Friday: My Goals in Blurt.- Viernes: Mi Objetivos en Blurt (ESP/ENG)

in blurtgoals •  3 years ago 

Hello everyone

This week she has been absent a bit from the platform because my girl has been sick, that makes me not concentrate, I take care of her every day, I only participate in commenting and voting. Well my friends another week finished, today is Friday another weekend...

On this day I am a little sad because today, March 11, my father had his birthday, it was a day to share with him, 3 years ago my father died and his absence left an emptiness in my life, in my heart I have them full of beautiful memories, I thank God for everything he gave my brothers, his teachings, his time, his love. In life when we are young we reproach many things from our parents, but when we become parents we come to understand each of the things that our parents did not say, we value every word and advice, that everything was for the good.


My father gave us wealth in time, teaching, in love, sharing with the family, these are the things that we must value, we are what we are because of our parents, we must be grateful, thanks to them I am a great woman... I wanted this post dedicate it to my father....

Kicking off this week's BlurtGoals

Two Posts daily, comment and vote

This week I published 1 daily post, not the whole week, since I was inactive because my daughter has been sick, I have not been able to concentrate on offering content. Comments I have been active trying to do 5 daily, but my goal is to do 10 daily. Vote 10 post that if I have done it daily...

40k Blurtpower

Every day I am progressing in raising my Blurt power, everything that has been bet since I arrived at Blurt I have kept, I have not extracted Blurtpower currency, only the coins that I receive in liquid are the ones that I use to cover my expenses.
In the past week
8,561,113 BP
This week
10,486,612 BP

Power this week
10,486,612 - 8,561,113
1,925,499 BP

How ​​much do I need to reach my goals?
40,000.00- 10,486,612

Missing: 29,514,388 BP

Project Welcome to Blurt

This is a personal project that I started in February, in which I have helped new users by giving away Blurt, so that they continue publishing until they collect their first rewards. I have started this project without any interest, only to help others grow in Blurt, to show them that Blurt is different from other platforms.

This week I did not support, for what I mentioned, my sick girl was not active.

Food curation project.

This is another project that I want to run in blurt, but when I have a little more power to activate a community where I can share quality content, if spam, photos of the recipe process. So you can support him with a good vote. I know that I still lack, but nothing is impossible when you want it with the heart, I know that I will execute it.

It may be that I get people later to support my project, execute it for this year, where I select the content, other users vote for that content. If you have any contribution that makes this project grow, I am active to execute it, just like welcome to Blurt.

What are your goals in Blurt? How many did you turn this week?


Hola a todos

Esta semana ha estado ausente un poco de la plataforma debido que mi niña ha estado enferma, eso hace que no me concentre, la cuido cada dia, solo participo en comentar y votar. Bueno mis amigos otra semana terminada, ya hoy es viernes otro fin de semana...


En este dia estoy un poco triste ya que hoy 11 de marzo mi padre estuviera de cumpleaño, era un dia de compartir con el, hace 3 años que mi padre murio y su ausencia dejo vacio en mi vida, en mi corazon los tengo lleno de hermosos recuerdos, le doy gracias a Dios por todo lo que nos dio a mis hermanos , sus enseñanzas, su tiempo, su amor. En la vida cuando somos jovenes reprochamos muchas cosas de nuestros padres, pero cuando llegamos hacer padrs llegamos a entender cada unas de las cosas que no decia nuestro padres, valoramos cada palabra y consejo, que todo era por el bien.

Mi padre nos dio riqueza en tiempo, enseñanza, en amor, compartir en familia, estas son las cosas que debemos valorar, somos lo que somos por nuestro padres, debemos ser agradecidos, gracias a ellos soy una gran mujer... este post quise dedicarlo a mi padre....

Iniciando en BlurtGoals de esta semana

Dos Publicaciones diarias, comentar y votar

Esta semana publique fue 1 post diario, no toda la semana completa, ya que estuve inactiva porque mi niña ha estado enferma, no me he podido concentrar en ofrecer contenido. Comentarios he estado activa tratando de hacer 5 diarios, pero mi meta es realizar 10 diarios. Votar 10 post eso si lo he hecho diariamente...

40 k Blurtpower

Cada dia voy avanzando en subir mi Blurt power, todo lo que ha apostado desde que llegue a Blurt lo he mantenido, no he extraido moneda Blurtpower, solo las monedas que recibo en liquido son la que utilizo para cubrir mis gastos.
La semana pasada
8.561,113 BP
Esta semana
10,486.612 BP

Power de esta semana
10,486.612 - 8.561,113
1,925.499 BP

Cuanto me falta para llegar a mis objetivos
40.000,00- 10,486.612

Falta: 29,514.388 BP

Proyecto Bienvenido a Blurt

Este es un proyecto personal que inicie desde el mes de febrero, en el cual he ayudado a nuevos usuarios regalando Blurt, para que continue publicando hasta que cobre sus primeras recompensas. Este proyecto lo he iniciado sin ningun interes, solo el de ayudar aotros crecer en Blurt, demostrarle que Blurt es diferentes a otras plataforma.

En esta semana no apoye, por lo que mencione no estuve activa mi niña enferma.

Proyecto de curacion de Comida.

Este es otro proyecto que deseo ejecutar en blurt, pero cuando tenga un poco mas de poder para activar una comunidad en donde pueda compartir contenidos de calidad, si spam, fotos propias del proceso de receta. Asi poder apoyarlo con un buen voto. Se que aun me falta, pero nada es imposible cuando se desea con el corazon, se que lo ejecutare.

Puede ser consiga personas mas adelante que apoye mi proyecto, lo ejecuta para este año, en donde seleccione los contenidos otros usuarios voten por ese contenido. Si tiene algun aporte que me haga crecer este proyecto estoy activa para ejecutarlo, igual el de bienvenido a Blurt.

Cuales son tus objetivos en Blurt? Cuantos cumpliste esta semana?

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am very sorry that your daughter is sick😢. May Allah heal your daughter.🤲
11th was your father's birthday🎉. I understand your sorrow that you did not get close to your father. There is nothing to do. Be patient and pray.