Playing Splinterlands. Share Your Battle. Menticore.

in blurtgaming •  4 years ago 

Helllo, Guys.

Welcome back again in my post.

Hope that you are well by the Grace of ALLAH.

Today I'm back again with another post of playing Splinterlands.
This post is to join the weekly curation contest of share your battle organised by @splinterlands / @steemmonsters team.

My Battle Link:
This week's rule is you have to use a melee attack card named MENTICORE which plays under the DRAGON SPLINTER. And I have followed this rule in my battle.


The Menticore is a melee attack card which played under the dragon splinter. It has two ability. One is Reach Ability. And the another is Flying Ability.


Reach ability helps this card to attack the first enemy monster from the second position.


Flying ability helps this card to avoid the damage of earthquake. Also most of the melee and ranged attack get missed on it for its flying ability. I mostly use this card in earthquake matches.


@splinterlands has asked some questions about the battle in their announcement post.

My Answers:

First One:

My Lineup:

My lineup was pretty strong (as I think). At first I used The Goblin Mech. Because, it has high damage ability with a strong shield and life level. I mostly like the Mech for it's ability of Piercing.

Goblin Mech

Goblin Mech (1).png
And then I used the Menticore In the second positon.



After the Menticore I used a card named Furious Chicken. I really like to use this card in battles of less mana. Cause, it costs zero mana to use. And it can take at least one attack and also helps the next card to survive longer.

Furious Chicken

Furious Chicken.png

At last I used the Dark Enchantress. This card is so useful both in Little League match and in matches with low mana. Because, it only costs 4 mana and has the ability of 3 magic damage. Which is huge for a magic card mostly in this mana.

Dark Enchantress

Dark Enchantress.png

Second One:

My Strategy:

Yes, my strategy worked successfully. And I won the battle.

Third One:

Do I use the Menticore often?

Yes, I do. I use the Menticore most of the time I use The Dragon Splinter. I mostly use the Menticore in earthquake matches for it's flying ability.

Hope that you enjoyed my post and battle.

See you again in my next battle.

Till then stay happy, stay safe.

Thanks For Reading My Post.

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