What is the history of playing cards? How many ways to play using 52 cards? Which of these is more common or popular in our country?

in blurtgaming •  4 years ago 


When I hear the word 'tas', I know why the hand is itchy and the mind is restless. Many of us have had this feeling many times, even those who have never played cards! However, for those who are fairly familiar with the game, the meaning of the word is different. It’s hard to find people who can’t play Rangmilanti even if they don’t know how to play Bridge, Bray, Twenty Nine. Now when you sit in front of the computer again, when someone opens the solitaire without net, you can play cards! There are all kinds of playing cards on mobile. Just what else to play? There are all kinds of magic with cards. Most of the street magic is with cards.

Image: Street show with cards. 

The popularity of this game is skyrocketing due to the lack of equipment in the game. What does it take? If you have a packet of cards at hand. Twenty-two colorful bahari are hidden in the cards as a nice time to spend some time. Sometimes I want to know, how did this game come about? How did the idea of ​​‘king’, ‘queen’ and ‘vizier’ or ‘slave’ come about?

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