2) Unter dieser Kategorie können Fragen zu BLURT, HIVE, Steem, Kryptowährungen, Computer- und Software-Wissen gestellt werden.
2) Under this category, questions can be asked about BLURT, HIVE, Steem, cryptocurrencies, computer and software knowledge.
Good evening to all! This is my first to join here. I am @Sarimanok and with all the questions and answers below, I guess it would be better to read them instead of asking. We have slow (if none at all) internet connectivity which is one of the reasons why I couldn't do multitasking when you need to swing from one page to another. I am very interested to join in this platform and thanks to @mers for the invitation. This hub is the most talked about in our group chat which motivated me to follow my co-filipinos here. They're much advanced than me when it comes to cryptoing since I only do content writing. I would like to give it a try though. It's better late than never so they say.
Hey Sarimanok, I've just had a few days of poor internet connection too, luckily my line seems to be slowly recovering.
It takes a little while to find your way around here in the pub, but that will come in time.
Sorry for the late reply my friend. Poor internet connectivity defeats the purpose of good showmanship. I hope to visit the pub tomorrow then. Have a good night!
My witness is down.
That is because it is coming back up with HF3.
Congratulations, it seems you are producing the first HF3 blocks!
Will there coming a new Pi-image or where will we can find out what the Pi-Witness have to do.
Oh dear, I'm afraid I can't help.
Yes, the list does not insert your name :(
It is not a question but a announcement. People who have Blurt on Stex can go and withdraw them as Stex recently resumed deposit and withdrawal.
Also Probit has officially resumed the deposit and withdrawal as well.
In case you don't know how to withdraw from Blurt feel free to refer to the given Tutorial.
Tutorial on How to withdraw Blurt From Stex
Thank You
This week we also have a new option to access the #Blurt platform, in order to have alternatives when a service stops working. This Front End thanks to the help of @jacob is up and running and soon will be at 100% with the image server. the address https://blurtlatam.com
Yep, I heard about it from I think @blessed-girl or Vicky mentioning it. Thanks
Ich verstehe leider bisher etwas Grundsätzliches nicht.
Eventuell kann mir jemand das bitte erklären.
Mit unseren Raspberries, auf denen eine Witness-Node läuft, "schreiben" wir Blöcke.
Das "Schreiben" übersetze ich mal mit Speichern.
Wenn wir nun eine neues Image auf die Karte flashen, sind doch alle bisherigen Daten weg.
Bitte, was hat dann das vorige Speichern für einen Sinn gehabt?
Was machen die Raspberries ohne Witness-Node eigentlich?
Welchen Sinn haben sie?
Wenn Du ein neues Image startest, dann synchronisiert sich dein Pi erst mit der Blockchain um sich alle Daten wiederholen.
Dein Pi erhält diese Daten (Blöcke) von den anderen Notes und wiederum erhalten andere Notes ihre Daten von deinem Pi.
Die Pi ohne Witness sind nur einfache Note, welche die Daten abspeichern und anderen Notes zur Verfügung stellen. Sie tun quasi das selbe wie ein Witnesses, nur signieren sie keine Blöcke.
Herzlichen Dank! Deine Antwort hat mir geholfen.
Genau das was Mike schreibt.
Das ist ja das Gute einer Blockchain, wenn eine Node (z.B. dein Pi) mal ausfällt für nen Update oder Stromausfall oder so läuft sie trotzdem weiter. Und sobald du wieder am Netz bist bekommst die Fehlenden Daten der Zeit rüber geschoben von einer anderen Node.
Das Quasi ein Netzwerk mit Tonnen von gespiegelten Servern die sich durchgehend abgleichen und anderen Daten zur Verfügung stellen.
Und je mehr es sind umso schneller wird der Datenzugriff, da die Übertragungswege kürzer werden.
Herzlichen Dank! Deine Antwort hat mir geholfen.
Sehe ich auch wie Condeas und Doti. Was ich mich noch gefragt habe, sind das leere Blöcke die wir erzeugen und in diesen Blöcken landen dann die Transaktionen, wie z.B. dieser Kommentar hier? Wär auch interessant zu wissen.
Und, grpfff... Mein Netz ist immer noch sehr langsam

Nerdie und Jacob haben sich heute am Splash-Testnet versucht, konnte leider nix machen :-( Zumindest habe ich die Bestätigung von Vodafone über "netztechnische Einschränkungen" bei meinem Anschluss, die so schnell wie möglich behoben werden sollen. Na ja, schaun mer mal. Bin ja schon froh überhaupt wieder Netz zu haben.
Wie ich das verstanden habe, wird alle 3 Sekunden ein Block erzeugt. In diesem landen dann die in der Zeit geschriebenen Posts, Comments, und die Blurt Transaktionen. Leere Blöcke gibt es nicht so ganz, da mindestens die Info drin stehen, welcher block es ist, um wie viel Uhr er erzeugt wurde und welcher Witness ihn bekommen hat.
Mich wundert immer wieder, dass das alles, mit Ausnahme der Bilder, auf das Kärtchen vom Pi passen soll.
Blanker Text ist ja nicht so Speicher Intensiv. Was mich allerdings fasziniert, wie sich das Speichermedium an sich über die letzten Jahrzehnte entwickelt hat.
Ja, das ist schon der Wahnsinn!
Ein ganzes Leben inkl. Büro passt auf dieses Mini-Kärtchen.
Hello is the Blurt’s New Account creation is being disabled as of the moment? I tried to create one for my friend but it won't continue.
You can use: https://joinblurt.com
The old Account creation is disabled, as far as I know.
I was creating 2 accounts the other night and I have megadrive`s link. it was very difficult because the verification process looked like it was frozen. So I would have to resort to a link mentioned by @double-u above.
This is a question to @jacobgadikian...
Hi Jacob! Will the delegations made in Blurt to users an issue when the 1:1 ratio of Splash is airdropped? Or should delegations affect the airdrop? Do delegators need to take out delegations before the Snapshot?
This is an important question for some users!
Please write it again below Jacob's answers.
Ok, I will ... thanks!
Can I post the same content from hive to blurt or steem to blurt? And I wanna hear about the splash airdrop? When it will be happened? Is there any specific date so we can be ready with our support?
Hey Olivia,
there are some users who post the same content even on all three Chains. You are free to do that. For some posts it might make sense. I am generally not a friend of double posts, a photo with one line of text and that on all Chains, well, I think it's all about the rewards.
There is a lot of info about Splash below.
Have a good week and kind regards.
Hi there... what does everyone think about the crazy NFT market ? It is a bubble ? I don’t understand it at all.. people paying 1 Million for a Digital gif that can be copied with Screen capture ....
This one is for sale at 1 Trillion dollars on Super Rare ??? https://superrare.co/artwork-v2/us-and-them-20141
I think NFT has a great future
Same here. Recently I've come to the conclusion that NFTs have brighter futures than cryptocurrencies. I am talking strictly about adoption here.
Furthermore; NFT art, if we can even say that, can disrupt existing money laundering schemes associated with collecting art as with tokenization you get quick access to liquidity. Also, with NFTs the entire scene unmonitored and not really regulated - they can do whatever they please. So it's not surprising that those NFTs go for a mil or more.
To argue on my stance further, this NFT app: https://www.nbatopshot.com/ did more for penetration of blockchain tech than all cryptocurrencies in the last 10 years. People understand collectibles, people understand limited items and hype. They trade these NBA cards just like others trade them bitcoins on binance.
There is a new bot to receive notifications, this has been created by @eastmael and you can add it to your discord, I have been testing it for several days now. You can use this Bot by following this link https://discord.gg/nfqHMRXe
I registered already and yeah it's working and notifies me who replied to my post who sent me blurt in my wallet. That's really cool thanks to sir @eastmael for this.
@eastmael how does this thing work?
Think we can get the websocket rolling from it?
Hi freakeao! How are you? about the notification, what if one does not have a discord account. Do we have something for non.discord users?
At the moment, internal notifications are still not working, but we are working to solve all these problems in order to have all the services at 100%. For the moment only from discord I can or we can have notifications.
Seems like replies don't work either.
At least for me. How about you folks?
that's right, when you make comments they are not updated, only from Blurtter they work.
Do the notifications work for you on Blurtter?
Not for me :(
Blurtter notification also not working at my end sir.