in blurthispano •  2 years ago 

Application for delegation

blurtainment Logo.png

Blurtainment was formed out of passion for blurt promotion by @nobeeel and led by @judexex
In recent time we have try to manage the community through our engagement post and entertainment news update.
Blurtainment was created by @nabeeel the first Pakistan witness to help promote blurt through entertainment. the journey has been amazing.
the whole ideal was backed up by @henryglowz

As written on my previous Post

©| I realized how unique blurt can create a unique flow of inventory outburst into the entertainment using the social media platform to create awareness on what we believe is workable and can change the entertainment industry for good.

imagine opening blurt and discover you can actually watch or write your own creative content and get upvote by millions of people.

Blurt as a community has big part to play in the entertainment industry using blurtainment as the anchor point.

it will be the largest content streaming platform on earth, an entertainment platform that is beyond talent, controlled by the Blockchain |


Promoting blurt through entertainment.
We view a future where Blurt is been known in the entertainment industry. A future where Blurt will be adopted by many entertainment brand as a means of investment and source of support and we see a future where we are standing with joy in our heart as blurt soars.
Blurt is beyond blogging, blurt is passion and passion is what brings like minds together for a greater heights.


Our mission is to take Blurt to every entertainment house and individuals around the world, We want blurt to be part of the biggest sponsors in the entertainment industry, that is why we will use all marketing strategies to create awareness for blurt and it's block chain. We believe that if we can get 500,000 entertainers and entertainment organisations investing and using blurt then our mission is been accomplished.
So one day we can be able to host award for the entertainment industry as Blurt community.

This project will be of great benefits to #blurt using entertainment to find the right audience by connecting with the through regular highlights of events and update on daily activities on every social media platform..

We are on
Twitter :

Instagram :

discord :

Thanks to
@geeklania creator of the #Blurthispano curation project
@vickyguevara creator and founder of the #blurtlatam project
@freakeao content creator and witness of the #Blurt platform

thanks for this great opportunity to share this great ideas and vision.

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This post has been upvoted by @blurthispano.
We invite you to use the tag #blurthispano. You can find us on Discord.

Manually curated by Geeklania.

We invite you to vote for @blurthispano as Witness.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Manually curated by @vickyguevara

Gracias por compartir tu publicación en #Blurt. Tu esfuerzo significa mucho para nosotros; por eso has recibido un voto positivo.

Te invito a votar por @blurtlatam como Testigo / Witness


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