Snow in the desert!

in blurtgerman •  4 years ago 

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There are several areas around the world where severe cold and snowfall begin in January. However, such incidents are rare in the deserts of Africa and the Middle East. However, this year there has been heavy snowfall in the Sahara of Africa and the temperature in Saudi Arabia has dropped to 2 degrees Celsius. The desert sands are covered with yellow sand and white snow.

There are also some pictures of this ice cover on the sands of the Sahara Desert. According to Geo TV, locals and foreign tourists are coming to see this rare snowfall in the desert in the Asir region of Saudi Arabia.

A video of it has also gone viral on social media. Where it is clearly visible, it is snowing. However, it does not usually snow here in the winter season.

Sahara Law of Sahara is called the gate of the desert. Located about 1000 meters above sea level, this area is surrounded by the Atlas Mountains. The Sahara Desert is spread over most of North Africa. There have been major changes in temperature and humidity over the last thousands of years.

But a team of experts is hoping the desert will turn green again. But now the residents of Saudi Arabia are happy with the snowfall in the desert. Lots of tourists are also coming there.

According to the report, the temperature in the area has dropped so much after nearly 50 years. In the southwest, the temperature dropped to minus 2 degrees Celsius. Many people are sharing pictures on social media riding camels in the snow in the desert. Note that snowfall is very rare in the desert. However, it is cold but it falls a lot here. At night the temperature drops suddenly.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  


Totally mindblowing to see that!!! We woud really love to be there IRL! Amazing photo!

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