El hombre sentado en la orilla del lago contempla las montañas que se alzan majestuosas ante él. El viento frio sopla y chocha contra sus mejillas congelándolas y haciéndole perder la sensación en la cara. Se siente pequeño e insignificante en medio de tanta belleza. El paisaje es una mezcla de verdes, marrones y grises que se funden en una armonía perfecta.
The man sitting on the shore of the lake contemplates the mountains that rise majestically before him. The cold wind blows and crashes against his cheeks, freezing them and making him lose the feeling in his face. He feels small and insignificant in the midst of such beauty. The landscape is a mixture of greens, browns and grays that blend together in perfect harmony.
El hombre ya lleva allí un par de días, sin hablar con nadie, sin hacer mucho más que contemplar el paisaje y reflexionar sobre su vida. Ha estado acampando y pescando para poder alimentarse. Tiene muchas cosas en las que pensar, demasiadas cosas para procesar. Pese a todo, el verse rodeado de la naturaleza salvaje lo hace alejarse de sus mundanos pensamientos.
The man has been there for a couple of days now, not talking to anyone, not doing much more than contemplating the scenery and reflecting on his life. He has been camping and fishing to feed himself. He has too much to think about, too many things to process. Still, being surrounded by the wilderness takes his mind off his mundane thoughts.
Desde hace ya un tiempo que había estado pensando en abandonar su vida anterior, todo lo que había conocido y amado. Dejó su exitosa carrera, sus posesiones más preciadas y también a su familia. Se había ido a aquel lugar apartado para buscar un poco de paz y tranquilidad, pero no siempre era fácil encontrarla. A veces los recuerdos le asaltaban sin previo aviso y entonces no podía evitar llorar. Pensaba en sus hijos y su esposa y lo mucho que debían extrañarlo. Pero otras veces, cuando conseguía controlarse, se sentía sorprendentemente bien.
For some time now he had been thinking about leaving his former life, everything he had known and loved. He left his successful career, his most prized possessions and also his family. He had gone to that secluded place to seek some peace and quiet, but it wasn't always easy to find. Sometimes the memories would come back to him without warning and he couldn't help but cry. He would think of his children and his wife and how much they must miss him. But other times, when he managed to control himself, he felt surprisingly good.
Hoy el hombre se siente tranquilo y en paz consigo mismo. Por fin después de tanto pensar ha tomado una decisión: no volverá a su antigua vida, no volverá a aquellos lugares donde todo le recordara aquellas cosas que dejó atrás. Se quedará solo allí, en aquel bello lugar apartado, y tratará de ser feliz.
Today the man feels calm and at peace with himself. Finally after so much thinking he has made a decision: he will not return to his old life, he will not return to those places where everything will remind him of those things he left behind. He will stay alone there, in that beautiful secluded place, and try to be happy.
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