Why No Man's Sky is worth the time and money

in blurtgaming •  4 years ago 

No Man's Sky Screenshot 2020.07.23 bb.PNG

Why I think No Man's Sky is worth it

NOTE: I wanted to get into using Blurt a bit to see if it was worth it. So I am starting you off with something big! Enjoy a bunch of awesome from No Man's Sky, for a hopefully awesome community!

Ever since their release back in 2016, which went badly and a lot of people complained about the lack of some things that were promised, Hello Games didn't let it stop them from continuing work on the game to ensure players would be getting what was promised.

Over the years through updates and hard work there are numerous additions to the game that was released once they had a bunch of things to add into the game in big updates, plus small ones to fix bugs and add little things as well.

I will be sharing with you a whole bunch of different things you can do or experience in the game, by showing off screenshots with some information on what can be done in the game now. But I find it to be well worth playing these days, especially since they added VR support which is done amazingly (minus a few graphical glitches etc) and they have really turned the game around.

Underwater bases

When I found out you could build underwater bases it was instantly decided, that I would be unlocking the technology to allow me to build one. So I am still working on one but right now, it is coming along nicely and when I checked it out in VR, it looked amazing to be inside an underwater base. Highly recommend creating one and putting in some cool things like lights, farming trays and all sorts.

Currently there are two layers being worked on with ideas of a bigger design to come. Collecting the stuff isn't too hard since it's a big amount of water I am in but it takes a bit of time when building a big base.

No Man's Sky Screenshot 2020.07.28
No Man's Sky Screenshot 2020.07.28
No Man's Sky Screenshot 2020.07.28

Taming creatures to allow riding them around the land

It only really takes one pellet or it has so far, to make a creature happy which allows you access to ride them around, but flying creatures are apparently not possible to ride. Above my underwater base is this island which has a massive creature, sometimes 2 or them on it, which I of course, had to ensure I was riding it to test the feature out. VR is pretty cool to view the world from up high, on this creature!

No Man's Sky Screenshot 2020.07.28
No Man's Sky Screenshot 2020.07.28

A variety of different planets to explore

Some of the planets you can explore include really hot or really cold planets with temperatures which can make it hard for someone unprepared, you can find tropical planets with calmer atmospheres and are nicer to live on. You can get weird planets like ones that are scaly, finned, metallurgist planets and you can also get nuclear planets with intense radiation which is awesome to look at with the change of colours etc.

Planets starting with Scaly, finned, metallurgist and then highly nuclear to show off some of the cool things you can see with much more out there.

No Man's Sky Screenshot 2020.07.23
No Man's Sky Screenshot 2020.07.27
No Man's Sky Screenshot 2020.07.27
No Man's Sky Screenshot 2020.07.24

Summon the Anomaly player hub

As part of the missions somewhat early on, you will get to summon the player hub which is the Anomaly and grants access to upgrading your ship, vehicles, exosuit, multi-tool and learning technology. There is also a range of other NPC characters with other options, plus a big teleporter allowing for community missions, or teleporting to anywhere you have one or a base. This is a common place to visit numerous times throughout your adventures.

No Man's Sky Screenshot 2020.07.24
No Man's Sky Screenshot 2020.07.24
No Man's Sky Screenshot 2020.07.24

Ships can be awesome

After you make some money you can always buy a new ship, should you have enough. This includes either trading a ship or adding it to your collection which they end up on your freighter, when you have one.

Friends of mine found a way to make really quick money and lots of it, which is best when you have millions already, or somewhere to farm what you need. Medium refiner is needed but I won't explain it here.

But the ship I managed to buy was an exotic S class, kickass ship with a slick look to it.

No Man's Sky Screenshot 2020.07.24
No Man's Sky Screenshot 2020.07.24

There is a lot more as well

With a whole bunch more in the game, I didn't want to give away too much for anyone who decides to get or play the game once again, so they could experience the majority and enjoy it even more when it is found. But when you put in the first few hours to learn and get going, start exploring more planets and jump to a new system, start progressing in some quests, you find more and more happens and more can be found in solar systems a bit further inwards or away from the outside areas.

Black holes are a thing you can travel through to another part, elsewhere which is something I will leave you with!

So if you love space/sci-fi games and the look of what you have seen, I would advise grabbing and playing No Man's Sky. The grind at times is worth it and the game looks great overall.

No Man's Sky Screenshot 2020.07.23
No Man's Sky Screenshot 2020.07.23

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