Is Dcity a good investment? 5 months later ...

in blurtgaming •  4 years ago 

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Hello friends,
my adventure on dCity started on June 19, 2020 and today, November 24, 2020, more than 5 months have passed since my first login (precisely 5 months and 5 days).

In this post I will do some calculations to determine the profit and the Roi I have obtained so far and to answer the question:

Is dCity a good investment?

Before starting with numbers and calculations I briefly introduce the dCity game for those who don't know it.

What's dCity?

dCity is a simulation game that allows you to create and govern a virtual city.
The city has your name and you have to make your city prosper.

The address of the dCity website is:
The page with the main information is:
I wrote a Tutorial on dCity, you can find it at the following address:


Report Topics

Here are the topics that I will cover in this monthly report:

  • Valuation of dCity as Investment
    • Total Investment Cost
    • Value of my Cards Collection
    • Value of Rewards
      • SIM tokens
      • HIVE reward pool
  • Calculation Profit/Loss
  • ROI
  • My Current Strategy
  • ** Final Considerations**

Valuation of dCity as an investment

In general to evaluate an investment you should always consider:

  • the total cost of the investment
  • investment revenues.

Total Investment Cost

To date, November 24, 2020, I have invested a total of 956,98 HIVE in dCity.


With 956,98 HIVE I created my virtual city.
Today my city is composed of a total of 387 cards.


In the following image there is my virtual city and each colored circle identifies a precise card (the smaller circles) or a group of 10 equal cards (the larger circles).


In the following image you can see the detailed list with names and numbers of the cards that compose my city.


I haven't bought any cards for more than two months now because I decided to reach the Breakeven point before coming back to invest in dCity.
You can use two ways to buy cards:

  • the BUY section of dCity

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  • the MARKET section of dCity.


Value of my Card Collection

In order to calculate the profit and Roi I have obtained so far it is important to quantify the value of my card collection.
To determine the total value of the cards in my possession I have chosen to compare two values:

  • the value indicated in the DASHBOARD section of dCity

As both values are approximated and estimated I consider the lower value between the two which in this case is DCITY STATS.


As you can see from the picture above the value of my city is 180631 SIM (23 November 2020).

I repeat is an estimated value because it is the result of the market prices of the cards in my possession.

The HIVE value of 180631 SIM (Highest Bid on Hive Engine) is: 899,54 HIVE (24 November 2020).


Value of Rewards

In the dCity game there are two types of Rewards (REWARDS):

  • SIM tokens
  • HIVE reward pool

SIM tokens

My city produces a certain amount of SIM every day which is the result of the sum of the INCOME attributes of all my cards.
From this value then you have to subtract taxes.

My city produces after tax 1122 SIM per day.


1124 SIM are the equivalent of 5,58756 HIVE.


HIVE reward pool

On dCity there is a ranking based on the number of inhabitants of each city (Population).

To view the ranking you have to click on RANKING as indicated by the arrow in the next picture:


The first 400 players in the ranking are divided into parts depending on the positions 1% of the Reward pool.


Currently my city has a population of 1475 inhabitants.


Thanks to the population of my city I occupy the position number 334 of the dCity rankings


The prize is daily and the last prize I received was 0,160 HIVE.



( Revenues - Costs )

Total Revenues

To calculate the profit I consider the total revenue as the sum of the following items:

  • Value of my card collection on the market (estimated value: 180631 SIM = 899.54 HIVE)
  • Total Token SIM accumulated on Hive Engine and not reinvested (14995.151 = 74.67 HIVE)
  • Total Token SIM sold on Hive Engine in exchange for SWAP.HIVE token (503.29 HIVE).
  • Total of HIVE obtained from the ranking (42.62 HIVE)
  • Total Token BEER obtained from the Brewery card in my possession (3.33 BEER = 0.69 HIVE)
  • Total Token WEED obtained from Weed Farm cards in my possession (30.84 WEED = 7.46 HIVE)

Total Costs

The total costs are given by a single item:

  • Total cost of my investment (956.98 HIVE)

Now I have all the data I need to calculate profit and ROI.



Profit = 1528.27 - 956.98 = 571.29 HIVE

My profit in dollars is 73.70 $



( Return On Investment )


My current strategy

My main short-term goal on dCity is the following:

  • to reach the break-even point between:
    • the total amount of rewards received and not reinvested on dCity.
    • the initial capital invested

When the difference between the total rewards received and the capital I initially invested will be equal to 0 I will have an effective zero risk.
dCity is an investment in full health but, considering that I always like to evaluate the worst case, in the unfortunate event that dCity should collapse in a short time I would not lose anything.

As you can see from the calculations in the next picture, to reach the risk point 0 that I set myself I still miss 157,27 HIVE.


I should reach the break even point in about a month.
When I reach this goal I will invest 50% of SIM production in purchasing cards to expand my city and the remaining 50% to increase my Hive Power.

Final Considerations

is Dcity a good investment?

If I consider the results calculated above I can answer that dCity is definitely a very good investment (and it has been at least until now).
In five months I made a profit of 73.70 $ and a ROI of 59.70%.
After four months the profit was 57.6 $ and the ROI was 42.41%.
So in one month I gained +16.10 $ over the previous month's report result and increased my ROI by +17.29.
Really good results and I am really satisfied and happy to have chosen to invest in dCity.


However, important considerations must be made:

  • The value of my city on dCity is an estimated value.
    Only if there is a market with high bidding (Highest BID) is it possible to determine a precise and immediately monetizable value of the cards in my possession and on the dCity market there is no possibility to make a bid.
    In addition, my city is worth 899.54 HIVE if I can sell all my cards at market prices.
    Actually some cards are easy to sell and others less.

  • There are many other factors to take into consideration:

    • the future trend of the value of SIM tokens
    • the number of players who will join dCity in the future
    • the future value of cards on the market...
    • the future value of HIVE

Important note:

dCity more than a game is an investment and mainly as such must be treated.

In every type of investment there is always a risk factor to evaluate and consider.

My report is in no way an invitation to invest in dCity but only an analysis of my personal investment on November 24th, 2020.

I hope you liked my report and, if you like, follow me to read my future posts and reports on dCity ;)

If not otherwise indicated the images are screenshots taken from:
The font used in the calculation images is Open Source
the images containing formulas and calculations are my property


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I have been playing dCity since the beginning when it didn't even have a website and was only running in Discord and it's been a steady stream of income since then.

As a gamified investment strategy it is second to none and it even inspired me to create Rising Star although I have concentrated on making it first and foremost a game and the fact that you can earn a little crypto is a bonus.

I am now at the point where I earn enough SIM to buy new cards every day and also take a little profit. You can't beat that!