Splinter Stats Season 52 Report

in blurtgaming •  4 years ago 

I have been extremely busy last week and became unable to interact on blockchain very much. I missed out on many rewards including the usual level of rewards I was getting through playing @splinterlands Now I feel like I will be able to put more attention towards my usual work. It was great to see the latest HIVE fork go through without any trouble as we used to get during the days there was only STEEM.

Because I was busy, I missed out on purchasing @splinterlands skins at a discounted price. This is something I have been teasing for some time. I'm loading up on the skins which are very much below the radar for most players.

Start Playing The Game Here

Match Report


Diamond Rank362
Rating3103 - Diamond II
Rating High3103
Total Rating Movements (+-)2453
Ranked Ratio (Win/Loss+Draw)1.56 (70/43/2)
Longest Streak8
Highest Rated Win vs@taug (3490)

I could have made it to Diamond I easily if I had more free time at hand. Honestly I would love to focus on blockchain full time. Life is not that great when it comes to such conveniences. At least I have managed to HODl so far without any crypto to fiat sales.

Top 10 Summoner Usage

SummonerFrequencyTeams FieldedWin Rate
Yodin Zaku4133.88%75.61%
Daria Dragonscale2319.01%60.87%
Lir Deepswimmer1411.57%78.57%
Alric Stormbringer1411.57%35.71%
Contessa L'ament97.44%66.67%
Malric Inferno75.79%28.57%
Tyrus Paladium54.13%40.00%
Byzantine Kitty43.31%75.00%
Chanseus the Great21.65%0.00%
Wizard of Eastwood10.83%0.00%

It is again the very usual Summoner usage which I have maintained throughout the season. In my next report you will see me having used Wizard of Eastwood more :-)

Top 100 Monster Usage

MonsterFrequencyTeams FieldedWin Rate
Furious Chicken6957.02%56.52%
Ferexia General3831.40%76.32%
Pirate Archer1613.22%56.25%
Tortisian Chief1613.22%87.50%
Crustacean King1512.40%60.00%
Sea Monster1411.57%57.14%
Kobold Miner1411.57%64.29%
Ruler of the Seas1411.57%78.57%
Fineas Rage1411.57%71.43%
Sacred Unicorn1411.57%50.00%
Serpentine Spy1310.74%92.31%
Sand Worm129.92%83.33%
Ettin Spearman129.92%75.00%
Fire Beetle129.92%75.00%
Dragon Jumper119.09%72.73%
Creeping Ooze108.26%50.00%
The Kraken97.44%77.78%
Beetle Queen97.44%66.67%
Captain's Ghost97.44%100.00%
Feasting Seaweed75.79%57.14%
Imp Bowman75.79%42.86%
Divine Healer75.79%14.29%
Spark Pixies64.96%100.00%
Silvershield Archers64.96%50.00%
Undead Priest54.13%60.00%
Silvershield Sheriff54.13%40.00%
Tower Griffin54.13%20.00%
Battering Ram54.13%20.00%
Living Lava54.13%80.00%
Screeching Vulture43.31%25.00%
Ice Pixie43.31%25.00%
Horny Toad43.31%75.00%
Molten Ogre43.31%100.00%
Sabre Shark43.31%100.00%
Sea Genie43.31%100.00%
Prismatic Energy43.31%100.00%
Zalran Efreet32.48%100.00%
Phantom of the Abyss32.48%100.00%
Haunted Spirit32.48%100.00%
Two Gun Pete32.48%33.33%
Halfling Alchemist32.48%66.67%
Silvershield Assassin32.48%66.67%
Wood Nymph32.48%33.33%
Pirate Captain32.48%33.33%
Shadowy Presence32.48%100.00%
Coral Wraith32.48%33.33%
Electric Eels32.48%66.67%
Elven Cutthroat32.48%66.67%
Demented Shark32.48%100.00%
Cursed Slimeball21.65%100.00%
Mermaid Healer21.65%50.00%
Khmer Princess21.65%50.00%
Battle Orca21.65%0.00%
Ancient Lich21.65%100.00%
Grim Reaper21.65%100.00%
Spirit Miner21.65%50.00%
Azmare Harpoonist21.65%100.00%
Lone Boatman21.65%0.00%
Undead Rexx21.65%50.00%
Naga Windmaster21.65%100.00%
Twisted Jester21.65%50.00%
Exploding Dwarf21.65%0.00%
Flame Monkey21.65%100.00%
Nectar Queen21.65%50.00%
Giant Scorpion21.65%50.00%
Cave Slug21.65%50.00%
Torhilo the Frozen21.65%50.00%
Serpentine Mystic21.65%100.00%
Kron the Undying10.83%100.00%
Spirit Druid Grog10.83%100.00%
Goblin Dartling10.83%0.00%
Mischievous Mermaid10.83%0.00%
Undead Badger10.83%100.00%
Ant Miners10.83%100.00%
Silvershield Bard10.83%100.00%
Dwarven Wizard10.83%0.00%
Naga Fire Wizard10.83%100.00%
Skeleton Assassin10.83%0.00%
Fire Elemental10.83%100.00%
Fire Spitter10.83%0.00%
Highland Archer10.83%100.00%
Goblin Thief10.83%0.00%
Haunted Spider10.83%100.00%

Furious Chicken is one of the greatest Reward Cards ever printed. It is probably one of the greatest creations in the entire NFT market. It has so much use, so little in game resource consumption and it is still not a very expensive card to buy and HODL i your portfolio.

Win Rate by Ruleset

RulesetFrequencyWin Rate
Noxious Fumes1450.00%
Holy Protection1464.29%
Reverse Speed1361.54%
Heavy Hitters1163.64%
Silenced Summoners1040.00%
Close Range9100.00%
Target Practice944.44%
Spreading Fury944.44%
Lost Legendaries862.50%
Armored Up862.50%
Equal Opportunity862.50%
Taking Sides742.86%
Healed Out785.71%
Explosive Weaponry757.14%
Little League616.67%
Back to Basics633.33%
Even Stevens540.00%
Melee Mayhem560.00%
Weak Magic520.00%
Up Close & Personal580.00%
Rise of the Commons450.00%
Fog of War333.33%
Keep Your Distance3100.00%
Aim True366.67%
Lost Magic30.00%
Broken Arrows250.00%
Super Sneak20.00%

I'm impressed by the 100% win rate for Close Range. Keep Your Distance only had 3 Battles. It could be just being lucky. Close Range performance is a much better highlight this season!.

Rewards Report

Standard Foil Cards
Total Standard532290
Gold Foil Cards
Total Gold21000

Loot Chests

Reward ChestsDailiesSeasonTotal💲DEC💲
Legendary Potions16521840
Alchemy Potions2012321600
UNTAMED Packs0000
Cards (Total)3421553290

Captured DEC (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsDEC Earned

Total Ranked Play Rewards

Total Ranked Play Earnings
23604 DEC

I managed to get a Ancient Lich worth $4.889 under current market prices from the Season Rewards. One more of these Cards and I will have it Leveled up to Level 3. Only 64.51% of the cards have been printed so far. I think I will have a good chance at this.

23604 DEC from earnings. It is not too bad considering the fact that there are millions living with less that $1 per day. Every single person who is reading this on the day of publishing is in a somewhat fortunate situation. Let's get the best out of it and work to build a better future for everyone!

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