Free for 24 hours only on the Epic Games Store

in blurtgaming •  4 years ago  (edited)


Epic Games Store maintains its peculiar promotion and after offering us works such as Metro 2033 and Tropico 5 for free in recent days, today it gives us the opportunity to get a great video game without paying. And for today, December 24, it's Inside's turn.

The acclaimed indie video game arrives at the Epic Games Store holiday promotion. This means that only for the next 24 hours we can claim the game and keep it in our account forever.

To get hold of it, all you have to do is enter the digital store with your account and access the game page, where you can 'buy' it at no cost. The game will be available within the offer until tomorrow, December 25.

Claim the video game of the day here.

Persecuted and alone, a child finds himself, without eating or drinking it, in the middle of a dark project. One of the most acclaimed independent games of all time that mixes puzzles and platforms in a dark environment with a story that will not leave you indifferent.

Although Epic Games has not given details of tomorrow's game, everything indicates that another of the highlights of the promotion will arrive on December 24 and the store will give away Darkest Dungeon. But we will have to wait until tomorrow, December 25 at 5:00 p.m. to confirm it.

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