Radio Evolved Sunday funday! 16-05-2021

in blurthispano •  3 years ago 

(English) Radio Evolved Sunday funday! 16-05-2021

Hello, again I wanted to share with you my experience with the fun radio "Radio Evolved", which is presented every Sunday. Where you will listen to songs from amazing musicians, participate in contests, share in the Atom Collector Records discord chat and find out all the news about the Rising Star game.

Sunday's radio show was very lively with rhythms mostly in techno style, the opening of the show was performed by our beloved musician Gribbles with a fantastic futuristic rhythm that transported us to another time, like being in a timcop style movie. The rhythm of this song will make you move your bones.

The show continued with Double Eagle, with an interesting proposal of music Double Eagle Legal [Ad 1], after which junkfeathers was presented with a very nice melody, his voice and the soft rhythms, transport you to a rainy day. The song transmits a lot of tranquility and peace, let's hope to see more from this artist.

Next, we were accompanied by virtualex with a futuristic rhythm, which brought to our mind the arcade games. A song that made everyone on the atom collector records discord move with techno beats. What futuristic movie does this song remind you of?

Later we were joined by the incredible funk and R&B groove, by Trenton Lundy. Massive groove here, solid hypnotic beats interspersed with great bass/sax/guitar fills. Applause for this incredible musician.

Then came Black Eye Butterfly with his incredible guitar and voice, followed by langvmusic with a remix, bringing the party to the discord to shake the hips to the rhythm of techno.

Continuing the program was The Audible Collective with their soft melody and incredible guitar to bring harmony with their calm rhythm, then The Turtle Project, with their beautiful voice that characterizes them for the sense of peace that each of their songs transmit.

I leave here the link of the other musicians who played in the show, I hope you enjoy it:

She Floated Away

Atom Collector Records (JUx) Speechless

gingerbread man

If you want to see the complete show I will leave you the link to the radio show last Sunday, I will also leave you the link to the discord if you want to know more about the musicians and interact with them, who knows if next time you will see them in an award show. I send you a hug and have a happy week.

Discord Atom Collector Records:

(Spanish) Radio Evolved Sunday funday! 16-05-2021

Hola, nuevamente quería compartirles mi experiencia con la divertida radio “Radio Evolved”, que se presenta todos los domingos. Donde escucharas canciones de increíbles músicos, participarás en concursos, podrás compartir en el chat de discord de Atom Collector Records y sabremos todas las novedades del juego Rising Star.

La radio del pasado del domingo estuvo muy movida con ritmos en su mayoría con estilo techno, la apertura del show la realizó nuestro querido músico Gribbles con un fantástico ritmo futurista que nos transportó a otro tiempo, como estar en una película al estilo timcop. El ritmo de esta canción te hará mover hasta los huesos.

El show continuó con Double Eagle, con una interesante propuesta de música Double Eagle Legal [Ad 1], posterior a ella se presentó junkfeathers con una melodía muy agradable, su voz y los ritmos suaves, te transportan a un día de lluvia. La canción te transmite mucho tranquilidad y paz, esperemos ver más de este artista.

A continuación, nos acompañó virtualex con un ritmo también futurista, que trajo a nuestra mente los juegos arcades. Una canción que hizo mover a todos en el discord de atom collector records con ritmos techno. ¿Qué película futurista te recuerda esta canción?

Posteriormente nos acompañó el increíble ritmo de funk y R&B, de Trenton Lundy. A massive groove going on here,solid hypnotic beats interspersed with great bass/sax/guitar fills. Oh,yeah! applause for this incredible musician.

Luego se presentó Black Eye Butterfly con su increíble guitarra y voz, seguidamente nos acompañó langvmusic con un remix, trayendo la fiesta al discord para hacer sacudir las caderas al ritmo del techno.

Continuando el programa se presentó The Audible Collective con su suave melodía e increíble guitarra para traer armonía con su ritmo tranquilo, luego prosiguió The Turtle Project, con su hermosa voz que lo caracteriza por la sensanción de paz que transmiten cada uno de sus canciones.

Te dejo por acá el link de los otros músicos que tocaron en el show espero que lo disfrutes:

She Floated Away

Atom Collector Records (JUx) Speechless

gingerbread man

Si quieres ver el show completo te dejaré el link de la radio del pasado domingo, igualmente te dejaré el link del discord si quieres saber más sobre los músicos e interactuar con ellos, quien sabe si la próxima vez los vea en alguna premiación. Te mando un abrazo que tengas feliz semana.

Discord Atom Collector Records:

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