Here love did not materialize...

in blurtgaming •  4 years ago 


There are times when the mood is high, others when it is a little less, today it cannot be counted among the best days ever, it happens, sometimes we can do something about it, other times the troubles come at you, and there is little hurts, if not cash, in the best possible way...

I had already decided that I was going to do the Splinterlands contest, last night I had a battle with the card object of your always welcome contest, Water Elemental, tonight it was, on paper, perfect for the essay of my post, I will try to do my best anyway, because I really like this game, a little less this Rare Card, than an Element that I like crazy...

When I started playing on Splinterlands, during my first steps on this beautiful game platform I often used Water Elemental, when there were battles with the Water Element, but as the volume increased and of levels from my card collection, Water Elemental has been stuck at the post, exactly at the level you see in the screenshot below...


Level 3, out of the 8 available, being a Rare Card, I have not upgraded it for some time, Water Elemental, I don't know why, probably because it is a card that even now costs a lot (with purchase in block is maxed out at just over 17 dollars, but individually it costs 71 cents of dollar...), moreover, looking around the Water Element, my preference went to other cards, with which I entered a lot more in confidence...


Honestly, the idea of ​​bringing Water Elemental at least to the 5th level went through my head, also thanks to an offer at discounted prices that was present a couple of days ago, just to make him acquire the habit Dodge, then, on the contrary, at the 2nd or 3rd game with this Card I am convinced that the 3rd level was more than enough, so here is the reference link of my game...

Now that I have completed this battle, thinking back to Water Elemental in a less involved way, I have the feeling that the decision to increase its performance is not rooted at all, you never know, I might even change my mind , as indeed has already happened for several cards, at the present time I think I can safely exclude it...

I sincerely thank Splinterlands for several reasons for these wonderful opportunities that it offers us, and if any of you are not yet registered in this game I recommend with increasing determination and pleasure, this is my affiliate code...

If you want to participate in this very valid contest, here is the link to access it...

The images were taken from the Splinterlands game, I made a screenshot with my computer...

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