The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap is an adventure-action RPG, the first title in the Game Boy Advance series, considering that other titles like The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords had already arrived as a remake. The game was released in Japan in 2004 and 2005 on all continents. This game was the winner of the best game of 2005 at GameSpot and we will see why.


This Zelda game, is focused on the legend of the sword of the four elements, where it will be known the origin of the sword and also know as the villain emerged known as Vaati, the sorcerer. This makes this game an expansion of the already known history of the games The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords and Four Swords Adventures
Princess Zelda has been cursed by Vaati and Link is the one chosen to rescue her. Zelda has been petrified and your job is to defeat Vaati but for those you will have to get the four sword. To achieve this goal, we'll have the help of the Minish, a rather tiny race from Hyrule but to be able to interact with them, Link must become tiny too and this will be possible thanks to Ezero, a curious character who is shaped like a hat and a bird's head and will allow you to be the size of a minish and return when necessary.

Gameplay is one of the strongest points of this game. For the date and for previous releases of the same style, the gameplay with Link was a bit rough. In Minish Cap, Nintendo innovated with a wide movement, quite fluid. You can control Link easily.
At the beginning of the game, you will have two basic attacks but they are extended by objects that you will obtain during the game. Some are characteristic of other releases and others are new, such as a cape that allows us to make special jumps and other accessories that give this release a renewed touch that still remains.
The game's enemies will vary according to the scenario you are in, not all of them are as easy as they look. Bosses are an interesting element in this game because not only will you have to go to the sword to beat them, these battles are very creative and Link will use everything at his hand to beat them, even making himself small.
Just because Link gets smaller, it gives you a game on different levels. What you can do when you are big is not the same as when you are small, the pulzes will be different according to the size you are, and this brings a constant renewal of gameplay to the game.

The graphic aspect is quite interesting for a GBA, the world is full of details. The colors and designs, make this game stand out instantly. Details like smoke, sparks when you hit the sword and other details are present.
The game's camera is an area view, so we have the ability to see everything that's happening on each screen. For me, the graphic aspect of this game remains alive even today, but I would like to see an adaptation of the graphic style as in The Wind Waker.

If you want to enjoy a colorful adventure and an attractive design, different from many games, with an approximate of 30 hours of play, The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap is the game.
My Score
- Graphic aspect 9/10
- history 9/10
- Soundtrack 8.5/10
- Gameplay 9.5/10
- Hours of play 9/10
Final Score 9/10