Benefits offered by natural products (Part I)

in blurtheal •  4 years ago 

There are innumerable benefits that nature offers us for our well-being and that we should know, but not abuse its use.

Next, I present in this first part the benefits of some natural products and they are the following ones:

The Valerian



Valerian is a plant that acts as a sedative agent, relaxing the nervous system and brain, so it is often recommended to people with sleep disorders, or to relieve stress and anxiety.

Valerian is undoubtedly the best known natural tranquilizer for many people and its main use is related to sleep disorders or difficulty and its consumption is very common, especially among those suffering from insomnia.

The Valerian plant is native to Europe and certain parts of Asia but is now very present in North America.

Valerian is used in the preparation is the essential oil obtained from its root and has a powerful sedative action.

Valerian is also recommended for people who are starting to stop smoking or who are being treated for an alcohol problem.

The cashew



The cashew or merey looks at first glance like any nut, or a crunchy ingredient in your granola, oatmeal, or yogurt mix, but it really is a powerful nutritious food that improves your health, prevents disease, and makes you a much stronger and healthier person.

In addition, this small fruit can help you avoid cavities, acne, tuberculosis, and pneumonia.

The cashew or merey is known for having a versatility that allows its use when making a series of delicacies, such as the sweet Dominican cashew.

These seeds grow in the lower part of the merey apple, and it is also known as cashew.

The cashew or merey is one of the healthiest seeds on the planet. Studies have shown that they are capable of killing the positive Gram bacteria, which is linked to severe cavities, tuberculosis, acne, pneumonia, streptococcal pharyngitis, and even leprosy, since the anacardic chemical elements of the cashew attack these bacteria and if you eat them regularly, you can avoid these diseases.

The pumpkin or auyama



The pumpkin or auyama is a natural product that provides many benefits to our body. Here are just a few of its properties and its different ways of preparing them

Healing properties of pumpkin or auyama

This food is a source of healing properties, as its vitamin, A content helps to maintain good vision by preventing the onset of cataracts.

It is also used for cases of cystitis and urinary infections, since it desinflama the bladder, as well as for cases of constipation and heartburn.

Eating the raw pulp and seasoning with olive oil and salt to taste daily combats anemia. The flower and fruit of auyama can also be eaten as a vegetable to strengthen the organism. They are excellent for combating malnutrition.

The seeds of this vegetable are recommended in treatments against depression for its content of tryptophan, a compound known as the amino acid of pleasure.

Pumpkin seeds are recommended for depression treatments because of their content of tryptophan, a compound known as the pleasure amino acid. They are also useful for eliminating intestinal parasites and regulating cholesterol levels.

Auyama flowers that at first begin to fall off when they are not time to produce. These flowers can be taken and removed from the pistil, filled with dressing or ground meat with sauce, can be cheese, ham, or you want. Then you pass it through egg and bread flour, flour or cassava, and fry it.

The ponytail



The ponytail is a plant full of properties and active principles such as:

equisetonine, tannins, potassium, flavonoids, silica, and vitamin C, which makes it extremely beneficial to our health.

Horsetail is a natural product used for "fluid retention" (edema), kidney and bladder stones, urinary tract infections, inability to control urine (incontinence), and for general kidney and bladder disorders.

It is also used for baldness, tuberculosis, jaundice, hepatitis, brittle nails, joint diseases, gout, osteoarthritis, bone weakness (osteoporosis), frostbite, weight loss, for menstrual or prolonged periods, and uncontrolled bleeding (hemorrhage) from the nose, lungs, or stomach.

Horsetail is applied directly to the skin to treat wounds and burns.

Intake of dry ponytail extract or a specific product containing ponytail plus calcium extract (Osteosil Calcium) increases bone density in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis.

It is possibly dangerous when taken orally for long periods of time. It contains a substance called thiaminase, which separates thiamine from nutrients.

The potato



Only a few people know the nutritional value of the potato, it is very rich and neutralizes acids and residues and other poisons in the body, expelling them from it, is excellent in curing discomforts and diseases, the importance that has the potato although it seems rare is a good pain reliever for stomach aches, intestines, esophagus and spots on the skin.

It is excellent against blows the potato has to be fresh. Make potato juice with honey to take daily in small amounts, so you will have a quick cure, as eating raw potato has excellent properties to combat acidification of the stomach.

Potatoes can be mashed, fried, boiled, steamed, or sautéed, the potato is a staple food around the world. Baked potatoes help maintain a healthy intestine, improve brain function, and provide you with vitamin B6, ideal for relieving stress.

The Lemon



Lemon has the reputation of being the "medical food" par excellence thanks to the many healthy properties attributed to it, from combating hypertension and cardiovascular problems to counteracting stress and fatigue or strengthening the body's defenses.

Two varieties are basically consumed: the table or "waiter", with thinner skin, pale yellow pulp, and more juice; and the Bern, a much more wide variety, with thick skin, very intense yellow color, and oval shape.

The health properties of lemon make it an essential food. It is very rich in vitamin C: 100 ml of homemade lemon juice provides 62% of the daily needs. This vitamin is fundamental for the good state of the blood vessels and very beneficial for the health of bones, teeth, and skin.

What do you think of the benefits offered by all these natural products?

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