurts.


During 2021, there are 9 delegates who delegate their Blurt Power to Blurt Humanity, namely:

@hornet-on-tour => 10,000 BP
@maskuncoro => 15,000 BP
@dsatria => 5,000 BP
@zainalbakri => 2,000 BP
@ayjoe => 500 BP
@hafizz => 258 BP
@boimaziz => 1,000 BP
@ekads => 300 BP
@swarna01 => 500 BP

Total delegates = 34,617. Now the total Blurt Power owned by @blurthumanity is 34,617 BP (delegation) + 2139 BP = 36,756 Blurt Power.

Assistance Distribution

For 2021, we have not implemented a distribution program for humanity activities. We are still focused on fundraising.


Every day, we curate:

  • Delegator posts
  • Posts that use the tag #blurthumanity
  • Posts related to humanitarian activities

2022 Humanity Blurt Work Program

For the work program in 2022, we will start implementing fund raising programs and distributing humanitarian aid. The program is run according to our financial capacity.

For more, stay tuned for our next post.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Tetap semangat, lanjutkan dan terima kasih bisa ikut nimbrung

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you, your post has been upvoted by @blurttribe.

Curated manually by @obikay

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Happy New Year @blurthumanity We are honoured to celebrate the new year with you
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