Mirror, mirror... What is the most beautiful Demons' Souls?

in blurtgaming •  4 years ago 


Those who entered the Demon's Souls universe for the first time came face to face with a title that reinvented the foundations of video games. FromSoftware devised a playable experience that over the years has evolved into a genre of its own whose work, which we return to enjoy today in the form of a remake, he baptized. We could even go further back in time and remember the unique King's Field to understand the dark love that FromSoftware has always endowed his works with since its inception, but it would be unnecessary to go so far back and irrelevant for many players who did not even enjoy the title original.


How good I see you!

Fortunately, as the years go by, more and more players have overcome the first deterrent point in this series. A growing difficulty that perhaps shows its most cruel aspect during the first hours of play, forcing us as always, to overcome very challenging challenges until we reach the point where we can unlock the progression of our character.

And Bluepoint Games has maintained all this with a level of respect that seems sacred, so we have no doubt, that they themselves have felt the awakening of hundreds of demons from their long slumber to return to the Kingdom of Boletaria, and with the certain that the original game was already a work of art in the form of a video game, the work done by Bluepoint Games has been based on updating the title to the current times, respecting and maintaining as they worked in the original to the most details insignificant, and even the least successful.


But let no one be mistaken, there are certain aspects that have been improved beyond the visual, such as some problems with the camera that now will not play such tricks on us. This time the camera is placed closer to the character, and adapts better to the environment as we move forward, always trying to choose the best angle, although that does not mean that from time to time we suffer from a blind spot that complicates things at worst. of the moments.

If in the already distant year 2009, Demon's Souls had a dark and disturbing atmosphere, the technology of PlayStation 5 has allowed that desolate aura that floods the work with each step that we take to reach a new level. From the main character, which we can edit with endless possibilities, to the impressive scenarios through which we wander in this kind of purgatory as we advance fearful of losing the collected souls. Everything in this remake of Demon's Souls looks "uncomfortably" good, achieving an oppressive setting with which one suffers and enjoys in equal parts, with that duality so characteristic of the series. Especially while we walk through the prison of hope to the sound of the rattle of our enemies. It will be very common to feel the tension in our palate when crossing any corner, or a great relief when defeating that boss who caused us so many problems, rushing after our victory swiftly and swiftly to touch the archstone that takes us to the tranquility that is breathed in the Nexus.



A true visual delight

Bluepoint Games also offers the possibility of enjoying such a beautiful work in two different ways. Performance mode offers a native resolution of 1440p (2k) and 60 images per second. A real visual delight, but also playable that we will appreciate especially in combat. The kinematic mode, on the other hand, prioritizes resolution and graphic quality at the expense of the rate of images per second. As always, a matter of taste that each player can choose at will. Although if we are allowed, we are almost obliged to recommend that you opt for the performance mode, since the fighting will be much more rewarding. Without a doubt, Demon's Souls is currently the greatest graphic exponent of this new generation that we have just started, thanks to an artistic level, the design of its scenarios, and the light effects so well implemented, they will leave us amazing scenes.



Perfecting what was already good before

For its part, the soundtrack has been new and entirely orchestrated, with a once again unusual respect, to which even the most purists of the original work, should not have many drawbacks. In addition, the dubbing into Spanish brings us the voices of all the characters into our language, with a very successful choice of voices from the complete cast, which adorn and improve even more if possible, an aspect that is already outstanding.


The rest of the elements are still intact, starting the game, choosing a character class and advancing in the dense universe that opens before us is a religion that has moved perfectly. Not surprisingly and as might be expected, the possibilities remain as profound as ever. Choose one weapon or another depending on the class of our character, choose which skills to improve and the equipment that best scales to reinforce our attributes, or measure the consequences of our decisions to orient ourselves towards the trend of light or darkness. Hundreds of possibilities to shape the warrior, wizard or sorcerer that could interest us the most with an improvement system as extensive as it is addictive.


Demon's Souls Remake is one of the best launch titles of how many changes generations we can remember. We still would have liked a greater implementation of the DualSense possibilities, which go quite unnoticed. An immense work for possibilities and duration, practically perfect, born more than 10 years ago that returns totally renewed thanks to the PlayStation 5 hardware, also demonstrating that Bluepoint Games is established as a development studio full of talent that should not be missed. of sight, especially after this immense gift that he has left us.

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