RE: 2021-KW 46 ~ Kneipe 24/7 ~ Treffpunkt ~ Dauer-Kneipe ~ Ohne Zusammenhang / Without Any Context ~ [GER/ENG]

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2021-KW 46 ~ Kneipe 24/7 ~ Treffpunkt ~ Dauer-Kneipe ~ Ohne Zusammenhang / Without Any Context ~ [GER/ENG]

in blurtgerman •  3 years ago 

Eine Umarmung für alle, ich komme, um dir zu sagen, dass ich dich sehr liebe und gute Energie mit dir teile.
Ich hoffe, alle haben einen schönen Sonntag hier an diesem schönen Ort.
Heute gehe ich nicht am Strand spazieren, aber ich bringe schöne Blumen für jede Dame und jeden Mann dieses charmanten -PUB.

Diese Sonnenblume hat sich heute in meinem Garten geöffnet und für mich bringt sie eine Botschaft der Freude, wann immer eine Blume geboren wird, ich denke, sie ist ein wunderbares Symbol der Hoffnung und heute bringe ich sie zu Ihnen.


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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hey @angelica7 how was your birthday ? Nice 2 see u again

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

My dear friend, my unforgettable birthday with my family and all of you together, It is a story and a very beautiful moment to remember for me and I will always have that in my heart, thank you for being at my birthday party.
In addition, the PUB was filled with beautiful messages, one of the ones I liked the most was where they told me that I was like a mother in Blurt and this is beautiful, because they look at me beautiful, it really felt very good, because I have many, but many children here lol

But there is always a but, it turns out that that day my father had a general malaise and after a few days we did the tests on him and it turned out that he has covid, so after one happy day the next the opposite. But we stand strong and united as a family to get ahead.
I am the engine of the house, so I have to solve and manage, while my father rests and is in isolation, my mother takes care of him and isolated too, I only see them when I have to bring them food and medicine. But, with a lot of hope and faith.
The energy is good, and the hope is vibrating high.
I think this served as an outlet for me. LOL
But ready, let's go with some strawberries with very cold cream, so prepare them please, I'll wait for you. LOL
Good vibes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am glad to hear that u had a wonderfull birthday but on the other hand i am sorry to hear that your father has corvid . Hope he gets well soon best wishes to him and your family

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks, friend, it seems incredible but as here in Blurt I have found so many beautiful words of encouragement that have come very close to me. I would be very happy with a big hamburger with everything double and a lot of bacon lol. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I wish your father a speedy recovery.
I hope he does not have a severe course and that you can all be together again soon.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you my beautiful friend, your words give me peace.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hallo Angelica,
och wie schön!
Bei uns kommt der Winter jetzt in großen Schritten......
keine Sonnenblumen mehr.....

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Bewahren Sie dieses auf und behalten Sie es auf Ihrem Handy, denn wenn Sie viel Schnee sehen, sehen Sie diese schöne Sonnenblume, die Ihnen ein Freund schenkt.
Küsse und.
Good vibes

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

😘 😘 😘

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

¡Hola angelica! ¿Cómo estás? Me alegro de verte aquí,
gracias por la flor, es preciosa. Disfruta el Pub.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hola linda, gracias. Tenía mucho tiempo sin verte. Espero que todo este bien. Bienvenida de nuevo.
Gracias por tus buenos deseos, también espero que lo disfrutes como yo.
Buena vibra.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sí, querida, gracias....todo está bien. He estado ocupado con la vida y la familia. Adquirí una pequeña parcela de tierra en mi país, Filipinas, donde quería construir una pequeña casa para las vacaciones. Está enclavado en una plantación de cocoteros y está cerca de la playa a un kilómetro. He hecho uso de todo mi Blurt para aumentar el precio del terreno. Una buena inversión a cambio de Blurt.

Te envío abrazos y buenas vibraciones también.