100000 Strabits

in blurtgaming •  4 years ago 


Hi all guys on August 31, 2020 I wrote my first post on @risingstargame the only game that together with @splinterlands I never abandoned ...

The fact that months and months later I find myself talking about this beautiful game is a really nice thing and today as you guessed I want to talk about my first milestone. But before we start, let's see how the StarBits (@risingstargame Token)


The rising star token in the last few days has taken a great turn reaching 0.0006 $ with a nice consistency and leaving out a dark period in which they had almost touched 0.0002 $ there was a nice climb.


1 STARBITS = 0.000391 HIVE

While the volume in the last 24 hours was $ 32.50 which in hive are 236

After this little parenthesis, let's go and see my account ...


Nothing strange classic interface and a card purchased some time ago. But if you notice a part it is hidden in fact ...


Yesterday morning finally after about 6 months I finally reached 100000 starbits and almost reached level 53 in fact I'm currently halfway through the process. All these tokenks I collected for him thanks to a single mission.


This is the mission that I have never abandoned since I unlocked it, also because I never started looking to invest well some time ago. This mission is very simple and to do it you need to have 300 Fans your account must be level 20 and the time it takes to do the mission is 180 minutes, also the energy needed to carry out the mission is 100% in compensation you will have 350 to 1426 Starbits per mission 229 XP and a small penalty of Ego = 7

If I invested well and better I would have many more starbists on the game wallet but let's see all my investments if I have recovered.


At the beginning of my journey I had invested 0 $ and withdrew every time I reached 1000 Starbits for a total of 13 thousand tokens withdrawn and converted into hives...


So if I was selling those 13,000 starbits now I would have made about ** 5 HIVE ** which is currently worth about $ 0.14

And if I go and see how much I get, I'll sell 100,000 ...


As you can see there were 39 HIVEs which added to the previous 5 make 44 HIVE

But how many $ are there?

If 1 HIVE = 0.137 $ then we have to do 0.137 x 44 = 6.02 $

In short, let's say that for having made 1 clik even a day is not bad ...

As we go to see how much I invested ...

! [image.png] ()

These were my only investments made in a moment of madness

The cost of this package is 4 HIVE so $ 0.50 x 2 = $ 1

This tells us that my income with 1 clik a day and discontinuous was 5 $

Not bad, true ... The only game that pays you with a few clicks is also good if you get close and invest well and better

! [image.png] ()

Well guys, today's post ends here, I hope you enjoyed it since it was a long time since I wore it and I hope you will start playing with it too. See you today with the daily challenge from @splinterlnads

All images are taken from @risingstargame and Hive Engine

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