Wreak medieval chaos in Rustler

in blurtgaming •  4 years ago 


Can you imagine a Grand Theft Auto in the Middle Ages? Steal horses instead of cars and enjoy a crazy medieval life where we can even throw cows at our enemies? This is what Rustler proposes.

The title will come from the hand of Modus Games, which has announced its partnership with Jutsu Games and Games Operators to launch Rustler in early access on Steam in early 2021.

Here are some of the things you can do:

  • The game is designed to work like a GTH (Grand Theft Horse), so creating situations that get out of control and spread anarchy will be the most fun. At the beginning you will be a vulgar opportunistic outlaw named Guy who will try to make his way to the top of the social positions.
  • Rustler is a Sandbox where we can choose what to do and when to do it; If you feel like plowing obscenities on your neighbors' lands, placing cows in unexpected places, or burning villages for fun, you can. If your thing is to progress in the missions, that path will also be available.
  • Although, here your horse does not have a stereo included, you can always hire a minstrel to put together your soundtrack of doom.


In the missions and submissions there will also be a lot of the old GTAs, including the III. First we will do simple missions and we will only have a mark on the map, and later we will be able to choose whether to help one or another NPC, always having as a background a history of chivalry where the typical rudeness of the time will be mixed with nobility and blood. blue, although this thread will hardly be outlined in the demo. The commissions, of course, will be very varied, such as stealing a horse, killing a nobleman or finding the Holy Grail, being loaded many times with references to different works of literature and cinema, as when we met the Knight Black from The Knights of the Square Table of the Monty Python.


Secondary schools are few for now, but could be more if one of the funding goals is achieved. One of them will be as simple as plowing a field, but there will be another that will remind us of when we were a taxi driver in Liberty City, only here we will load the dead in a carriage and take them to the gravedigger, who we do not want to know what he does with the corpses, or when we got a little extra money by taking over other people's cars that here will be naps that before being able to sell we will have to go through the "workshop" of Pimp a Horse. Both in the main ones and in these we can hire a troubadour who will act as a radio station, to change the station it will be enough to hit him with a branch or punch him.


For the rest, Rustler still has a lot to prove and a lot to improve. The map seems wide but it is not so wide, although we know that there is a lot of region to unlock. Visually it does not stand out, but in the phase it is in it does not disappoint either, although we have to work on a camera that does not follow us as well as it should, having even caused us a slight feeling of dizziness.

In short, it seems that we are facing a title with potential that his vulgar humor feels like a glove, but that has to be polished and a lot if he wants to compete in the current market.

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