Hello, All of my splinterlands friends,
SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! VENARI KNIFER Ready to participate. It feels good to take up the challenge with the new card. Can you tell me why? Because if you play Battle with a new card, a new experience can be gained. And new experience means learning something new. I like to learn something new.
First of all, it is difficult to form a team when it comes to playing battle with a new card, because I have to add the cards that I used to play battle with before. Even then I tried to adjust everything to myself.
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I could not play the battle according to the challenging rules. However, I used the card with which I was challenged as a front line or as a master card. Rules I took a screenshot from the splinterlands post
-- VENARI KNIFER This card is the Melee Attack Card of earth Element. After playing the game, I realized that the performance of the card is very good. Level 1 card has a current market value of $0.064 you want to purchase the cards for a total of 58.12 DEC for $0.064.
mana - 6
ranged - 2
speed - 4
health - 7
When I saw that I had to accept the challenge with the VENARI KNIFER card, I checked my card. I checked and saw that I did not have VENARI KNIFER card. So I quickly bought a VENARI KNIFER card.
Below are some pictures of the card I bought that everyone can understand.
Loving the splinterlands game, I am sharing it on various social media and uploading it to my youtube channel. You will subscribe to my youtube channel and click on the bell button next to it. If you are a Splinterlands Gaming Lover.
I will tell all gaming friends, please subscribe to my youtube channel,
Referrals - Splinterlands Game
(Photos and gif I used in this post are taken from splinterlands.com for this post purpose only)