Future of @splinterlands Among Bitcoin Runes, LeoDEX and a Changing Industry

in blurtgaming •  2 months ago 

We are going through a time where most of the attention of cryptosphere is towards BTC and few other altcoins such as Solana. We may have a bull market; just not a full blown alt season. We did see some massive price increases in memecoins and some gaming focused cryptocurrencies. There are well performing projects in other industries as well. What we lack is full blown euphoria + volatility that massively surpass BTC.

Runes + Industry Report

It is in this context we are going to have to onboard more users and expand the operations of @splinterlands + Invennium. I don't see BTC being a good platform for smart contracts and DAPPs. The whitepaper title reads: "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System". It does not talk about self executing arbitrary contracts. The block time of 10 minutes is another road block.

Yet I have learned not to underestimate a strong narrative combined with hype and speculation. BTC Maximalists can be a cult of its own. If any of the @splinterlands assets could be wrapped to BTC as we have done for Ethereum and WAX, it could be worth giving a shot in order to gain more exposure. This wrapping should be done without any promises to support wrapping forever. If maintaining our Cards, SPS, Plots, etc. on BTC (or any other DLT), @splinterlands should have the choice to close the bridge and move on.

Match Report


Champion Rank1216
Rating3920 - Champion III
Rating High3920
Ratio (Win/Loss)1.05 (189/180)
Longest Streak8

Overall, I am happy with where I am. I could have done better and I aim to do better and reach Champion II next time. I came very close to accomplishing this goal. As long as I perform a little bit better, I should have better news when I make a report next time.

Rewards Report

Earnt Tokens (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsTokens Received
189✨ 15846 Glint + ⭐489.627 SPS

Glint season rewards will show in the season they are claimed.

At the end of the Season I eagerly buy as many Draws as possible. I am looking into rarity specific draws that have been added recently. They were not available immediately after the Season Rewards. Hence I moved to Master + Elite Draws.

The Rewards themselves are all over the place and less predictable. Despite that I was able to Level Up two of the Legendary Cards I own. Frexian Hero is the best among these IMHO. Reflection Shield along with Weapons Training can could shift the tides of Battle in the right Ruleset.

🟣 Rental Report

Expenses (inc. fees)(-25.689)
Cancellation Refunds0.000

Players must have an incentive to Rent Cards and the process should be as easy as possible. At the moment, those who can skillfully manage a Collection made of rented Cards are going to be already familiar with the game. We must make the process easy for new users to rent some Cards and upgrade their gameplay. Renting is a great way to try out new strategies without a strong commitment.

DAO should keep this fact in mind when we are voting for changes in the game economy. @splinterlands is already working on making it easy to rent a competitive Deck with just a few clicks. This is a great way to bring more demand for the Cards, which will lead to better prices. We all know that better prices attract more investors. They may not care for the long term. At the very least, they will put @splinterlands back in the spotlight.

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount
Staking Rewards353.675
Ranked Rewards as above489.627
Brawl Rewards178.217
Land Rewards523.063
Tower Defense116.452
License Stake Rewards257.033
NET SPS1918.067

727.16 SPS listed above is purely passive income. Another 523.063 from Land 1.5 activities take a very little amount of time to manage. These can make up ~2,500 SPS per month in "passive income" which will become very useful under better market conditions. I am mostly sure that we are past the All Time Low for SPS. There is a slight chance that we may face one more dip. What is going to be most important is the next support level we are going to have for SPS.

$HIVE is staying above 30 cents for the most part. During the previous bear market, we were almost at 10 cents. What if we see HIVE at 90 cents after the end of the current bull market? With enough adoption, the next bottom could be even higher. If we play our cards right and market ourselves effectively, $10 price target is achievable. DAPPs (especially games and microblogging) can go a long way to accomplish this.

LeoDEX is a bigger deal than a Coinbase listing! I am not purely talking about price. Anyone can see that a Coinbase listing for HIVE will be a tremendous win for price and brand awareness. It will not do much for antifragility of HIVE. A CEX that can be targeted by SEC or some other anti free market bureaucracy can be a curse as much as it is a blessing.

Directly being connected to an entire ecosystem of DEXs that are of the best variety (native asset based) is what we need to become a stronger project. Soon we will have SPS and DEC tradable with many other popular cryptocurrencies in an extremely simple swap interface. LeoDEX handle most of the complexity behind the scenes.

The Most Important Missing Piece for The 2024 Bull Market

It is great to see @leofinance creating that missing piece bit by bit. I am proud to be a part of this community. I have even delegated most of my HIVE Power to @leo.voter. The foundations for a better future have already taking shape. What we need to do is maintain this rate of development throughout the 2024.

Happy Gaming! Happy Investing!

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