Why eat lettuce leaves?

in blurtgerman •  4 years ago 

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Lettuce leaves
Lettuce leaves are eaten with burgers or in salads. This leaf is full of nutrients. Lettuce contains vitamin C , Calcium, Vitamin K, Fiber, vitamin B6 , Vitamin A, Folate and Potassium. Learn the advantages of eating lettuce leaves.

Lettuce leaves we all know almost. Many historians say that the cultivation of this green leaf was first started by the Egyptians. They wont to cultivate this leaf as a vegetable. Even oil was extracted from the seeds of those leaves. Although later the cultivation of those lettuce leaves was started by the Greeks and Romans.

Lettuce leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals. These leaves contain vitamin A , Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B-6, Iron, Potassium etc.

Lettuce leaves can fight cancer. Because it contains antioxidants like beta carotene and lutein. Such antioxidants reduce the expansion of cancer cells.

Lettuce leaves are low in calcium. However, you'll get regular calcium from lettuce. there's no substitute for calcium in bone and tooth formation. you'll mix lettuce with other calcium rich foods.

All types of green leafy vegetables contain some iron. Women need iron during the cycle . Iron is additionally needed during pregnancy. So use lettuce within the way you wish with food.

Lettuce leaves help with sleep. If you eat an excessive amount of lettuce, you'll soon nod off . this is often because it contains an ingredient called lacticarium that helps you sleep.

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