2021-KW 49 ~ Kneipe 24/7 ~ Treffpunkt ~ Dauer-Kneipe ~ Ohne Zusammenhang / Without Any Context ~ [GER/ENG]

in blurtgerman •  3 years ago  (edited)

Diese Seite soll die Möglichkeit bieten, Fragen und Nachrichten zu hinterlassen, die sonst nirgendwo gut hinpassen würden.

This Page Shall Provide the Opportunity to Leave Questions and Messages which Would Not Fit Well in Any Other Context.


English: Please scroll down.

Liebe Gäste,

hier folgt erst mal ein kurzer Einleitungstext, der jede Woche von mir neu verfasst wird. Weiter unten mache ich in roter Schrift kenntlich, ab welcher Stelle sich der Text jede Woche wiederholt.

Heute mache ich zum ersten Mal aktiv Werbung, euer Witness-Vote zu erhalten für den Fall, dass ich es noch nicht habe. Der Hintergrund ist folgender.

Kaum ist unser Blurt-Kurs ein bisschen gestiegen, machen sich Vote-Trading-Services hier breit. Immer mehr User delegieren an diese Services.

Diese User werden von Herrn @r2cornell, @practicalthought und von mir nicht mehr gevotet.

Es ist aber sehr zeitaufwendig, immer eine Liste zu durchsuchen, bevor man ein Vote abgibt. Das ist auf die Dauer nicht leistbar.

Daher habe ich einen neuen tag #iduvts (I don't use vote trading services) geschaffen und dachte, dies sei eine gute Kompromiss-Lösung.

Aber sowohl mein Post zu diesem Thema, als auch die Posts, die sich schnell unter diesem tag angesammelt hatten, wurden mit tomoyan-GIFs kräftig gespammt.

Darauf hin habe ich zu diesem Thema zwei Abstimmungs-Posts veröffentlicht.
Einen für die Community-Abstimmung und einen für die Top20-Witness-Abstimmung.

In den Diskussionen zu diesem Thema hat sich gezeigt, dass die Stimmung leider nicht mehr so harmonisch ist, wie sie das einmal war. Mir werden von einem anderen Witness Intentionen unterstellt, die ich hier gar nicht wiedergeben möchte, da sie so abwegig sind.

Alle hier, die mich kennen, wissen, dass ich mich schon immer für kleine Accounts und gegen Bündelung von Macht einsetze. Mir zu unterstellen, ich hätte das Gegenteil im Sinn, ist neben einer Frechheit auch einfach rational nicht mehr zu verstehen.

Daher werbe ich heute um euer Witness-Vote, da eine gefestigte Stellung in den Rängen der Zeugen von Vorteil ist.

Hier könnt ihr für mich als Witness abstimmen:

Diese langen Diskussionen haben viel Zeit und Energie gekostet.

Meine Erfahrung ist, dass viel geschrieben aber letztendlich fast nie gehandelt wird. Daher habe ich diese Abstimmungs-Posts veröffentlich, damit nach der Abstimmung hoffentlich Taten folgen.


Vor ein paar Tagen waren einige Zeugen strikt gegen das Blockieren von Vote-Trading-Services. Das sei Zensur, sagten sie. Nun, da die viel eingreifendere Maßnahme (Entfernung der Delegations-Möglichkeit) zur Abstimmung steht und eine Mehrheit findet, äußern sie sich im Discord nun doch eher für das Blockieren der Vote-Trading-Services.

Das ist doch schon mal ein Fortschritt!

Wir müssen nur am Ball bleiben, damit nicht alles wieder einschläft.
Zeugen öffentlich befragen, wofür sie stehen und gegebenenfalls abwählen.

Bitte seid so nett und schreibt heute in eurem Begrüßungs-Kommentar "I don't use vote trading services", wenn es für euch zutrifft. Dann muss ich keine Liste durchsuchen.

Schade, dass man sich mit so einem Mist beschäftigen muss!

Aktuelle und wichtige Infos:

Für den Fall, dass sich jemand nicht direkt auf blurt.blog einloggen kann ... das Löschen der Cookies hilft.

Wenn sich ein Paar in unserem Single-Treff findet, heiratet oder sonst irgendwie rum schnaggelt, spendet Jacob diesem Paar 100.000 BLURT.

Viel Spaß heute Abend!

Ab hier wiederholt sich der Text jede Woche. Höchstens kleine Änderungen, Aktualisierungen oder Hinzufügungen werden vorgenommen.

Da wir ja so große Zeitunterscheide haben, habe ich für die Teilnehmerinnen an unserem Quiz hier mal ein paar Uhren rein gebastelt. Mit Klick auf ein Bild wird der Zeitunterschied angezeigt.


Zu unserem Quiz habe ich mir etwas Neues überlegt. Da meine Vote-Power ja über den Abend hinweg immer recht beträchtlich abnimmt, werde ich ab jetzt die richtige Antwort auf meine erste Frage zweimal mit 100%, die richtige Antwort auf meine zweite Frage dreimal mit 100% und die richtige Antwort auf meine dritte Frage viermal mit 100% voten.

Herzlichen Dank für die vielen Witness-Votes, die ihr mir schon anvertraut habt! Ich habe mich sehr darüber gefreut.

Wenn ihr mich als Witness voten möchtet, geht's hier entlang: https://blurtwallet.com/~witnesses?highlight=double-u
Ihr wisst ja alle, dass ich absolut kein IT-Hengst bin. Ich werde bestimmt öfters Hilfe brauchen, wenn etwas zu verändern ist. Naja, anstelle dessen habe ich halt ein paar andere Qualitäten ;-)

Unser Quiz:

Die Regeln zum Quiz stehen weiter unten.

Damit auch englischsprachige Besucher eine reelle Chance haben, werde ich die Fragen zweisprachig stellen.

Die Geschichte dieser Kneipe hier:

Für den Fall, dass es euch interessiert, wie meine ursprüngliche Fragen- und Hilfe-Seite zur Kneipe wurde, könnt ihr diesen Artikel von mir lesen: "Die Geschichte, wie diese Seite zur Kneipe wurde"

Struktur und Bewegung in der Kneipe:

Falls sich viele Kommentare ansammeln, geht leicht die Übersicht verloren. Auch hatten einige Gäste schon Probleme, die Seite laden zu können. Daher gibt es unter meinem Post verschiedene Kategorien.

Damit ihr schnell zu den Kategorien gelangt, füge ich hier die Links ein:

1) Unterhaltung

2) Fragen und Antworten zu BLURT, HIVE, Steem, Kryptowährungen, Computer- und Software-Wissen

3) Empfehlenswerte Posts

4) Wunschzettel

5) BLURT Single Meeting Point

Ich empfehle euch, mit der rechten Maustaste auf den ersten Link zu klicken und diese Kategorie in einem neuen Tab zu öffnen. Das gleiche dann noch mal mit den weiteren Links. Nun habt ihr mehrere Tabs offen. Meinen Einleitungstext, die Kategorie Unterhaltung und die weiteren Kategorien. So könnt ihr ganz schnell zwischen den Kategorien wechseln.

Außerdem empfehle ich euch sehr, jeweils in der geöffneten Kategorie nach "Age" zu sortieren. So seht ihr nach jedem Refresh (F5) die neuen Kommentare immer ganz oben und müsst nicht erst durch etliche Kommentare scrollen. Zum Glück behält das Frontend die Einstellung "Age" auch nach einem Refresh bei.

Regeln zu unserem Quiz:

Zu gewinnen gibt es neun 100%-Votes von mir. Das funktioniert so:

Ich werde die richtige Antwort auf meine erste Frage zweimal mit 100%, die richtige Antwort auf meine zweite Frage dreimal mit 100% und die richtige Antwort auf meine dritte Frage viermal mit 100% voten.

Ich werde jeweils um 21:00 Uhr, um 22:00 Uhr und um 23:00 Uhr eine Frage stellen.

Meine Fragen erscheinen jeweils einzeln in einem Kommentar von mir unter der Kategorie "Unterhaltung".

Wer zuerst die richtige Antwort unter meinen Frage-Kommentar schreibt, hat diese eine Frage gewonnen und erhält die entsprechenden 100%-Votes von mir.

Antworten mehrere Gäste richtig, erhält der Erste die Votes.

Gibt es objektiv mehrere richtige Antworten auf meine Frage, zählt die Antwort als richtig, an die ich bei meiner Fragestellung gedacht hatte. Da müsst ihr mir vertrauen ;-)

Eine Person darf auch mehrmals gewinnen. Unerwünschte Accounts sind von der Teilnahme und den Gewinnen ausgeschlossen.

So lange die jeweilige Frage nur falsch beantwortet ist, reagiere ich erst mal gar nicht. Ist sie richtig beantwortet, schreibe ich einen Kommentar darunter und werde nach 5 Minuten voten.

Auf jeden Fall hoffe ich, dass es euch viel Spaß macht! Und ich hoffe natürlich auch, dass noch viele Stammgäste von früher den Weg hier her finden werden! Noch kann man auf BLURT zu 0,3 Cent pro BLURT zum Wal werden ;-)

Hier noch ein paar Links, die bestimmt jeder User brauchen kann:

Folgendes Frontend gibt es:
https://blurt.blog/@username ist das offizielle Frontend von BLURT.
Von diesem Frontend aus gelangt ihr auch in eure Wallet.

https://ecosynthesizer.com/blurt/@double-u ist ein ganz toller Explorer von @symbionts.
In diesem Ecosynthesizer seht ihr oben links auch euren Votewert in $. Oben rechts die vielen Filtermöglichkeiten sind auch ganz hervorragend. Selbstverständlich müsst ihr meinen Namen durch euren ersetzen.

https://blocks.blurtwallet.com/#/@double-u ist ein etwas schlichterer Explorer.

https://joinblurt.com ist auch von @symbionts. Damit könnt ihr Accounts erstellen.

https://steem.uber.space/blurt1/ Wenn du sehen möchtest, wer welchen Witness mit wieviel BLURT-Power gevotet hat, dann klickst du auf dieses Tool von @michelangelo3. Du kannst auch anhaken, dass du die Proxy-Votes auch sehen möchtest.

@michelangelo3 sammelt wertvolle Links und aktualisiert seinen letzten Post nun immer wieder.

@michelangelo3 hat einen ganz tollen Hilfe-Post für Neulinge veröffentlicht. Ich finde, wir sollten den Link zu diesem Post bei Neulingen in einem Begrüßungs-Kommentar hinterlassen.

Ich wünsch' euch einen schönen Abend mit hoffentlich vielen netten und angenehmen Gästen und interessanten Unterhaltungen!

Und alles Gute wünsch' ich euch auch! Bleibt gesund!

Liebe Grüße, euer @double-u


PS: Noch ein Zitat von Karl Kagerfeld, nach dem ich mein Leben lang gehandelt habe:
"Man muss das Geld zum Fenster rauswerfen, damit es zur Tür wieder reinkommt."

PPS: Ich möchte nicht, dass mein deutscher oder mein englischer Text von einer anderen Person in eine andere Sprache übersetzt oder kopiert wird.


Dear guests,

here follows first of all a short opening text, which is written every week by me anew. Further down I mark in red writing, from which place the text repeats itself each week.

Today, for the first time, I am actively advertising to get your Witness Vote in case I don't have it yet. The background is as follows.

As soon as our Blurt price has risen a bit, vote trading services are spreading here. More and more users are delegating to these services.

These users are no longer voted by Mr. @r2cornell, @practicalthought and by me.

But it is very time consuming to always search through a list before casting a vote. That is not affordable in the long run.

So I created a new tag #iduvts (I don't use vote trading services) and thought this was a good compromise solution.

But both my post on this topic and the posts that quickly accumulated under this tag were heavily spammed with tomoyan GIFs.

As a result, I published two voting posts on this topic.
One for the community voting and one for the Top20-Witness voting.

In the discussions on this topic, it has become apparent that the atmosphere is unfortunately no longer as harmonious as it once was. I am accused of intentions by another Witness, which I do not even want to reproduce here, because they are so absurd.

Everyone here who knows me knows that I have always been in favor of small accounts and against bundling of power. To insinuate that I have the opposite in mind is, besides an impertinence, simply no longer rationally understandable.

Therefore I advertise today for your Witness-Vote, because a consolidated position in the ranks of the Witnesses is advantageous.

Here you can vote for me as Witness:

These long discussions have taken a lot of time and energy.

My experience is that much is written but ultimately almost never acted upon. That's why I published these voting posts, so that hopefully action will follow after the voting.


A few days ago some witnesses were strictly against blocking vote trading services. That's censorship, they said. Now that the much more intrusive measure (removing the delegation option) is up for a voting and finds a majority, they express themselves in Discord now rather in favor of blocking the vote-trading services.

That is already a progress!

We just need to watch so that everything doesn't fall asleep again.
Ask witnesses publicly what they stand for and vote them out if necessary.

Please be so kind and write "I don't use vote trading services" in your welcome comment today if it applies to you. That way I won't have to go through a list.

Too bad you have to deal with crap like this!

Current and important info:

In case someone can't log in directly to blurt.blog ... clearing cookies helps.

When a couple finds each other in our Single Meeting Point, gets married or otherwise makes love, Jacob will donate 100,000 BLURT to that couple.

Have fun tonight!

From here on, the text repeats itself every week. At most small changes, updates or additions will be made.

Because we have such big time differences, I have put some clocks in here for the participants of our quiz. Click on a picture to see the time difference.


I have thought of something new for our quiz. Because my vote power always decreases quite considerably over the evening, from now on I will vote the correct answer to my first question twice with 100%, the correct answer to my second question three times with 100% and the correct answer to my third question four times with 100%.

Thank you very much for the many Witness-Votes you already entrusted me with! I was very happy about it.

If you want to vote for me as a Witness, you can do so here: https://blurtwallet.com/~witnesses?highlight=double-u
You all know that I am absolutely no IT stallion. I will definitely need help more often when something needs to be changed. Well, instead of that I have some other qualities ;-)

Our Quiz:

The rules for the quiz are below.

To give English-speaking visitors a real chance, I'll make the questions bilingual.

The history of this pub here:

In case you are interested in how my original questions and help page became the pub, you can read this article of mine: "The Story of how this Site Became a Pub"

Structure and movement in the pub:

If a lot of comments accumulate, it's easy to lose track. Also some guests already had problems to load the page. Therefore there are different categories under my post.

So that you can quickly get to the categories, I add here the links:

1) Conversation

2) Questions and answers about BLURT, HIVE, Steem, cryptocurrencies, computer and software knowledge

3) Recommendable posts

4) Wish List

5) BLURT Single Meeting Point

I recommend you right click on the first link and open that category in a new tab. Then do the same again with the other links. Now you have all tabs open. My opening text, the category conversation and the other categories. So you can quickly switch between the categories.

I also recommend to sort the opened category by "Age". This way you will always see the new comments at the top after each refresh (F5) and don't have to scroll through several comments first. Fortunately, the frontend keeps the "Age" setting even after a refresh.

Rules for our quiz:

There are nine 100% votes from me to win. It works like this:

I will vote the correct answer to my first question twice with 100%, the correct answer to my second question three times with 100% and the correct answer to my third question four times with 100%.

I will ask one question each at 9pm, 10pm and 11pm. (Time Germany - Berlin)

My questions appear in each case individually in a comment of me under the category " conversation ".

Who first writes the correct answer under my question comment, has won this one question and receives the 100% votes from me.

If more than one guest answers correctly, the first one gets the votes.

If there are objectively more than one correct answer to my question, the answer I had in mind when I asked the question counts as correct. You have to trust me on that ;-)

One person may win more than once. Unwanted accounts are excluded from participating and winning.

As long as the question is answered incorrectly, I will not react at all. If it is answered correctly, I will write a comment below and will vote after 5 minutes.

In any case, I hope you enjoy it! And of course I hope that many regular guests from the past will find their way here! You can still become a whale on BLURT for 0.3 cent per BLURT ;-)

Here are a few more links that I'm sure every user can use:

The following frontend exists:
https://blurt.blog/@username is the official frontend of BLURT.
You can also get into your wallet from this frontend.

https://ecosynthesizer.com/blurt/@double-u is a great explorer from @symbionts.
In this Ecosynthesizer you can see your vote value in $ in the upper left corner. On the top right the many filter options are also quite excellent. Of course you have to replace my name with yours.

https://blocks.blurtwallet.com/#/@double-u is a more simple explorer.

https://joinblurt.com is also from @symbionts. You can use it to create accounts.

https://steem.uber.space/blurt1/ If you want to see who voted which Witness with how much BLURT power, click on this tool from @michelangelo3. You can also tick that you want to see the proxy votes too.

@michelangelo3 collects valuable links and now keeps updating his latest post.

@michelangelo3 has published a really great help-post for newbies. I think we should leave the link to this post in a welcome comment for newbies.

Have a great evening with hopefully lots of nice and pleasant guests and interesting conversations!

And all the best to you too! Stay healthy!

Love, your @double-u


The German text next to the kissing mouth means:
Red lips should be kissed, because they are there for kissing.
Voting power should be voted for, because it is there to vote for ;-)
Best regards, @double-u
(The first line is a text from a German pop song.)

PS: There is one quote from Karl Kagerfeld that I have lived by all my life:
"You have to throw the money out the window so that it comes back in the door."

PPS: I do not want my German or my English text to be translated by another person into another language or to be copied.

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE BLURT!
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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

1) Unterhaltung

1) Conversation


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Guten Abend, good evening!
Ich sage mal schnell „Hallo“, denn dann bin ich zwischendurch weg,
denn meine Aufmerksamkeit hat heute Abend Sarah Lesch.
Sie ist eine deutsche Liedermacherin und gibt heute Abend ein Konzert.
Wer mag, kann ja mal reinschauen....:
Nächste Woche bin ich nicht da, denn so wie es im Moment aussieht,
bleibt der Weihnachtsmarkt geöffnet und ich muß dort wohl bis 21.00 Uhr bleiben.

Ja, lieber Werner....es ist schon so schwer genig auf einen Nenner zu kommen,
aber wenn es um Geld und Macht geht, dann.....
Ich hoffe wirklich, daß wir das auf Blurt in den Griff bekommen.

"I don't use vote trading services".

It's almost 12:00am (midnight) here in Nigeria, let me go to bed so I can wake up early.
Thanks to everyone who stayed up till now for the pub, it was really amazing. I enjoyed today's pub🤗🤗.
Good night and sweet dreams

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You were up very late. I hope you started your day without difficulties.

Yes, I got up early from bed. My day went well

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Guten Abend liebe Freunde ,

Heute bin ich etwas später dran ,den ausnahmsweise habe ich mal mein essen pünktlich bekommen.

Die Woche war recht turbolant und ich nehme mir heute mal eine Auszeit zum Gamen und werde morgen mal was dazu schreiben ob ich für oder gegen die entfernung von Delegationen bin .

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Schönen guten Hallo.

Die Tage war echt anstrengend. Das Thema "Vote-Services" macht echt müde. Ich hoffe, dass jetzt bald eine Entscheidung kommt, denn so langsam merkt man den Stimmungs-Umschwung. Es gab schon ein paar gute Ideen dazu, daher bin ich gespannt, wie das ausgeht.

Ansonsten warten wir gespannt darauf, dass endlich das DIG-Mainnet startet, denn die Informations-Flut ist sehr "sparsam" diesbezüglich.

Naja einfach mal warten und hoffen, dass das alles mal klärt.

euer Doti

PS: I don't use vote trading services

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

In other cosmos launches, I have seen documentation of a very professional level. A complete howto on how to activate the mainet. Actually like you I am still waiting to update the server, if there is no detailed documentation I will deactivate my server. It is very tedious to be on the fly seeing that it works or not.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Most Cosmos nodes are relatively easy to set up. I've been running some on my VM for the last few months, so I'm getting some experience. I think DIG will not be much different in the setup. I have also already written everything together so far that it could go right now. :D

My Testnet-3 Node I have already switched off for a few days, because I have my main RasPi because of the conversion to a SSD instead of the SD card completely new set up and I had not considered it useful there now again to start the Testnet-3 Node.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am still waiting for the main update. I am excited to try this new ecosystem. I have also documented a lot of things, what I don't want is to be delayed by a possible failure, my tesnet node is still working.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

We all are waiting 4 the main update . I get a little bit annoyed when i here soon.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes, they wrote that in 48 hours after the announcement. it has been a long time already.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  
  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh! I missed my best place, I hope they haven't forgotten me. Because I love them all.
I see that the little house has been quite moved here in the PUB.
Our dear host, always showing what he's made of.
I share a hug, I think I missed the food and drink, but I'll catch up with everything, very soon lol.
Good vibe PUB.

Ein wunderschönen guten Abend und ein schönen 2 Advent für alle. Mein letzte Woche war sehr aufregend aber auch das Wochenende. Davon werde ich in den nächsten Blog berichten. Erstmal hin setzten und schauen wer heute in der Kneipe vorbei schaut.

A wonderful good evening and a happy 2 Advent to all. My last week was very exciting but also the weekend. Of which I will report in the next blog. First sit down and look who looks over today in the pub.


Hornet on Tour

I will wait to see your post :)

Good afternoon, everyone. I'm a little late because I'm helping my daughter with a school assignment. I hope everyone is feeling as well as possible.

I am glad that the discussion about eliminating delegations has opened up the horizon a bit and you can see the damage that voting services can do.

On another note, I would like to know Elkezaksek's secret to answering the Pub questions so quickly? He is smarter and has better internet than everyone? I guess so hahahaha It's always fun to hang out at the Pub.

Good afternoon....
Its evening here in Nigeria. I am feeling great and I am also enjoy the pub.
@elkezaksek is really fast..... and smart too.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Good afternoon!
Thank you!
I am lucky, my internet is fast....
How are you?

Hi, that's not luck hahaha you have a very good memory and fast fingers .

I'm fine, thank you. I hope you are well too

Hi, I hope you are enjoying the Pub.

Yes, Elke is the best!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It is not necessary that you write the tag #iduvts over and over again. It is enough once in the welcome comment ;-)
I know I had announced this somewhere else, but once is easier for you ;-)

Ok, thanks for the correction

Hi @vickyguevara, I thought Kathe was the only one doing homework on Sundays hahaha. Hope you are well.

She's not the only one hahaha, I'm looking forward to the Christmas vacations :) I'm fine, hope you are too.

I'm also desperate for the holidays hahaha ... supposedly it was until last Thursday and then that day both in the symphony and in school they told us that there was another week left :(

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Good afternoon everyone, I hope you are feeling better, here a sunny afternoon.

Hola, por acá también está soleado y un poco frío, Genial!!!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Good evening. Here it's cold but today the sun shined a few moments.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I didn't know there was formula 1 at this time. Thanks for this information. Happy afternoon and welcome

It is evening here in Nigeria, I am good. I hope you are good too.


Hallo zusammen.
Nebenbei wieder wie oft am Sonntag, viel Sport im TV. 😉

Good evening everyone......

Hi @amicablepeace, how are you?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Guten Abend zusammen,

ich wünsche euch einen schönen zweiten Advent. Zwei Kerzen brennen schon. Da es heute ausnahmsweise nicht geregnet hat, bin ich was draußen an der frischen Luft gewesen. Nur der Wind war kalt. Zuhause gab es dann einen leckeren schokoladigen heißen schmackhaften Kakao :)

So, ich schaue Formel 1 weiter. Noch einen schönen Sonntag.

Ich nutze keine Dienste für den Stimmenhandel.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hi everyone and how are we?

Hi @dulcia, how are you? I fine. Where are you?

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I'm not so good because I had an in-grown toenail surgery removal yesterday and I have been in pains

wow that must hurt a lot, I hope you recover soon.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Well i am in Nigeria and u?

I from Venezuela.

Hello friends how are you?

Since yesterday I had a severe headache, this morning I had to take medicine and I am already better ... So I came for a moment to visit here.

Sorry dear, you will be fine.


Thank, Now I'm better, I took the migraine medicine in the morning.

Ok, I am happy

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I don't use vote trading services … I have gone back and forth on the issue of Delegations and now I understand that if we don’t have a delegation service maybe more people will buy millions of Blurt to create their own Curation Project. I think this is a better idea than delegation. And the price of Blurt will go way up.

Hi, how are you? How is the weather today?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

2. Frage:

Wo wächst dieser schöne Kaktus?

2. Question:

Where does this beautiful cactus grow?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  
  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Bei Nerdi....mit dem geilen Hintergrund!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Dein zweiter Kaktus.

Doti are back in the ring!!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Vielen Dank. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Glückwunsch Doti!


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Someone won, I didn't see the right answer.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Besten Dank. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Dein dritter Kaktus.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

bei Nerdi

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

... nicht so ganz richtig ;-)
Siehe Kommentar bei Doti.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

ich war da schon zu Besuch......bei Nerdi....dem Kaktus....und dem geilen Hintergrund......(Hahahaha...)

I am late because of my network 😭

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The desert

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


Bei Karl

♫ ♪ ♫ Der kleine süße Kaktus,
steht bei uns draussen am Balkon, ♫ ♪ ♫
Holerie, Holero....♫ ♪ ♫

neee kann leider nicht damit dienen,
haben keinen Stacheligen Freund....sorry

Ich weis nicht ob du die sendung "gefragt gejagt" kennst.
Aber hier eine ganz besonderen Version davon. 🎤

😅 😂
bin immer wieder überrascht wie schnell ihr zu einem Thema
das richtige findet!!
Danke dir!!
lg 😅 😂

Es war eher wegen dem orangenen Henkel im Bild, die ich auf deinen Fotos immer sehe. 😉

bei dotwin1981

bei ciderjunkie?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ich denke so:
Doti hat ganz richtig geantwortet -> 3 Votes.
Elli hat so geantwortet, wie frau das auch verstehen kann -> 2 Votes.

Ist das ok?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

klar. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Dein zweiter Kaktus.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Besten Dank. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ich würde sagen,
gib sie Doti,
unter dem Steinchen....

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Zu spät. Du hast deine zwei schon! ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Dankeschön und gute Nacht Werner!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

So,so....."wie frau das auch verstehen kann"
Was soll das denn heißen???
Nee,nee.....Diskriminierung, Me-too,Sprüche...nee,nee.........

Ich dachte die Regel heißt: " zählt die Antwort als richtig, an die ich bei meiner Fragestellung gedacht hatte."

Hey leute wünsche euch allen eine gute Nacht!
Hoffe ihr müsst nicht um 6.00 uhr raus!! 😥

Nicht vergessen morgen/ heute kommt der Nikolaus...

lg bis bald!! 🤠

Is Santa Claus arriving in Germany today? is not the 25 that arrives?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hello Mr. @r2cornell,
I just read in Discord your concerns.
Some witnesses and I have suggested removing the delegation option because previously many other witnesses were unwilling to talk about blocking vote trading services. They called the idea "censorship."
Now, after my posts, suddenly all witnesses are willing to talk about blocking vote-trading services.
I think this is progress and in my mind.
Because keeping the possibility for delegations is useful in many cases. So just for you.
Please excuse the excitement. Otherwise no progress was possible in an endless and fruitless discussion among witnesses.
It will now certainly not be necessary to remove the possibility for delegations.
Many greetings

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sorry it has taken me so long to get here to respond. I had my computer tech available to finish building my personal cloud server. My Western Digital Mycloud is not working properly, and because they no longer support my version building one seems to be cheaper, and I do not have to worry about updates.

I have read and responded to a few comments above so I won't be redundant here. There are two topics as I see it. Dealing with voting services via a delegation, and delegating for what it was originally intended. Yes I have major concerns and as know we no longer support those using delegating for votes.

On the other hand I have experienced the value of delegating to deserving newcomers, using it to delegate to those who do work for my project, and God forbid delegating from one of my accounts to another. There was a an additional "project" involving delegating that I shelved this morning. I eluded to it in one of my comments above.

I read someone reply to a comment I made about not being emotional. Cannot remember which thread or post it was on. Personally I have spent too many years self-employed to make decisions without thinking things through. In the event I sense that actions by others that are beyond my control may have a negative impact on what I am doing, I begin laying out my plans based on worse case scenario and best case scenario. That is my current situation because I have no control over the situation.

I do not think it is wrong for "censorship" for something that is harmful to Blurt. I cannot wrap my brain around how someone even sees this as censorship.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Possibly my comment was not good in English.
I write again very briefly:
After everything that has been discussed now, the possibility for delegations will not be removed.
I don't think you need to change anything in your concept.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

would you please inform Mr. @r2cornell quickly. Thank you!

Hi, @double-u, I write him, but I think he's not online.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

3. Frage:

Wem gehört dieses blaue Auto?

3. Question:

Whose blue car is this?

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Kia assembler.

is it yours too??

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

no, my car is red. I meant that this car is from the kia assembler

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Dein zweiter Kia.

thank you :)

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, it could be mine

yeah jajaja

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Dein dritter Kia.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Your fourth Kia.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Kia Picanto ;-)

yeah, my thesis teacher had that car, it's cute, it's small, very cute

I know whose car this is

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Please say it!

The car belongs to @freakeao and is a Kia as @blessed-girl said.

I guess it's yours

Kimi Räikkönen 🤣🤣🤣

Kia picanto

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hab jetzt 6 Monate Blurt posts durch geblättert. Finde das nicht. :D
dann sag ich einfach mal michelangelo :)

Please convert to English, so I can also understand.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Your third Kia.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It is a very handy translator

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Your seccond Kia.

die Palmen im Hintergrund und die deutsche Schrift auf der Tafel,
passen nicht so ganz....

Müsste ja mit Bergen und Bayrischer Schrift sein...😉

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ist halt in urlaub gefahren und hat nen deutsches schild mitgenommen. :P

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The poster is in Spanish

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Then he didn't even have to take the sign with him. :D Was just impossible to read when enlarging. :)

könnte ein Opel corsa sein

elkezaksek, könnte sein weil sie so schnell weg war....

The car belongs to a customer, because the car is at the car wash for cleaning.🤦

Käpt'n Blaubär

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Is it for sale?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I thought you made a post about this :(

offgridlife from canada?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


This is mine …


  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  


Steffan Raab 😀

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ich habe keine Ahnung,
schade, denn ich wollte Doti noch die anderen Zwei geben.....
Ich sage mal gute Nacht liebe Leute!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Blue Kia

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Die Frage stammt von @freakeao.
Er hatte vorgeschlagen, zu fragen, "to whom it belongs".
Also habe ich so gefragt ;-)
Er meinte aber "zu welcher Marke gehört dieses Auto?"

The question comes from @freakeao.
He had suggested asking "to whom it belongs".
So I asked like this ;-)
But he meant "to which brand does this car belong?"

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)


hahaha even for this I was late

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

One time, I wanted to buy a KIA Picanto. Cute and seems lively on the streets.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What an elegant car! Os that your car @double-u?

Hello guys. I wish a good day (and stay safe)

Hi, welcome.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hi friends, stay healthy

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

1. Frage:

Wessen wunderschöne Augen sind das?

1. Question:

Whose beautiful eyes are those?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Was für tolle Augen!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  



  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Kathe Art, la hija de Blessed Girl?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

We both won!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ich wollte den VAR um Hilfe bitten, aber das Spiel wurde als unentschieden gewertet.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ist doch super! Zwei Gewinner!!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Congratulation! to you

  ·  3 years ago  ·  



  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Dies war ein Unentschieden

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Genau, mein Freund!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Keine Peile, aber wenn Kathe richtig ist, haben wir ein unentschieden, da die Antworten im gleichen Block sind: https://ecosynthesizer.com/blurt/blk/14672436

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Danke dir!
Ich habe beide gevotet ;-)


"I don't use vote trading services".

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sorry, too late :(

OOh those beautiful eyes I think I have seen them somewhere hahaha ....
My beautiful princess.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes, they are soooo beautiful!

Thank you, I will let she know your comment :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Happy to join the conversation this week. Hope that more blurtians will join.

bye guys, see you next week, I'll make dinner.

Hello, ich wollte nur mal fragen ob die Kneipe jetzt wirklich 24/7 ist und man die ganze Woche fragen stellen/das Forum benutzen kann? Wollte vielleicht ein bisschen aktiv werden auf Blurt.

Hab auch schon die Interessante Konvo mit ctime gelesen, wobei das schon wieder nach drama riecht... aber naja auf jeden Fall direkt sehr informativ hier vorbei zu schauen.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Therefore I advertise today for your Witness-Vote, because a consolidated position in the ranks of the Witnesses is advantageous.

I need a list of witnesses who are supporting delegation removal. If you are a witness, please leave your comment here, even if you are not in top 20 yet

Ps. I have already casted some witness votes

I have proxied the witness votes on my both accounts, thanks

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

it seems that you are very passionate about this, I am very impressed

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hello and thank you for your comment!
Actually, the issue was that some witnesses and I want to prevent vote trading services.
Many other witnesses were not willing to do that. They called this "censorship".
So the only radical proposal left was to remove the possibility for delegations.
But now, after my voting posts, quite a few witnesses are willing to consider blocking vote-trading services after all.
I think this is progress.

However, I would be very interested in your arguments for removing delegations on the basis that we would already have blocked vote-trading services.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

My arguments are quite simple:

  • I have bought 3.5 M BLURT and slowly buying more (this keeps price on current level)
  • I have never asked anyone for delegation
  • I do vote almost for every new post (not voting for reported spam, plagiarism or those who are delegating to upvu)

And now:

  • There is a scammer who is asking for delegation but have only 118K (mostly made from curation rewards lol) own Blurt Power + 11M delegated power
  • scammer is making much more money from curation rewards than me, that's because he is stealing curation rewards from people who delegated to his account

If @megadrive and other witnesses will protect scammers and won't care about investors, I will power down and dump Blurt back on the market, this will take the price where it was when I started buying -


Many other witnesses were not willing to do that. They called this "censorship".

I agree with that. Bad idea

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

@ctime @double-u the best way to disable it is to cut off the food source, we can disable the ability to delegate to this particular account in blurtwallet.com, same way as we are protecting users now from sending to the blurtlink account.

We then educate the users and approach them one by one to remove the delegation, if they continue then we simply do not support their posts or don't support their witnesses. @saboin @tekraze thoughts?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It's doable on the UI.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes, we can do. Tomorrow we will

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

This is kinda danger game, I don't like this idea at all, it will cause a lot of conflicts and discussions
Here's my alternative sollution:
Return all curations rewards from delegated power to Blurt Power owners

Scammers will give up, they won't be able to cheat and profit on it anymore. Blurt Power holders will be happy to delegate their power to honest curators. Curators still will be able to profit by publishing reports. Investors will be happy too, they will know that the game is FAIR

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

How do we return the delegation without the user keys and without hardfork?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hardfork is needed.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That's not possible right now, our lead time for hardforks is at least 3 months.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I have another solution as well, for unfinalised airdrop attestations we can exclude accounts from receiving tokens which delegate to such harmful accounts. I can do this with the STATE token airdrop and put it front page for awareness.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Blocking the ability to delegate is the same as returning delegation, and is something we have the power to do right now, we don't have the ability to cancel/return delegation.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Maybe I am just tired but in the first paragraph you say "return all curations from delegated power to Blurt Power owners". Then you go on to say "Blurt Power holders will be happy to delegate their power to honest curators".

Why would someone delegate to honest curators if their curations from the delegation are returned? I cannot wrap my tired brain around this.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

please read this comment as well.
I think this is also a very good idea:

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank You for starting this discussion

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I couldn't find you in Discord.
Please write me once there:

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I'm not there. It would be nice to have own chat on blurt.blog, something like beechat on peakd

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes but not possible, we are unable to do a hardfork at this moment, it takes months of planning, whatever we do has to be at user-interface level.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Very good!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

In your very 1st reply to double-u on this subject, you say:

I remember a time when whales would not vote or just vote themselves

...as a reason for keeping delegations and allowing these services to continue.

Reading how this has escalated and seeing users with large stakes throw their weight around... and seeing that the person who's pushing for delegations to be removed self-upvotes 100% of their own content (and will therefore be one who profits the most from this decision)...

What plans are there to prevent these users from profiting from their successful removal of @upvu?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I don't see it as removal, by limiting the ability to delegate from the official wallet it will stop further delegations to upvu, and hopefully educate users that the account is voting on the wrong type of content and lead to some delegations.

Regarding other users and self-voting, it is their stake they purchased so they are welcome to self vote provided their content is original and not PLG.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Whilst I agree with the outcome (I said to you when we first spoke about my concerns regarding UpVu), something about all of this sits very uncomfortably with me.

It appears (so just my perspective) that a powerful user (a witness) dislikes something and generates good support with a clearly biased vote which they consider to be the opinion of the entire community. This then adapts slightly to another powerful user threatening to (not just stop increasing their stake but) remove their stake if somebody isn't stopped / removed. Threatening to dump their Blurt and lower its price if they don't get what they want.

2 users = over 10 million Blurt. Both users will profit financially from this user being stopped - one through additional self-upvote rewards, the other more honourably through curation.

What if these 2 users decide that they don't like somebody else? What if they think that mine is the "wrong type of content" or that I'm voting on the "wrong type of content". My 50,000 Blurt investment is insignificant compared to these bullies.

I also see that at no point has @upvu been tagged or given the right to reply or to change or adapt what they do before these measures come in to force. You might have done this behind the scenes so my apologies if UpVu has been given the opportunity to vote on "the correct type of content".

I know that you're busy so I'm not asking you to explain this decision to me.

I don't understand how somebody who self-upvotes at 700 Blurt per post is not damaging the Blurt ecosystem.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

When I joined Blurt a year ago, I didn't like the self votes either. I addressed this at the time just as you did. There were also posts on the topic and it was discussed.
My conclusion in the end:
yes, if you don't overdo it, it's perfectly ok.

That was my post on the subject at the time, but it would be discussed elsewhere....:

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Hi, thanks for your concerns, sorry for the delay in response have been trying to launch Digchain and Gamestate, both of which give airdrops on the Blurt community.

I don't really see what any large user can do, the foundation runs the blurt.blog and wallet frontends and we have the final decision on when such actions are taken, we are not swayed by large holders of Blurt, I'm not impressed myself with threats of dumping, but I do believe the market is strong enough to handle it, and it would be their loss and would help in distributing Blurt.

I have suggested that such future lobbying be done neutrally via the @blurtoffical account with an unbias request for vote, where the user does not know the stance of the foundation on it. This would be preferable to a whale posting and skewing the vote because users want upvotes or witness votes from that person.

In this case we did not feel the need to consult upvu as the content being voted on was clearly poor and PLG, there is simply no excuse for that.

Regarding self-votes, we have different philosophies here, we didn't carry over some of the stigmas from Steem, we have a view that if people paid for their stake with funds or via "sweat equity", they should be entitled to use is however they wish, so the occasional self-voting is perfectly fine if balanced with curating others, we don't police that, nor do we have a way of policing that at present, so please feel free to self-vote, of course I don't speak for the entire community, some may not like self-voting.

I'm a bit old-fashioned, I don't self-vote at times, sometimes I do, the cool thing on Blurt is there are more freedoms and less judgement.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think you hit the nail on the head and how services like these should not be promoted. It's not about the delegation itself but how they use the accounts that get that delegated power, imagine for a moment how I feel that day after day I try to boost blurt and I don't even get to 500k blurt. I don't ask for delegations either, but I do seek to delegate to other manual healing projects or initiatives. Not delegate me I vote for you services, or services that tell you I give you so much percentage of money. They take everyone's profits without making any effort. So I agree to eliminate them.

I understand your point fully and consider that these accounts, scammer or farmmer should be disabled immediately. And when I say bot if I have mentioned it, I mean those automated accounts that offer proxy votes, vote buying, accounts that only deceive users among other things. As you rightly mentioned if there is someone who cheats users, steals their earnings then let's eliminate those accounts. There are other people who also do a good job with delegations.

Do you think there is any other way to eradicate these services apart from eliminating the delegations? according to your experience in other networks has it been possible to combat these services or not yet implemented something to combat them?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am all for doing something about the pay for vote services. But taking away all delegations prevents me from basically delegating from one of my accounts to an active curation account. It also prevents me from curating to those who do work for me such as curators and moderators. Those moderators of my community who want receive a delegation from one of my accounts as payments. It helps keep them growing on the platform. Then there are those I feel worthy of a delegation because from their very first publication the quality of their work is exceptional and the potential is there for some wonderful contributions to the community.

Now I can gift them some Blurt, but some quickly become inactive and I have just given away blurt. I recently took a delegation away from someone when it was brought to my attention they were plagiarizing their work. I can take away a delegation, but cannot get back a direct contribution to their account. I am sure if I was not so tired I could come up with other types of examples.

I have helped many newcomers get a start even with a small delegation. This started on steemit with some users, and now with the addition of Hive and then Blurt those same people continue to churn out superior publications... Those users may not have continued without the assistance I could give them.

Again my largest delegations are from accounts I own to my primary 3 curation accounts. Doing it this way when the time comes and I want to start up one of the other accounts I can, or leave the three with ample voting power.

I have never asked for a delegation, and never will. In the early days of Blurt I saw some getting a delegation to get them started with a project. I never asked and never plan to do so. I like the freedom to have my curators curate posts they find worthy, without the feeling of an obligation to vote on a post.

I would really like to see the two issues separated somehow. Delegating for a vote is totally different from delegating for the reasons I have discussed. One needs to be curtailed and the other be allowed to flourish.

I was in the midst of making plans for an unused account to be set up to delegate to newcomers. I still have not arrived at criteria for choosing who could get one. The delegation would be temporary to get them started and discontinued at any time. For now I cannot focus on such a thing. I do not want to waste my energy for naught.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I have the same opinion as you:
We need to make upvu impossible.

Only, what is the best way to do this?
The easiest way would be to block this account.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The easiest way would be to block this account

This is very bad idea.

If they don't want to remove delegations because it supports curation groups then it makes sense to return all curation rewards from delegated power to Blurt Power owners. Scammers will give up, they won't be able to cheat and profit on it anymore. Blurt Power holders will be happy to delegate their power to honest curators. Curators still will be able to profit by publishing reports. Investors will be happy too, they will know that the game is FAIR

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Returning the curation rewards to the Blurt Power owner is something we had discussed for possible addition in a future hardfork. I don't think it will be possible to add that in the next hardfork, but probably further down the line.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks. I'll stay here, and will keep investing. You and megadrive will get my witness vote once it's done

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes, for now I have more faith in these 2 witnesses and several other witnesses

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ah, now I understand you.
I find this suggestion of yours very good!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I believe I understand that you want all funds that have been generated in this account. Be returned to the delegators. These services keep a portion of the funds generated by vote. So I understand that it should be something like freezing the account and returning the funds, that's what I understand.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

No, he is not suggesting a freeze.
He proposes that the delegators receive all the rewards from the votes of the service.
This would make the game uninteresting for the service (upvu) and the service would disappear.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hallo Werner man könnte auch die Delegation Pro Account begrenzen so das die denen man eine Kleinigkeit zum Start delegieren möchte nicht davon betroffen wären !

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hallo, es ist inzwischen schon eine andere Lösung gefunden worden; nämlich den Weg von Delegationen zu dem schlimmsten Service (upvu) zu entfernen.
Alle anderen Delegationen könnten dann so bleiben wie bisher.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Das freut mich endlich mal jemand der was gegen diesen selfvote Circle macht 👍

The legendary ctime! I thought you are just an old generation bot or sth, interesting to see that you are actually a real person and responsible for the recent price rise of Blurt.

I thought about buying some blurt myself (about 10K) and delegating it. I think that giving the curation rewards to the one who delegated the power makes a lot of sense. I even thought for my first years on Steemit that that would be the case, just because it makes sense.

Having more voting power is great in itself because you can influence the blockchain and can give away more moneys. So I think there is still a reason/benefit for delegations.

I also dont like upvoting services, I mean I use SBI/HBI myself and I don't have the cold-heartness to cleanse everyone from my feed that uses upvote services. Still not a big fan, haven't looked into upvo, but from the name alone I would guess it is a rather blatant (self-)upvote service.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

2) Unter dieser Kategorie können Fragen zu BLURT, HIVE, Steem, Kryptowährungen, Computer- und Software-Wissen gestellt werden.

2) Under this category, questions can be asked about BLURT, HIVE, Steem, cryptocurrencies, computer and software knowledge.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Da ich die letzten Tage nicht wirklich dazu gekommen bin, mir informationen bezüglich des Heftigen Abfalls der Crypto-Kurse zu besorgen, frage ich mal in die Runde, ob da wer was weiß, was da los ist bzw. was da passiert ist. Sind ja fast alle Token und Coins um 10% und mehr gefallen und das auf einen Schlag.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ich hatte irgendwas gelesen das die usa auch das Crypto Mining verbieten will wie china.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ok, das wäre ein guter Grund.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I don't use vote trading services … I think all Delegations should be cancelled.

Hello guys. Past week I made a question if there is a Python wrapper to Blurt API. I'm planning to create some dashboards with reports. Do you know if exists?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think that a second layer token should be set aside the main token blurt to support the voting service system so the main site remains the best place to interact with the active members of the community. If it is possible to create after we can ban the use of delegate to automate upvote on the first layer.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

3) Empfehlenswerte Posts

3) Recommendable posts

Hier könnt ihr Posts vorstellen, die ihr auf irgendeine Weise beachtenswert findet.

Here you can present posts that you find noteworthy in some way.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wir haben ein neues Blurt-Mitglied.
Er ist Priester und ich denke, es wäre gut ihn zu unterstützen,
denn er ist wohl sehr engagiert.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you to bring him to blurt!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Tech club 2nd edition , but i still need to do more sessions to let people interact.

And contests from powerblurt for new users


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Funny comments mini-contest that gathers blurtians in one place to exchange their views

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I recommend this post because of the beauty of the divers recipe we can discover there

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

4) Wunschzettel

4) Wish List


Hier möchte ich unsere Wünsche sammeln, die wir an unsere Entwickler, Zeugen oder die Mitglieder der Foundation richten möchten. Ich werde eure Wünsche ein bisschen ordnen und jeden Sonntag erneut posten. Erfüllte Wünsche werde ich durchstreichen.
Leider hatte ich wegen der zeitaufwendigen Auseinandersetzungen um das Thema Vote-Trading-Services noch keine Zeit, eure Wünsche zu übersetzen und zu ordnen. Ich werde sie aber sammeln. Sie gehen nicht verloren.

Here I would like to collect our wishes that we would like to address to our developers, witnesses or the members of the Foundation. I will organize your wishes a bit and post them again every Sunday. I will cross out wishes that have been fulfilled.
Unfortunately, due to the time-consuming disputes about vote-trading services, I have not yet had time to translate and arrange your requests. But I will collect them. They will not be lost.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Look like no wishes this week 😅

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I wish more peace and health to all the member of the community.

For me it's the same request of last week. Python packages to help getting Blurt data

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I wish for self-upvoting to get banned.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Somehow I feel like I lost a friend...I don't know what went wrong.😞

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Too much to work.
Too many difficulties at the moment in my life :(
No time for dicord private conversations :(
Otherwise all good.
I wish you all the best!

Good evening sir,
Difficulties in life are temporary, be strong. There are better days coming.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Almost lost my dream, gosh..
Very touched to hear your answer. Now I know my mistake..
Thank you for coming, I hope you stay strong and calm in the face of difficulties/problems with the best solutions. If I can help then I will try. Hopefully in good health always @double-u.🙂

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

5) BLURT Single Meeting Point


  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Good evening everyone... I hope no body is single this week 🙈


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hehe, not everyone is that lucky 🤣

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Happy day of work. Temporary single but not for long

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

One week yes an one week no ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You are always single 😅 but i will let @freakaeo find some of your marriage pics . Lol 😂

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Wow.....I am just seeing this, I guess it must have been the period where the notification on blurt stopped working.

This is beautiful 😍😍😍😍😍

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Happy wedding day.
The weekend many people got married in my area.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hello to all!
Stupid question, of course, but I could not solve it myself.
I haven't been to BLURT for a while and I recently returned. I will not talk about my impressions now, they are contradictory. Something I like, something not very much, some things I have not yet understood. But I hope to figure it out.
Being limited in time, I decided to delegate most of my power to the bot so that my power does not stand idle when I am away. The most famous (on other platforms too) for me was the upvu bot.

The first indignation I got in the comment from @elkezaksek. Knowing that the platform's rules do not prohibit delegation to bots, I did not understand her outrage. But when I read this post and all the comments to it, I realized what the essence of the question is.

My solution is very simple. I want to withdraw my delegation from the UPVU bot. But if I know how to execute the delegation (this can be easily done in my wallet), then I do not understand how to recall the delegation back.
I tried to do it via https://blurtworld.org/@bambuka but this page is not loading for me. I may have typed the wrong website address.
My question is as follows.
How can I revoke a delegation?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hi, you have delegated to upvu and to tomoyan.
When it is eliminated, I will vote you.

Delegatee BP Vesting Date
upvu 40054.670 38478023085 2021/11/21 09:11:21
tomoyan 15020.488 14429245663 2021/11/21 09:29:21

To withdraw your delegations:
Go to your wallet.
Next to Blurt-Power click on Delegation.
Then you have to send 0.
You must be logged in with your active key.

It takes 7 days until the BP is back with you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Heh ... this turned out to be easier than I thought. Yes, I just did that, withdrew both delegations. Thanks for your answer and help.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Fine! Thanks from the Community! ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It was not difficult when you know why you are doing it.
By the way, this is thanks to your post;)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Muss man zusätzlich 0 BP senden oder reicht es auch aus wenn man bei der Delegation auf den Button "Revoke" klickt? Bei mir wird nichts mehr gelistet, außer expire on 2021-12-16.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sorry! Ich habe das nicht aktuell getestet, sondern so aufgeschrieben, wie ich es von vor langer Zeit im Gedächtnis hatte.

Bei bambuka scheint es so funktionier zu haben ;-)

Wenn dein Weg über die Wallet anders verlief, sind wir natürlich interessiert daran.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ok, danke dir. Ich warte bis zum 16.12, dann weiss ich mehr.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This is a good decision for the future of the platform, to be honest I've also used that vote for my personal posts, and it's only a little, so to enliven my posts that other people rarely notice, but if you say like that, I will immediately remove it, and I think it will be better for all of us here.
But I also asked a little about the free upvote service provided by Droida, is that also prohibited?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

wow I'm also curious about your question about dr

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

There is no definite answer from them

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Let's wait for the next few days

This is a kind of the danger game.So many thanks for your laboratory in this platform. I 100% agree with your blurt art. Thank you!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I totally agree with your opinion about the plan to remove delegation, because in my opinion delegation to a large account only benefits one side and benefits users who have large capital.

those who have big capital just sit back and make fake posts and get votes from the big accounts they have delegated.

imagine if blurt account users just joined, they have no capital, no followers on their account and only get small votes from small accounts too,
because new user no modal to delegate to big account.

that is my opinion about delegation, and once again, I totally agree with the opinion and plan to remove delegation to big accounts.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Regarding Buyers,

  1. We need to Run Ads so we can reach people with money or reach people with reach;

  2. Groups or some kind of feature for chat, or other organizing Tool apart from adding friends, which allows for something deeper than the Notifications tab, would be better than removing Delegations;

  3. We need people to Advertise Delegation Scripts. Say I'm a nerd who plays video games all day every day and I inherit $1,000,000, if I can invest that in BLURT, create a Curation Program, and then have a Delegation script to pay people, now maybe I have an investment.

  4. There was a Tool called Gun Bot, and I'm sure there are several others. Right now BLURT is very, very, very low in trade Volume, so really the biggest thing you could do to earn is buy 50,000,000 and Stake. But what the Stock Market Industry does is have Pro Traders traced by software, and amateur traders can basically be in a Curation Trail. Do if they trade $1,000 in one trade, the Tracers can have it set to ratio and do $1 or $100, so it's a Curation Trail type trading Mechanism. These people then also would discuss trades all day to get more people to join.

  5. The BLURT Bot in the Discord, we need more of these. Like Delegation Summon a Votes, for yourself and others if possible. And again, all these Scripts should be double monetized by being part of courses the person teaches about the software, or software they sell for the seller to set up on there end and operate. This way the Dev can run 100 accounts instead of 1, and create a Fee there while having many of their own.

  6. Curation Trail tips should be being shared on Steemit and HIVE, we should have groups there where we tell everyone to Buy BLURT, while also teaching as many tips and tricks for those platforms as possible. If soon BLURT is Equal to STEEM in value, we could buy up STEEM with 1/3 of our BLURT, and award people TRX and STEEM Back Dollars $7.00 right now, and tell them to buy BLURT.

BLURT Token, BYT, etc, on HIVE-Engine,
We should be doing more things like that, all over HIVE, BSC, TRX, ETH, etc. I am about to be operating a PancakeSwap Clone here and do all announcements and updates here, then share these links out to Social media so my Token holders can join BLURT and earn under me.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Just buy Blurt. It starts with you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You can only Buy so much,
At some point we need like 100,000 people and 1,000,000 people.

So many positive comments and comments also against of removal of delegation trading services. Hope you big guns will take a good step to make the matter better and no one will have to face difficulties in this beautiful community by your steps. megadrive sir's points should be considered by all of you. He is thinking deeply and I think his opinion suites the situation. Otherwise, you know better.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I really agree with you, because this is one step for future progress

Thanks for agreeing with my point.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

you're welcome

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Another 100% self-upvote - have you no shame?

Hi, @double-u,

Thank you for your contribution to the Blurt ecosystem.

Please consider voting for the witness @symbionts.
Or delegate to @ecosynthesizer to earn a portion of the curation rewards!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Your post has been upvoted (2.21 %)

Delegate more BP for better support and daily BLURT reward 😉
Thank you 🙂 @tomoyan

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I totally agree with your thought "Web3 is a prison, webfree is necessary".
Perhaps, there is no truly resistant networks existing in whole internet world. So, I think it won't be a great move to take down private websites. U.N. must revise their decision

We are new user in the blurt community. So many thanks for@double-u for your contribution in blurt ,but
We believe and understand that you want all funds that have been generated in this account. Be returned to the all delegators. These are services keep a patient of the fundamental generated by vote. So, It is very important to be understood that it should be something like the account and returning the funds. At last I beg you to help us for better guiding!