Splinterlands Daily Quest and Miscellaneous Considerations - 25/02/2021

in blurtgaming •  4 years ago 


And patatrac, let's unveil the altars immediately, today was a good day, at least for what concerns Splinterlands, it was a couple of days that I was buzzing around 3500-3600 points, I started playing before the Daily Mission, and just half a ' oretta before his arrival I managed to take the screenshot with my smartphone that you see as an entrance image ...

And come on, Champion League III reached, basically there are less than 3 days to go until the end of this Season, actually, to be honest, at 3 a.m. Italian time will close, so it's just over 2 days, to be honest ...

I took the right wave, also facilitated by a few games with affordable opponents, which is why, once I hit 3700 points, I got ready to carry out my Daily Mission on Splinterlands ...

Element of Death, the idea of ​​changing this Element passed me for a few moments, but in the end I went straight, because the possibility that Life or Fire would come out would have been much more nefarious, I rolled up my sleeves and started with this task...

The first 3 victories came quickly, while there was a bit of uncertainty with the obtaining of the 4th and above all the 5th victory, I almost risked returning below 3700, a fact that however did not materialize, I I am awarded at the end of the 16 Carte carousel ...

A half disaster, a little DEC, but a few, and 3 Common Cards, including the one I like the most is this one below ...


*** Undead Rexx ***, Death Element, honestly when I started to accumulate it it seemed to me more performing, now I'm not so convinced of its performance, even if, in honor of its appearance in this post, I brought it, buying 29 units, at level 9, almost the maximum of the 10 foreseen, acquiring the ability of * Stodire *, in addition to the original ability to overwhelm ...

It does not cost much *** Undead Rexx ***, as with 15 thousandths of a dollar you buy a unit of this card (10 DEC), it takes another 100, to make it resume the 12th life available, I don't know if I will do it, less than 2 dollars, well, they would not even be that much, but I have other priorities, honestly speaking ...

Well, dear friends and friends, we have reached the end of this appointment too, Good Evening and see you next time ...

The images in this post were taken from the Splinterlands game, they were made with the help of my laptop ...

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