Why is this process so popular tokenization in games

in blurtgaming •  last year 


The cryptocurrency market is constantly growing. From there arose the "tokenization" process, which gained enormous importance at the national and international level. In a nutshell, it consists of the process of turning any asset into a small and/or partial part of a decentralized ecosystem using smart contracts and “blockchain” technology. This process facilitates the transactions of large markets such as DeFi or cryptocurrency exchanges and guarantees security, simplicity, transparency and technical security. With the great progress of this universe, the market has created several new types of tokens for different purposes. The bookmark category has several options.

The 4 main tokens are:

1- Utility
2- Non-Fungible (NFT)
3- Security
4- Of payment

Rodrigo Pimenta, CEO and Founder of Hubchain Technology, Tokenization is not a new topic, the topic has been discussed in the market for at least 10 years, but it seems that we are living in this era now. Recently, B3 CEO Gilson Finkelstein announced that companies should start using "blockchain" to tokenize physical assets. The partnership between the fintech Vórtx and the holding QR Capital, which guarantees participation in the regulatory sandbox of the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM), uses "blockchain" to regulate the first capital market tokens in this sandbox test.


Rodrigo confirms that it is worth mentioning that trust is the key to business. After all, this is the main problem of credit. According to him, the biggest hurdle at the moment is the regulatory challenge caused by the Howey test, which prohibits Brazilian citizens from offering any type of asset, requires the express permission of the CVM (Securities and Exchange Commission) and even then. , is only published under certain special circumstances.

My reflexion
Blockchain technology will remain in the world economy, where its main pillars allow a more efficient use of resources, reduce operating costs, expand existing financial products and their development, such as DeFi, GameFi, SocialFi. And for InsuranceFi, they still need to improve their customer service. The first step has been taken, which is already an important important signal

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