The game of intellect is chess and its birth story

in blurtgaming •  4 years ago 

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What would happen if the chess board looked small, enough intelligence and strategy to play this game. Chess is one of the most popular sports in the world. It is better known as the game of intellect. The use of computers in the game of chess in the last century has made it more popular and a topic of discussion. Many of you may have heard of that 1998. In 1998, international grandmaster Gary Kasparov played chess with a computer called Deep Blue. For the first time in the service, artificial intelligence or an instrument stands as an opponent of human beings. Gary Kasparov won the game of chess with Seba Deep Blue.  But the funny thing is, the very next year he lost to Deep Blue. This incident caused a lot of discussion and criticism around the world. The question arose in the minds of people, can the device be more intelligent than humans?

Whatever it is, the Indian subcontinent is the birthplace of the chess that has received so much discussion and criticism around the world. The game of chess was introduced here in the 6th century AD, i.e. 1400 years ago. At that time the name of this game was Chaturanga (`Chatu` means` four` and `Anga` means` part`). In fact, chess at that time consisted of elephants, horses, chariots, and infantry. So there was such a name. But the four-way game has taken a lot of time and travel to become today's chess or chase. Let me summarize that long history. In ancient times, Persia had very good trade relations with India. The merchants of Persia saw this fun game being played in India. They also like the game. Chaturanga once went to Persia holding the hands of these merchants. There its new name is `Shataranj`.

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